
Can you recommend books on nutrition?

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Im trying to improve my diet, i have low energy... My family is quite poor, so i cant really buy the foods i really want...

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You have to “put it to the test.” ;)

Dr. Michael Greger is an internet personality. He — or rather, science — advocates for a whole foods, plant-based diet. This is the healthiest diet. Go to

Think of diet as a long-term investment. Really, if you think about it, what’s the alternative to eating healthy?

Don’t equate healthy eating with expensive.

Low energy can be caused by many other factors. Do your research on sleep, diet, exercise, etc. there are a lot of free materials out there.

Edited by Arzola

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On 05/09/2020 at 5:24 AM, mavelezm said:

He is great?

All of your life you have been told that God created you. God come now to tell you this:  You are creating God❤️

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There's a book called Food Fix which talks about the dangers of our food. It doesn't really tell you what to eat but it teaches you what not to eat.

For example, farmed salmon vs salmon. 

Edited by hyruga

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"How Not to Die" by the aforementioned Dr. Michael Greger but be careful about swallowing any particular philosophy as though it's the only right one. He has things in there about cancer viruses in chicken... don't let that scare you away from eating chicken once in a while if you enjoy it, especially the canned chicken you can get at costco which won't have any live viruses in it. Handling raw chicken or undercooking it would be more of a concern (wash your hands) Also be careful about eating too much fructose. His book promotes a lot of high sugar items like dates and date syrup and the like... too much fructose in the diet is detrimental. These supposedly "healthy" forms of sugar like honey are not really much different from corn syrup.. it's just molecules of glucose, fructose, sucrose. Still the book has lots of great advice that will extend your lifespan, particularly when it comes to consuming anti-oxidant rich items like cocoa, cinnamon, ginger, and also cold milled flaxseed is a superfood of sorts that is really inexpensive.

Consider getting a "vitamix" blender and you can make some great healthy smoothies with berries and flaxseed and this blender will pulverize the ingredients good. 


In my opinion the best diet would be his diet, scaling back on the sugar and adding some lean meats and fish, so the Mediterranean diet.  Also pretty much eliminate all addictive processed american junk food (hot pockets, pizza, and crackers loaded with MSG which makes them too addictive) except for once a week, your treat or splurge day which would coincide with a weight lifting or heavy cardio day if you exercise.

Of course if you read David Hawkin's books on non-duality he'll tell you that once you reach a certain point in your development it doesn't matter what you eat, but that doesn't mean I'd go and drink gasoline or anything. ;) Fact of the matter is plenty of people live well into their 80's on a standard american diet, so it's up to you. I love this diet and the spices that americans tend not to use in their foods though that give them so much more flavor, so it works for me... 

Edited by sholomar

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anything from Rangan Chaterjee is brilliant and fairly unbiased. 

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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If you want a bible, Healing With Whole Foods, then: Nutrition through the lens of stage green. It integrates Asian medicinal traditions with modern western research. The author even talks about enlightenment and spirituality.

I guess that’s not what just you ask from a nutrition book although some may find it helpful.

Edited by Arzola

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On 11/09/2020 at 10:07 AM, okulele said:

'How To Eat Move and Be Healthy' by Paul Chek

I'm reading this one now and it has already made a huge positive difference in my level of wellbeing.

It's great because it takes you from a point where you know nothing about nutrition (it assumes you're on the mainstream American diet) and it teaches you the highest leverage factors for good health and how to apply them.

I can't recommend this book enough :)

Edited by ArchNovaElite

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Can recommend you a video tho,

Do watch, got some amazing insights.

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On 11/09/2020 at 3:07 PM, okulele said:

'How To Eat Move and Be Healthy' by Paul Chek

This is all you need

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On 9/11/2020 at 9:07 AM, okulele said:

'How To Eat Move and Be Healthy' by Paul Chek

Does somebody have link to a free pdf?

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