
Transpersonal Journal

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Will it be possible to lie at the transpersonal stage? Yes, if there is transcend and include of the personal stage then that means including the ability to lie. The difference will be that the lies are constructive at the transpersonal stage instead of as at the personal stage where lies are used for manipulation, corruption, disinformation, protection and attack.

What then is a constructive lie? I see two (at least) types of constructive lies: 1) to keep things in order and 2) lies as a layer on top of truth, for example in entertainment and in competition where it's known that lies are used and agreed on by the participants.

For example all the legal systems, which are necessary and useful at the personal stage become irrelevant at the transpersonal stage! So the shift from the personal stage to the transpersonal stage is an enormous leap. It will be a gradual process so the leap is spread out over decades. Will the leap take centuries? I doubt that since evolution is an exponential (accelerating) process and we are at the moment already in a very fast period of evolutionary progress.

Edited by Anderz

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I think I have done enough personal development and believe that the next step is collective development. Personal development will only improve that level and cannot by itself lead to the transpersonal stage.

And this includes a radical transformation of society and of our whole world. One interesting possibility is that the frustrating situation with the coronavirus crisis is the beginning of the end of the personal stage collectively and globally.

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A person who knows what to do is always confused. That can sound like a contradiction to the crystallized ego. The explanation is that understanding is always limited which means that the person who knows what to do is acting from a rigid set of memories. Life is more nuanced than that. Causality has infinite degrees of freedom.

And since the crystallized ego always operates based on understanding it is always confused, and therefore always agitated, even when distracted by activities or temporary has the agitation covered up with things like drugs and sleep.

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Wow, there may be truth to the claims of massive voting fraud after all. Because these Trump tweets are NOT labelled as disputed by Twitter. The last tweet is very recent but the second tweet is from around a day ago, so Twitter would likely have market it as disputed in case there were doubts about the claim. Still, I'm not sure if the legal judges will regard it as evidence, but my own prediction now looks at least a little bit stronger.


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I find mindfulness practice of confusion very uncomfortable and at the same time confusion is something that needs to be converted into inner peace. Therefore I will try to come up with a method where the mindfulness practice is more pleasant.

Conscious suffering is probably effective but not in the long run I think, because suffering is an indication of inner conflict. Maybe I could fake till I make it, lol, and pretend to like my confusion. Well, at least I will do some more mindfulness practice on my confusion because that's an important key I believe.

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Wait a minute! Mindfulness practice is personal development, meaning personal stage development. My strategy is to move into transpersonal development. So instead of mindfulness practice of confusion I can just drop all that effort.

My idea is that it's enough to understand how things like confusion and agitation work and to have done enough personal development work to then be able to basically just sit back and wait. Sounds lazy but it's mindful laziness.

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Someone asked recently in a chat if there is anything more frightening than the idea of living forever. Very good point! I have been describing how at the personal stage we have chronophobia which means fear of time, and that question is a perfect example of that.

The crystallized ego is trapped between the fear of death and the fear of living forever. A pretty nasty situation! And I have experienced that kind of dread myself when contemplating endless time. My guess is that this kind of deep fear will dissolve when we move into the transpersonal stage.

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One powerful strategy in theory is to make a distinction between the personal stage and the transpersonal stage. At the personal stage we have conflicts all over the place, internally and externally. And at the transpersonal stage there is harmony because of the larger holon structure where the whole world is one being.

It's only a theory. In practice the conflicts will remain as long as we are in the personal stage of development. I still find it useful as a theory because it allows conflicts to continue, even one's own conflicts! And the long-term vision is to switch into the harmonious transpersonal stage, which will happen according to the evolutionary progress of the universe.

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In this new video Shunyamurti talks about the ego being toxic. That's interesting because my experience of inner body awareness work is a feeling of toxicity! It's natural at the personal stage yet it's also incompatible with the transpersonal stage as I imagine it.


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I will check out Leo's new video about goodness. Before I do that I want to start with my own take on it and then compare it to Leo's explanation. Of course my current view is probably already influenced by Leo's other videos but my view is that from a nondual perspective everything is good. And then there is a big contrast between the personal stage and the transpersonal stage. At the personal stage there is a lack of goodness compared to the transpersonal stage because of all the conflicts that the crystallized ego is made of. So that's my initial simple explanation.


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Oh, I usually criticize the idea of selflessness, but Leo gave a good explanation in his new video. There is a fake version of being selfless and a genuine version of being selfless, he said, something like that. I think of the transpersonal stage as genuine selflessness. Why? Because that stage transcends the self! And the self becomes the Self, meaning oneness with everything.

At the personal stage selflessness is always phony in my opinion. The same with self-sacrifice which even Teal Swan said is BS. And I think of self-sacrifice at the personal stage as a disregard of the self which only strengthens the sense of separation. Self-sacrifice at the transpersonal stage on the other hand is the sacrifice of the ego that Shunyamurti has talked a lot about.

But then what about integral transcend and include? I'm myself still at the personal stage so I don't know for sure yet, but a possible scenario is that the individual self will be preserved as an aspect of the Self, not as something we exclusively identify with like in the personal stage.

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Another realization I got from Leo's video is that it should be enough to just observe the crystallized ego in oneself. And the self that is doing the observation is itself the crystallized ego. Like a meta perspective on one's own ego structure.

It's even possible I believe to create a distinction that way between the transpersonal stage and the personal stage. The crystallized ego cannot by itself transcend itself, however the distinction made with the practice of observing the ego allows the transpersonal stage to emerge.

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The G20 summit 2020 has started. I will track the progress of a global digital currency. I found this older article:


"The Group of Twenty (G20) – an organization of finance ministers and central bank governors representing the European Union and 19 countries across every continent – said in a report Tuesday it is working with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank and the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) to formalize the use of central bank digital currencies (CBDC) in banking systems.

According to the report, by the end of 2022 the G20 members, the IMF, the World Bank and the BIS will have completed regulatory stablecoin frameworks and research and selection of CBDC designs, technologies and experiments." - CoinDesk, 0ct 15, 2020

I see technological progress together with globalization as a key for integrating the collective personal stage with the transpersonal stage.

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A powerful meta perspective of the ego is calendar time. Remove calendar time and the whole foundation of the modern day ego collapses like a house of cards. We can't remove calendar time, and besides, it's useful. What can be done is to observe one's own thoughts about calendar time, how it dominates our lives.

I will experiment with observing calendar time and also practice detaching my attachment to calendar time. And the idea is that I will still manage to do things on time. It's related to the nondual causality idea. The real cause of an event happening at a certain date for example is not our own planning or someone else's plan. The true cause for every event is infinite.

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One useful method is to separate conceptual time from karma. The crystallized ego is a bundle of karma attached to conceptual time.

What is conceptual time? My definition is that conceptual time is time as thought. What is karma? My definition of karma is the concept of a separate self attached to actions. So removing karma from conceptual time means to remove the attachment of a separate self from time as thought.

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Leo mentioned how morality in the form of reward and punishment is a very low level of consciousness. Exactly! And notice that this is very much how our society still operates. It's completely childish!

And also as Leo mentioned, one cannot fake goodness and pretend to be a good person or follow moral rules as a strategy to be genuinely good. That kind of phony goodness is just a facade hiding the actual stage of development a person is at.

I think of the difference between morality and ethics as morality being rules to follow and ethics being an intrinsic behavior. So morality is related to the personal stage with reward, punishment and external rules, and the transpersonal stage is based on ethics where the behavior is in harmony with the whole as a fundamental trait.

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Should then morality in the form of reward, punishment and external rules be ignored? No! Of course not. That kind of morality is necessary at the personal stage and even very effective and useful. It can be seen as a training and learning tool for ethics. We don't really know how to behave at the personal stage, including myself, so this kind of morality is needed.

Ethics is something that will evolve naturally as we move from the personal stage to the transpersonal stage. Meanwhile the usual moral rules and reward and punishment systems are helpful and need to remain and in some cases even be improved upon.

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Wow, the Trump team removed Sidney Powell from their legal team. She has made outrageous statements that even I am doubtful about when trying to be radically open-minded. She still may be correct! So I'm not ruling out her claims just yet.

I will support Biden unless Trump wins against formidable odds. From a nondual perspective the candidate who wins is the correct choice. Reality doesn't make mistakes.

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Instead of nondual causality it can be called infinite causality. How can causality be infinite when I propose that manifested reality is always finite? My reasoning is that the unmanifested is infinite and that's the cause of the manifested reality.

A simpler explanation is that causality is according to my current idea not only a result of the past. All of the future is also included in the causes that we experience today. And that's why the crystallized ego is confused! Because it tries to reduce reality into a limited box of knowledge and attempts to control reality from that narrow perspective.

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I now realized that J. Krishnamurti has already explained confusion in a similar way of being a result of a limited perspective.

Interestingly, Sadhguru knows a lot about Krishnamurti.


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