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Having weird fears about awakening

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Lately I've been accessing crazy new insights & levels of consciousness. But there is anxiety.

Realized that there is no "my awakening" here and "awakening of the mankind" there. All this talk about collective awakening and mankind moving up the spiral is actually ME waking up. :D

So I have this weird fear that I might accidentally wake up the whole world and move into a new kind of reality and a new version of mankind. Feeling like my body can't "hold in" these new levels and I might leave it completely.

I always thought that you should be able to awaken and still remain in the body. I'm not sure about that anymore. What should I do? Am I just deluded or what's going on here?

Everyone is waiting for eternity but the Shaman asks: "how about today?"

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Anxiety is normal for the first time, so my advice would be to let this new vision settle gently. Don't force this transformation as it will happen when you are ready. And you're not deluded, when dramatic changes happen, the whole world changes. It's shocking at first, so that's normal... don't worry.

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52 minutes ago, roopepa said:

So I have this weird fear that I might accidentally wake up the whole world and move into a new kind of reality and a new version of mankind. Feeling like my body can't "hold in" these new levels and I might leave it completely.

Don't worry mate, not very likely.. If you were at a point where this would actually be something plausible to happen, you wouldn't be afraid of itxD 

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@roopepa Reality, world and mankind is projections of yourself, i.e. everything literally changes as you change. It's your dream. And it was always going where it's going. Now you're noticing it, that's all. :) 

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