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Natural Awakenings

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I’ve found that in my life awakening finds me even when I’m not meditating or taking psychedelics. I know that this is rare. The first occurrence was when I had my first manic episode (bipolar disorder type 1). This sounds strange to some, but I believe, at least for some people with psychotic mental health disorders, mania brings insights into universal love, God Consciousness, higher confidence, self love, self acceptance, increased IQ, heightened energy, less need for food and sleep, extreme selflessness (I gave away nearly all my money twice even though I am normally a penny pincher), and many more things. 

My first manic episode came about because I overcame my severe social anxiety. Ever since, I’ve been sent into mild awakenings by just being fully accepted by someone in conversation. 


What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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