
What’s your opinion of Dr. Berg?

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 Not sure if he’s a real doctor. I thought he was a chiropractor . I used to watch him a lot. But this video was cringy to me. I get a fake vibe from him. His jokes are dry and cringy. Now he’s selling a bunch of products. I used to think he was a wholistic stage green kinda doctor but now it’s like he’s trying to sell supplements like he’s stage orange. Now I’m kinda annoyed of him. 


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thanks for creating this topic!

i was hooked on Dr.Berg for a couple of weeks and that encouraged me to study keto, didn't last long though (cutting on sugar almost drove me insane lol).

there's a bunch of positive comments under his videos, claiming that he's almost Jesus for some, who have cured their health disorders with his advice, that conventional medicine couldn't...

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He's a good salesman and cherry picker. Lot of his videos are really good though. He just isn't to keen on presenting full picture in most of his videos especially when bashing on carbs and glorifying steaks and keto

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He is a scientologist and uses his money that he scams from patients to donate it to scientology. Donated at least 500k. That's all you need to know. Of course he is also no medical doctor.


Edited by Toby

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I've noticed an odd trend of some chiropractors labeling themselves as doctors and going into lifestyle coaching and self help. Seems a bit dishonest since the general public really assumes something else when they see the "Dr" title. Joe Dispenza does the same thing as well when he's just has a phd in practicing chiropractic. 

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@Michael569 I think in this happens because of video length. In this format is easier to make some oversimplifications to be prove your point.

I like his videos, it's great starting point to learn about nutrition.

@Lindsay I would rather rate him as a yellow. I would agree about his jokes. I feel there is something really off in his videos with his wife. Still it's one of the best channels about health I know.

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On 9/5/2020 at 8:21 AM, General 2 said:

thanks for creating this topic!


“i was hooked on Dr.Berg for a couple of weeks and that encouraged me to study keto, didn't last long though (cutting on sugar almost drove me insane lol)”

Lmao same. Keto and fasting was so difficult to stick to.

“there's a bunch of positive comments under his videos, claiming that he's almost Jesus”

? Right? 


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I like him, he has some good stuff about keto and fasting but I personally do better on a higher protein keto/carnivore diet. I'm currently eating 120-150g protein per day and for someone my size he recommends somewhere around 60-85g.


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I used to be a fan of Dr. Berg but the more I know about nutrition the more I dislike him. He probably helped more people lose weight then any other person on youtube but if you're serious about your health then there are better teachers. A huge red flag is that Dr. Berg believes keto is for almost everybody. As much as I love keto I don't think most people should be on it.

I shoot vids about health (

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