Adam M

Is "The Great Awakening" Real?

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I've been slowly exposing myself to more and more information about "The Great Awakening" because it is an increasingly popular belief system that is gaining popularity in New Age circles.


What is The Great Awakening?

Basically, many psychics, channels, and varieties of sources including "The Law of One" and Dolores Canon's books are all saying that the planet Earth is going through a rapid awakening where more and more people are awakening to higher levels of consciousness.

Some people call this 5D consciousness which is basically another term for causal witness and nondual states of consciousness.

So, basically, people are waking up at a rapid rate (more rapid than before).


Now, this entire paradigm comes with TONS of baggage that ventures into "conspiracy theory" territory with no shortage of cult psychology.


Here, check out an interesting prediction video from Ralph Smart who was eerily accurate about predicting the global situation in 2020.



Apparently, COVID-19 is a collective ego-backlash as more and more people are beginning to see through the illusion of society and themselves.


@Leo Gura Have you looked into any of this? There is an amazing amount of evidence that supports the collective move into higher consciousness. Apparently, some people on Earth (lightworkers) are the ones who wake up earlier than the others so that they can assist in the ascension process.


This paradigm is used to support many conspiracy-like belief systems such as the Cabal/Secret Society (which can't be discounted as 100% false).

However, from what I've seen. These perspectives are almost always exclusively 1st-tier interpretations and it's very rare to find a 2nd tier analysis of the situation.


I'm hoping that some of you here know more about "The Great Awakening" and can clarify what it is while also sharing some resources. Thanks!


Edit: I think that the Great Awakening is a very real phenomenon, and is eluded to by Ken Wilber and even Clare Graves when they speak about the "momentous leap" as more and more of the population moves into 2nd tier being consciousness. HOWEVER, I have found countless examples of "The Great Awakening" being used to justify devilry. 

I think the great awakening is very real, but I think it is being interpreted rather poorly by predominantly 1st-tier thinkers.

Edited by Adam M

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I think you are seeing the reflections... As above so below can apply to social structures, I would assume.  As if the human race(/Earth) is on some unified hero's journey... Hey that would make a good novel ??

Edited by seeking_brilliance

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Nah.... I don't buy it.

There is a Green awakening happening, and a huge backlash to that. But there is no Turquoise level awakening happening. Less than 0.1% of the world is at the Unitive stage of ego development and I don't see that number shifting significantly in our lifetimes.

There will be a big Green awakening over our lifetimes though as stage Blue and Orange become increasingly morally bankrupt and outdated.

The number of people actually grasping nonduality is pitifully low, and that will not change without better government infrastructure, massive education reform, serious redistribution of wealth, and some kind of serious checks on capitalism.

The reality is that most of the planet is stuck in stage Blue, fighting tooth and nail to get to Orange. And it will be that way for decades to come.

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I heard Adyashanti push back pretty heavily against the notion of a global awakening in a recent interview. He said there’s just as much evidence that we’re going backwards as we are forwards. I was pretty surprised to hear him say this as I too have gotten used to hearing the New Age default storyline being a “mass collective shift in consciousness.” But like Leo is saying, it seems clear that it’s a shift into Green, not a mass awakening into nondual consciousness. Those are two very different things but often are conflated by 1st tier thinking. 

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The human population has EXPLODED in the last centuries. So there's gonna be a lot more of everything. Doesn't mean there is a special shift happening. It means a lot more people are awakening because there's a lot more people on earth.

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I think there’s something powerful happening with this many people awakening. This is an intuitive feeling Ive felt on multiple psychedelic trips. Whether it pans out into anything I guess is to be determined. However what I can say is there seems to be a shift occurring in our collective consciousness, a yearning to awaken. But on an individual level, these types of shifts come with massive ego backlashes, so we’ll see what happens with the collective. 

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2 hours ago, tuckerwphotography said:

there’s just as much evidence that we’re going backwards as we are forwards.

I don't agree with that. I don't see evidence we are going backwards.

It's just that going forwards is never a straight line. It's always been 2 steps forward, 1 step back.

Lots of smooth-brained folks interpret the 1 step back as the end of the world, when really it's all part of going forward.

Forward is a counter-intuitive thing.

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5 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

There is a Green awakening happening, and a huge backlash to that. But there is no Turquoise level awakening happening. Less than 0.1% of the world is at the Unitive stage of ego development and I don't see that number shifting significantly in our lifetimes.

There will be a big Green awakening over our lifetimes though as stage Blue and Orange become increasingly morally bankrupt and outdated.

The number of people actually grasping nonduality is pitifully low, and that will not change without better government infrastructure, massive education reform, serious redistribution of wealth, and some kind of serious checks on capitalism.

The reality is that most of the planet is stuck in stage Blue, fighting tooth and nail to get to Orange. And it will be that way for decades to come.

@Leo Gura i get ur point that it takes a long time to evolve society. Yet we never had technology that connected the whole world which enables a level of communication at a speed that was never there before. My prediction is that we see a major part of the American population moving into green in the next 20 years. And at least a small but significant amount into tier 2 ( mostly yellow ). Reason for this timeframe is the urgent need to transform our society for more sustainability, tackling climate change etc. humanity will step up to the challenge ( because we wanna survive? ).

Anyways not saying technology is the savior, but it is one of the most promising tools for humans to evolve and solve problems and it could really accelerate human evolution.

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Those who can feel the energies knows it's true. And all the new scientific discoveries alone is enough to wake people up, the atheists will become spiritual and the religions will disappear when we begin to integrate these new truths. There are so many reasons to believe in a great awakening.

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8 hours ago, Adam M said:

Here, check out an interesting prediction video from Ralph Smart who was eerily accurate about predicting the global situation in 2020.

8 hours ago, Adam M said:


Ralph Smart usually puts out good green content but lately he's just showing toxic elements of this stage: Conspiracies ("They want to control us", "covid is a hoax") and misinterpretation of higer teachings.

I think that almost every day since the beginning of time a man woke up saying "an awakening is coming". As if the universe is not always evolving.

this statement is as common as " the world is ending soon", and millenarisms of this sort.

And the scariest part is not what they claim ( in a recent video he said that aliens gave us tech) but that many believe without fact checking for themselves. About Ralph's predicitions, he said stuff like "something bad is boing to happen", "poeple are gonna stand up and speak", "more will take the red pill", rise of AI, student protests: what you call eerily accurate i call banal and predictable.

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9 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Nah.... I don't buy it.

There is a Green awakening happening, and a huge backlash to that. But there is no Turquoise level awakening happening. Less than 0.1% of the world is at the Unitive stage of ego development and I don't see that number shifting significantly in our lifetimes.

There will be a big Green awakening over our lifetimes though as stage Blue and Orange become increasingly morally bankrupt and outdated.

The number of people actually grasping nonduality is pitifully low, and that will not change without better government infrastructure, massive education reform, serious redistribution of wealth, and some kind of serious checks on capitalism.

The reality is that most of the planet is stuck in stage Blue, fighting tooth and nail to get to Orange. And it will be that way for decades to come.

I would assume the great awakening includes this orange and green awakening which we are experiencing now if we look at this particular time-stamp.  Your answer is not reflecting the whole of the experience, right? Do you really not see a great awakening if you step back and look at the whole? I suppose this all hinges on believing in the story of human progression? 

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@seeking_brilliance To me, awakening is a very serious word for a very rare event that less than 0.001% of humans ever experience.

The word has been seriously diluted by those who have no idea what awakening is.

Transitioning from Orange or Green is nice, but it has little to do with awakening.

To awaken is to realize you are God.

There will not be any significant percentage of God-realized people walking this planet in our lifetime.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura ah OK perhaps 'the great climb' or "the great spiral ride" could be a better moniker, if it needed one :P

Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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@Leo Gura thanks for your response!

My initial reaction to this "Great Awakening" is exactly like yours. Whenever I speak to Green thinkers about things like building infrastructure, reforming education, and the rarity of nondual consciousness they dismiss me as thinking through "the old paradigm." Haha! How predictable.

Appreciate responses everyone!

Still, to be clear, I do believe that as more people like me begin moving into Yellow, the rate of growth into Yellow will speed up as Wilber predicts. When 10% of the population moves solidly into Yellow (it's less than 5% right now). Then, there will be a rapid shift. This is what he calls 'the tipping point.'

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6 hours ago, Mel B said:

@Leo Gura i get ur point that it takes a long time to evolve society. Yet we never had technology that connected the whole world which enables a level of communication at a speed that was never there before. My prediction is that we see a major part of the American population moving into green in the next 20 years. And at least a small but significant amount into tier 2 ( mostly yellow ). Reason for this timeframe is the urgent need to transform our society for more sustainability, tackling climate change etc. humanity will step up to the challenge ( because we wanna survive? ).

Anyways not saying technology is the savior, but it is one of the most promising tools for humans to evolve and solve problems and it could really accelerate human evolution.

I agree, it wouldn't be too hard to imagine an acceleration into tier 2 thinking. That being said, the shift will be slow and gradual, especially considering that tier 2 is such a big jump above tier 1 and requires so much integration that takes most individuals 10-20 years.

I make YouTube videos about Self-Actualization: >> Check it out here <<

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14 hours ago, Adam M said:

I'm hoping that some of you here know more about "The Great Awakening" and can clarify what it is while also sharing some resources. Thanks!

Yeah, I remember from SD that Green thinks it has the same consciousness as Turquoise. So maybe they are confusing a transition to Green as "The Great Awakening"

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Let’s not forget the transition from orange to green is pretty damn significant. Green is the foundation for tier 2 after all. 

Christopher Bache mentions in his book LSD and the Mind of the Universe that he had visions on his absurdly high dose LSD trips of humanity awakening in an accelerated pace in order to respond to an increasing number of existential crises, such as climate change, economic degradation, war, governmental corruption, plague etc. Essentially, he experienced visions where the rate of human conscious transformation has the ability to accelerate in response to the external circumstances and conditions its created. There will reach a crescendo where we either adapt or collapse, and in his visions we adapt. 

Again, whether this plays out we’ll see. But as others have mentioned above, this isnt some linear increase in people pursuing awakening. There is not only a brute increase in those pursuing awakening because of population increase, but there is an increase in the overall percentage of the population pursuing awakening as well due to the internet’s information exchange. This is a critical distinction to make. This is huge and unprecedented event in human history. In no time has this many people been concerned with exploring their true nature. 

What does this mean? Id like to think it means our ability to respond and heal past generation’s karma will be a lot higher than before. Suddenly we may collectively have the inner operating systems to effectively respond to existential threats like climate change, income inequality, war, global genocides, pandemics, oligarchy, AI, gene editing, governmental corruption, etc. Rather than technological advancement, human progress will be driven by how deeply we know ourselves moving forward. 

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just putting this one here: 

Terence was rambling about a lot of things and of course isn't right in all he says/predict, but his general idea of "time speeding up", complexity going amok, interconnectivity increasing etc. are on point

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@seeking_brilliance To me, awakening is a very serious word for a very rare event that less than 0.001% of humans ever experience.

The word has been seriously diluted by those who have no idea what awakening is.

Transitioning from Orange or Green is nice, but it has little to do with awakening.

To awaken is to realize you are God.

There will not be any significant percentage of God-realized people walking this planet in our lifetime.

Okay, how many times have you realized you are God Leo? still have your health problems and after all these years of self development, it looks like your health and energy level has gotten worse. So why would anybody want awakening? Also, I think telling people "to awaken is to realize your are God"  is misleading and causes more harm than good.

I would suggest that what you and most people actually want is not awakening, but healing. Healing means, getting your life force back, becoming whole, pain free and fully alive. Very few people understand what skillful and effective process of healing looks like. Probably the best book on trauma and how to heal it that has ever been written is called Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma, and this is from the book: "The disconnection between body and soul is one of the most important effects of trauma." 

We all want to feel fully alive, period. For that you want healing, and for healing you need to understand trauma.



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