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Celestial Bodies

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Take a look at each of these pictures of animal eyes.  Isn't it so cool they look so much like celestial bodies? (some more abstract than others, of course) That alone is just breathtaking... #3 is incredible ... 

A fun fan theory to speculate is that maybe the eyes manifest in such primordial patterns because it is the only thing it can't see---itself. (at least through visual sight). (even in a mirror, how much time do you spend actually looking at your eyes?)

Without the visual feed of itself it hasn't evolved past its primordial appearance apart from the necessary survival evolution changes. 

Anyway, despite what's true about eyes, they are heavenly.  Perhaps that's the only truth to them... 

Edited by seeking_brilliance

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I wonder in the pupil it is like a black hole, perhaps conciousness is that black hole and apperance happens within it , but it is just a void ?

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