
Transpersonal Journal

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The coronavirus crisis is starting to look as the most incredible thing in human history! For how long will it go on? It's starting to look scary. It could actually be the personal stage of humanity coming to an end. The CEO for United Airlines for example is now saying that business travel won't recover until 2024.

Hopefully the crisis will quickly usher in the tsunami of automation that Marianne Williamson talked about. And then a universal basic income will make the situation safe for people. It's the cocoon made of technology that is forming around the world.

My guess and hope is that the situation will remain fairly stable even though there seems to be a monumental and historical shift going on right now. It's easy to miss the significance of what is happening when we are right in the middle of the crisis.

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More woo woo! As a contrast to the crazy coronavirus situation here is a video with a New Age meditation. If COVID-19 represents the collective personal stage I think information like this video represents the collective transpersonal stage. Sure, I will probably have to "interpret" the video to make it fit with my ideas but I do believe that there is truth to a collective form of consciousness at the transpersonal stage.


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A morbid and somewhat funny observation is that members of the human species are not meant to die in the long run. Why? Because given enough time, in that case planet earth will become one giant graveyard. Unlike animals in nature we humans take up a small slice of land for each dead body, and over time all those small slices will eventually cover all the land on all continents.

This, then, means that we humans are meant to transcend death, just as it says in the Bible. The transcendence of physical death in my opinion is what the transpersonal stage is about. It's a radical shift in how life is experienced. And I mean radically radical, not just some small or even big change for the isolated individual. The transpersonal stage is a collective development.

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I got an idea about why mindfulness practice is so difficult. The idea is that the reason for why mindfulness practice is so difficult is not because it's hard, not because lots of repetitions needed, not because the need for discipline or something like that.

The true reason for why mindfulness practice is difficult is because it's impossible. Haha. There is no separate person able to do anything, so any practice, any doing, will only keep the delusion of separation going.

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From a relative perspective there are things like acceptance and nonacceptance. But notice that from a nondual perspective even acceptance is impossible. The same with surrender. And of course the same with nonsurrender. At the personal stage this is horrible! The whole point of existence at the personal stage is to be able to do things. And the personal stage is a very high level of development compared to animals and plants on the evolutionary scale.

The transpersonal stage as I see it must be some form of realization of the impossibility of doing anything. And at the same time the transpersonal stage is a higher level of development so there is more power, more harmony and more capacity for doing things. So the tricky shift necessary then is the realization of non-doership without becoming a victim or a helpless robot (depersonalization disorder).

Nonduality teachers, especially the hardcore ones, talk about nobody doing anything. I will take a look at Tony Parsons' latest video to get a sense of what it means to be nothing, which usually sounds nihilistic to us at the personal stage of development.


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The more mainstream nonduality teachers probably have the same message as Tony Parsons but delivered in ways more suitable for larger audiences. I found this new video with Mooji talking about how it takes a lot of energy to be a person and it takes no energy to be oneself, he said. My take on it is that the transpersonal stage removes the friction caused by the personal stage. And that removes the personal effort.


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Personal responsibility is a typical personal stage trait. Teal Swan says in her new video that some people avoid taking responsibility because it puts pressure on them while other people like taking responsibility since it gives them a sense of control. And of course it can depend on the situation. Some people like taking responsibility for some things but not for other things.

The transpersonal stage transcends personal responsibility. And I think that the transpersonal stage also includes responsibility in an integral way. I haven't figured out yet how personal responsibility can be transcended other than the idea that it's caused by the crystallized ego and that the fluid ego is inherently responsible somehow without identifying with it.


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Oh! Teal Swan also suggested a practice of not taking responsibility for a while and to observe the consequences. Very interesting practice! She said that personal responsibility is a choice. I will modify the practice and remove the choice! It's similar to the conscious confusion practice I mentioned earlier. The idea is that choice is a personal stage trait. And at the transpersonal stage choice is transcended.

Choice is replaced by immediate action. With immediate action there is no time to think or to choose. Immediate action requires a flow state. And also for immediate action to be harmonious it requires going above the personal stage. If there instead is a regress into lower stages of behavior there will be reckless and impulsive actions instead of harmonious action. So that's a litmus test for determining the stage of development.

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In this new video Shunyamurti says that the root of all suffering in the ego is loneliness. That's a new idea to me. It's true that the ego always feels lonely since it's a state of separation, even when the person is with other people, but I hadn't heard of it as the root cause of suffering before.


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I can see that loneliness at least indirectly is the root cause of suffering as Shunyamurti talked about. The crystallized ego is an isolated state. And that's why I believe that the transpersonal stage also means a collective consciousness.

In a collective consciousness there is an actual joining together with other people so there isn't even the possibility for a state of loneliness. And I believe that the whole of humanity will evolve into a collective consciousness.

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Is consciousness one single thing? When I become aware of my own consciousness it's one experience. But it also contains all kinds of differents things. Can something finite be aware of other finite things? Maybe not! Maybe only something infinite can be aware of finite things,

My definition of consciousness is that it's a state of being aware as a self. What is consciousness? My idea is that consciousness is the infinite unmanifested observing the always finite expansion of the manifestation of itself.

Leo has this new video which I'm eager to check out and compare with:


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I think that my conceptual view is basically the same as Leo's when it comes to consciousness (note that Leo points out that direct consciousness is not a concept). One difference is that I speculate that there might be only one infinity. And that our manifested universe/multiverse/omniverse is expanding yet always finite.

But how to fit my idea with standard mathematics? For example there is an infinite number of positive numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, ... but there is also an infinite number of negative numbers -1, -2, -3, -4 ... so how to explain that? Notice that we can actually never list all numbers. So those are concepts about infinity.

My idea of only one infinity is also a concept. But my idea is that consciousness is a result of the one infinity. Leo actually has the same concept, and it's also something used in mathematics which is called absolute infinity.


"The actual infinite was distinguished by three relations: first, as it is realized in the supreme perfection, in the completely independent, extraworldly existence, in Deo, where I call it absolute infinite or simply absolute; second to the extent that it is represented in the dependent, creatural world; third as it can be conceived in abstracto in thought as a mathematical magnitude, number or ordertype. In the latter two relations, where it obviously reveals itself as limited and capable for further proliferation and hence familiar to the finite, I call it Transfinitum and strongly contrast it with the absolute." - Georg Cantor

Interestingly, in mathematics today they call it absolute infinity yet I notice here that Cantor called it the actual infinite! Yay, maybe Cantor was thinking of infinity in the same way as I that there is only one actual infinity.

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I want to post about something that I agree with Leo about which probably is a controversial view. I wrote somewhere else that biological evolution is basically a cosmic trick. And Leo said in his new video that consciousness limits itself in order to take on different forms including evolution.

The process of evolution is necessary in order to produce unique individuals. And the personal stage is the highest level it seems where the illusion of separation still works (and is necessary). As more and more people enter the transpersonal stage the view of the world will change.

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I was thinking about how the fluid ego works and it occurred to me that it does NOT flow from the past to the future. The fluid ego flows from the now and into the future. This explains why consciousness is always in the now. All the past is in the now!

My model of reality is that all the past manifests instantly, but since infinity has no end, time flows onward with an arrow going from less information to more information. There is even a "clock speed" of our universe which is 1/Planck time. This does NOT mean that reality has this clock speed. Reality has infinite "frame rate" but in our universe there is a cutoff time period of Planck time.

So consciousness rests in the now and yet the information experienced in consciousness always increases which gives rise to time and change. The past is real but only as information in the now. There is for example a definite a single timeline of the history of our universe and all of that manifests instantly in the now.

Edited by Anderz

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I'm unsure about what Leo meant by consciousness and choice. My view is that reality is a number observing itself. A number is a changeless platonic form. A number cannot choose anything.

I think it's the personal stage that needs the belief in choice. The removal of the belief in choice can happen I believe as a result of recognizing that reality, including oneself of course, is indestructible, and that evolution leads to higher and more harmonious stages of development.

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Here is an extreme shift of perspective. I believe that the transpersonal stage collectively means eternal physical lives. And it may even be that there will be no more children! That's a scary and even horrible scenario at the personal stage.

There may be new children born if we terraform or create new planets, but even that has a limit. And I was thinking that maybe the members of the breakaway civilization already have no children!

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Brian Scott has this new video about flipping around wanting dollars to dollars wanting you. I like that idea! And to make it more in line with the transpersonal stage as I see it, the idea can be modified to all kinds of things in the future, and to treat them as attractors instead of chasing after things, people, conditions and events.


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Leo said that the universe is intelligent and that's obvious because we humans are intelligent, he said. And in our ignorance (Leo even called it arrogance) we tend to think of ourselves as separate from the universe, and that's a false perspective.

Leo also said that even to produce a single atom requires great intelligence. I want to add to that and look at hydrogen, the simplest atom. That atom can be a part of a water molecule which in turn can be a part of a snowflake, a rainbow or an ocean wave. That's amazing intelligence! Why? Because we take it for granted that the hydrogen atom just happens to fit into the larger cosmos like that, but I think that's another example of ignorance. An astronomically high level of intelligence is required to make the universe fit together as it does.

And add to that the process of evolution. That's a part of the vast intelligence of the universe. Darwinian evolution is a very limited perspective at best. It seems to me that evolution is an inexorable process as Ray Kurweil called it and he has shown that evolution is an accelerating process. That makes me believe that we will inevitably enter the transpersonal stage, and it will happen soon, historically speaking, due to the exponential progress.

Edited by Anderz

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Brian Scott has curious information, all over the place. I found this video about channeling Quo, similar to the Law of One. I do believe that earth is in a quarantine, like a real Prime Directive. But I believe that just like the Law of One, and even religious texts such as the Bible, it needs to be interpreted to cut through the woo woo.


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I will take a break from the internet for a while to move out of the conceptual perspective which may otherwise become a personal stage trap.

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