
Transpersonal Journal

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Aha! I now have something falsifiable. Akasha is infinite yet its manifestation is always finite. This means that the appearance of akasha is "pixelated" into a smallest possible distance. The smallest distance gets smaller and smaller infinitely fast, yet in our universe the limit is the Planck length.

So if it can be shown by empirical measurements that in our universe movements can be smaller than the Planck length then that falsifies my model. It's impossible for akasha to move in smaller steps than the Planck length in our universe.

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Then what about compatibility with materialism? Are for example atoms real? Yes, but atoms are in my model more like Lego bricks. Having say 100 different chemical elements is similar to having 100 different kinds of Lego bricks.

So the atoms are real. It's just that atoms are a very limited case of what reality is capable of. The intelligence of the akasha can turn a single atom into a 7 foot tall unicorn made of pixie dust.

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Oh! Could it be that water is the substance on earth that first will be transformed? A highly speculative idea, but I came to think about how water already has amazing properties and the Bible talks about being reborn out of Spirit and water.

In that case, water is the first substance to transcend the Lego brick simple state of ordinary matter. And the reason for that is as Mark Passio said, that material reality is where the rubber meets the road. So one cannot cheat and jump ahead into pixie dust. There has to be an actual and practical transformation that transcends and includes the ordinary state of physical matter.

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Another interesting possibility is that psychedelics activate the intelligence of the akasha. Only temporary and only as a small glimpse yet enough to profoundly change a person's consciousness during the time period when the psychedelics is active.

Psychedelics are then similar to water in that they provide a controlled mechanism for moving from ordinary physical matter and akasha in a state of suppressed intelligence to a state of akasha where more of its intelligence is activated.

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Our civilization is a very young one. And during the first stages of development the akasha is deliberately limiting itself for the purpose of growth and development. And civilizations need to struggle on their own for the most part in their development in order to become unique. Otherwise civilizations would merely become clones of each other without additional creativity.

And the akasha is expanding at an accelerating pace, and many more universes are born the further time progresses. Our big bang is just a recent branch on a whole expanding multiverse tree. So the probability that we are one of the newest universes and one of the newest civilizations is high.

From a biblical perspective the fall of humanity is the akasha limiting itself into a state of separation. And the Apocalypse, which means unveiling, is the Revelation of the intelligence of the akasha. Similarly in Hinduism, we are currently in Kali Yuga and will enter Satya Yuga, or have already entered that new age:


"There have been a range of dates predicted, purportedly from different methods of calculation.[2][3] Sri Potuluri Virabrahmendra Swami, for example, wrote 400 years ago in his Divya Maha Kalagnanam,[4] or 'Divine Knowledge of the Time,' that Kalki would arrive when the moon, sun, Venus and Jupiter entered the same sign. This is not a rare occurrence and last happened in early 2012, passing without event.[5]" - Wikipedia

Nothing special happened in 2012, but if Satya Yuga starts very gradually, then it's possible that 2012 actually was the start of Satya Yuga!

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One thing I noticed about the crystallized ego is that it runs on suffering. So in theory it should be possible to feel good in most circumstances. And that most (maybe all) of the suffering is caused by the crystallized ego. Shunyamurti has a new video that I will take a look at with this idea in mind.


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Shunyamurti talked about Prometheus who stole fire from the gods and was punished to suffer. To me that's the same symbolism as the Tower of Babel where humanity in its fallen state started building a tower which in my mind represents the development of our civilization and fire is an early form of technology,

The suffering then is a result of us humans in our personal stage using akasha in our own ways instead of realizing that the akasha is already infinitely intelligent. And that trick of "separation from God" was as I described earlier a necessary stage for humanity.

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Satya Yuga is similar to the new earth teachings, and I actually think it's the same thing with different labels. Brian Scott has this new video:


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One new practice I discovered is to use feelings instead of thinking. At first when I tried it I experienced confusion and almost like a blank mind. Then after a while I did manage to do things without thinking.

It's just an experiment and it's uncertain whether it's a useful practice or not. It's a vague experience yet also a bit clearer mind behind the confusion. And it makes my actions pause now and then. A mix of good and bad effects. If the practice improves I will continue with it, otherwise I will probably abandon it.

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I now suspect that all spiritual teachers, spiritual traditions, religions and science are trapped in in a delusion. Because it seems to me that there is no past other than now. So when spiritual teachers talk about what they have done in the past, or about anything that has happened in the past, they are deluding themselves.

And it gets even trickier. The spiritual teachers themselves only exist in the now. So there is no Eckhart Tolle or Ramana Maharshi other what exists now. There is no history other than what exists now. Nobody has actually done anything in the past.

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Is Donald Trump correct about there having been massive voter fraud? Seems doubtful to me. But I will give him the benefit of the doubt until the matter is settled in court.

If it turns out that Trump is correct, then that would be a huge shock. I read that the NSA has a system called Hammer that can intercept electronic votes and change them on the fly. Has the NSA used Hammer in that way? My strong conviction is that the intelligence community is operating according to the law. First of all, they can do a lot within the law that regular people are not allowed to do. Secondly, to as an organization commit crime is long-term self-destruction and doing illegal things makes one vulnerable from attack. The intelligence community is most likely smarter than to fool around with illegal means. Thirdly, the intelligence community is likely immune to blackmail which significantly reduces the risk for corruption. 

However, it may be within the law for the NSA to use Hammer in that way as a legal method to trick real corrupt powers in society. So for example they could have used Hammer in the 2016 election to actually change votes (or seemingly change votes) to make the DNC believe that they could get away with something similar in 2020. The same with how the FBI allowed the sloppy FISA warrant based on DNC's Steele dossier to go through. And it's similar to how the FBI/CIA may allow a big drug deal to take place and then just after the deal has been made they send in a SWAT team and arrest the drug dealers.

Edited by Anderz

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I think of making personal plans as crystallized ego activities. But Leo's new video made think of how the transpersonal stage transcends and includes the crystallized ego. And that can include the ability make personal plans. Leo talked about the importance of being clear about what one's vision is. It was in relation to whether to go to college but to me it also applies to personal plans in general. And even moving to the transpersonal stage can be visualized as a personal plan, even when it involves developing a collective consciousness.


Edited by Anderz

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How to access the intelligence of akasha? One interesting possibility, which I believe is the truth, is that consciousness is the infinite observing the finite manifestation of the unmanifested. And the unmanifested is infinite intelligence. So the infinite intelligence flows from consciousness and out into the world.

And the intelligence that guides the direction of our attention also flows from consciousness. Creation and evolution flow from consciousness into the manifested world. So we already have access to the infinite intelligence, or more correctly we are it.

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I will look into collective consciousness a bit more. That's one of the keys I think of a true transpersonal stage. It's also an evolutionary leap into a larger holon level where the whole of humanity becomes one single multi-multi-organism.

But there is an important difference between multicellular organisms and a collective consciousness. After we have entered a planetary holon we will after say thousands of years (or sooner or later) take a leap into the galactic holon. So each of us individual humans are not like disposable "cells" in the planetary consciousness. Instead each of us becomes the whole collective consciousness of the planet and then later of the whole galaxy and so on.

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In this new video Shunyamurti said that the brain's function needs to be reconfigured. And the ego mind defends against that change. So that would almost mean an entirely new kind of mind. And with my idea of a collective consciousness that will certainly be the case.


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I have only managed to practice my feeling-only method occasionally. My mind easily forgets about it and gets trapped in thinking instead of direct feeling. And I don't want to turn it into a scheduled practice because that's too forced I think. I want the practice to happen organically.

One way of making the practice more effective is to cultivate pleasant feelings such as inner peace. Easier said than done. The crystallized ego basically runs on agitating emotions plus numbness, not on inner peace.

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In my experience dreams during sleep are much less consistent and more flimsy than reality at the waking state. It's the same akasha though! Everything is akasha in consciousness according to my current view. And one thing I have noticed is that some feelings during a dream can be more advanced than most of the feelings in the waking state. And also different kinds and new kinds of emotions.

That may be a hint that even our emotions will change a lot when moving into the transpersonal stage. I will add that as a possibility in my feeling-only practice and be open to my feelings being changed, even upgraded is one way of thinking about it. The ordinary emotions will remain I expect, because of transcend and include of the personal stage.

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In addition to nasty emotions plus numbness another problem is that the crystallized ego is very sensitive to stress, so in stressful situations the mind goes instinctually into a fight or flight mode of consciousness. That makes consciousness go down from the everyday personal stage.

Another problem is confusion. When I practice to feel instead of thinking then confusion comes up. For significant progress into the transpersonal stage I think it's useful to work on one's lowest states of consciousness in stressful situations and move consciousness up from there to make the mind much more stable and robust.

Confusion is related to fear it seems, so that's something to watch out for too. And to use mindfulness to observe both fear and confusion and how they operate together.

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I wanted to make an analys of the U.S. election in relation to the transpersonal stage. I listened to both sides on YouTube and it's somewhat of a mess. And there seems to be some evidence of voting fraud but what I have heard so far, it's puny! Way too little to change the current result, except perhaps the voting machines but that seems unlikely to me even though I don't know for sure yet.

So frustratingly enough I will have to wait for the actual result in case Trump pulls out a white rabbit out thin air, or ends up in the history books as a sore loser. After the result has been officially confirmed I can make an analys based on the actual situation. My prediction that Trump will win remains, although I have to confess that the chances look very slim at the moment.

Edited by Anderz

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Aha! I found an interesting possibility, that confusion and the sense of free will go together. They are both a result of a mistaken perspective.

If anything, confusion is the more correct perception since free will is completely wrong according to nonduality. And confusion is also a delusion since reality as a whole is never confused.

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