
Transpersonal Journal

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I noticed that it was almost scary to write about society as a death cult. Almost as if my own ego was scared to talk about it. At the personal stage we will subconsciously defend our belief in death. And almost everybody in society today will I suspect defend their belief in inevitable physical death, because we are a product of the death cult itself.

Even the most radical New Age believers and fundamental Christians defend their belief in death and come up with stories about ascension and the Rapture instead. The Rapture is not about being taken to heaven, because that would be the same as physical death basically. The Rapture is about meeting Christ in the clouds, meaning the ability levitate here on earth, not about being transported to heaven as some place away from earth.

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Solipsism seems to be a false perspective to me. Every time something is believed to be special it later turns out that it wasn't special at all. Centuries ago people believed that earth was the center of the entire universe. Talk about special!

Solipsism is the idea that I am the only one that exists, which would be ridiculously special. But there is something I find suspicious and that is why essentially everybody is close-minded about the belief in inevitable physical death. I'm sure that there are some people who are open-minded about it other than me but I haven't seen or heard anybody talking about it!

So there is something weird about our reality in my opinion. I will take a break again for a while to try to figure out what the heck is going on.

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Now I have an idea of what is going on. I think that our world is controlled by a breakaway civilization who has superior knowledge and technology, and they have been in control at least for several centuries. And they are already at the transpersonal stage while the public society still is at the personal stage of development.

And those people who are "in on it" so to speak keep quiet and what we have in the public society is a facade civilization, not in the sense that it's fake, but that we are allowed to develop on our own while still being controlled by the breakaway civilization in the background without them being noticed. A kind of semi Prime Directive.

Although direct information about the situation is deliberately lacking in the public society, there are hints here and there about the existence of a breakaway civilization. One has to sift through a lot of seemingly contradicting alternative information and connect it into a coherent, consistent and sensible picture. Here is one example of such alternative information:


"Is there a secret space program that is connected in some way to UFOs? In this booklet, historian Richard Dolan delves into this question, one of the most discussed in ufology today. Providing a wealth of data and context for the reader, he offers his own conclusion: yes, there is indeed such a program. But this program is not a simple extension of the normal operations of the U.S. government or military, much less of NASA. Instead, it seems to be the product of what Dolan has previously termed a “breakaway civilization,” a radically advanced and increasingly separate structure that has access to classified science and data denied to the rest of us." - The Secret Space Program and Breakaway Civilization

Richard Dolan seems to be a credible researcher and it was he who coined the term breakaway civilization, and he has mentioned the possibility of an ancient breakaway civilizations but most of his information is about more recent history and more at a public level than what I believe is the real situation. I will that another look at some of his information.

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If there are many people who know about the breakaway civilization, then how come nobody has talked about it? Surely someone would would sooner or later deliberately or by mistake reveal its existence? The mistake made in that argument is to look at it from a personal stage perspective.

At the transpersonal stage there is inherent integrity due to being above the conflicts of the personal stage. So the information is kept secret automatically if all the people who know about the existence of the breakaway civilization themselves are at the transpersonal stage.

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Dolan said that there are a lot of connections between the intelligence agencies and things related to the breakaway civilization. And I came to think of how the intel agencies are very good at keeping secrets. Probably most of the people working in the intelligence community are at the personal stage of development but they heavily use compartmentalization so that's probably how they can keep things secret.

I heard Dolan talking about the intelligence community connection in this video. And also I think that one key interface between the breakaway civilization and the public society is via the intelligence community.


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I like the cosmic explanation of the evolution of consciousness Shunyamurti presents in this new video. That's the really big picture that makes my idea of the initial transpersonal stage seem puny in comparison.


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I think that consciousness evolution is transcend and include, so for example we will still have bodies even in the very high levels of cosmic consciousness that Shunyamurti talked about. Basically like angels, or what in Christianity is called the glorified body.

It may even be that the step from the personal stage to the first transpersonal stage involves a change of the physical body! Maybe just my fantasy, haha, but I believe it might be possible. To have a body like an angel that can shapeshift and do all kinds of stunts, that's something much later on at the more advanced levels of consciousness, but some form of simpler improvement of the physical body might happen already at the first transpersonal stage.

One thing that makes me believe in the possibility of a transformation of the physical body is that when practicing inner body awareness it becomes really clear that the physical body at the personal stage of development is in a really limited and suffering form.

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My current view is that the physical body is already an information avatar even at the personal stage of development. The Wolfram Physics Project, which I believe is correct, shows that reality is made of only space which in turn is a web of nothingness!

So what we perceive as atoms and molecules are merely shapes of space which in turn is a web of empty points connected to each other. And my idea is that when the level of consciousness increases enough it can start to modify the physical body by restructuring the vacuum energy of space.

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I came up with an idea to think of the material view as correct but incomplete. So for example atoms are real objects. The problem with the material view appears when it's taken as a complete perspective. The basic problem is to believe that objects actually are separate while the correct view is that reality is an interconnected wholeness.

Another idea I got is that there is only one infinity, and the different kinds of infinities they use in math are useful but that they lead to problems. For example take a real number and what is the next nearest larger number? The answer is: there is no such next number! That to me means that there is something false about the idea of real numbers.

I will take another look at Leo's video about perspectives and compare it with my new ideas. The personal perspective is connected to the material view taken as being a complete perspective. And the transpersonal perspective is the recognition that separations are appearances within an interconnected whole.


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One key observation Leo explained in the video about perspectives is that we tend to take on new perspectives still from a position of our current perspective. So for example when I try to see something from a Chinese perspective I add my own beliefs about that on top of my western perspective which colors the whole thing western. So I'm still actually looking at it from a western perspective.

This is crucially important when it comes to the personal stage vs the transpersonal stage. I'm adding my beliefs about the transpersonal stage while still remaining in and experiencing from my personal perspective. That's valid I think because one has to start somewhere but it's useful to be aware of what one's perspective actually is.

The whole foundational perspective needs to change from a personal to a transpersonal perspective. And it will result in a shift of the entire experience of oneself and of the world. One difference I came to speculate about is that from the personal perspective we experience things going wrong and from the transpersonal perspective we will experience everything as always perfect (be perfect therefore as your Father in heaven is perfect, as it says in the Bible).


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One interesting practice I discovered is to think pleasant thoughts. Not the usual kind of positive thinking that still takes the thoughts seriously. Instead the practice is to examine if the thoughts themselves can become pleasant.

So in this practice it's not about what the thoughts are about necessarily being pleasant or desirable. It's about examining the thinking process itself. Why do some thoughts produce pleasant feelings while others cause suffering? The obvious answer is from a personal perspective that a thought about winning a million dollars is more pleasant than a thought about losing a million dollars.

The transpersonal stage is to even go beyond thinking into trans-conceptual awareness. The practice of pleasant thoughts is just a method I will test to explore the nature of thoughts and question their habitual and emotional content. As a step towards true trans-conceptual awareness.

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What happens when I practice thinking pleasant thoughts is that the thoughts get weaker! I suspect that's because thoughts are fueled by suffering and when the suffering diminishes the thoughts get weaker.

Eckhart Tolle talked about thinking with the whole body, and I heard Sadhguru saying that he is thinking with his whole body. That sounds like the transpersonal stage. So my next step is to practice thinking with the whole body to test if I can find if there is some truth to that claim.

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I got an idea that we have a lot of lower personal stages in us subconsciously. This is I believe because in stressful situations we regress into more instinctual and therefore subconscious behavior. Those ancient habits need to be reprogrammed too! So I will revisit Leo's video about the earlier stages of ego development.


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The personal and prepersonal stages include the death drive (thanatos). I even propose that those stages are the death drive. And it's a result of struggle for survival throughout billions of years of evolution.

The primordial struggle at those stages is a result of the belief in and experience of separation. What will happen when that separation is healed? My answer is that then the death drive is removed.

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I wrote earlier that the map is the same as the territory. I thought that was funny and it's also true! It's true from the highest perspective where everything is content in consciousness. Map = content, territory = content, ergo map = territory. Q.E.D.

In the relative context the map is of course not the same as the territory. And the mistake we make at the personal stage is to take our thoughts as being more than they are. And thoughts can have hugely different weights to them. If I for example think of a pink elephant, then that's a light thought without much emotional content. If I on the other hand think of my personal finances, that's an enormously heavy thought.

And emotions are not just some airy fairly irrelevant nonsense. Emotions are what makes us take thoughts seriously. Without emotions my thought about a pink elephant would have the same impact and importance to me as the though of my finances. So emotions are connections to what is, or is believed to be, the actual facts or to illusions. The pink elephant is an illusion so the emotions in this case actually are airy fairy, but the thoughts about my finances, that's a whole different story, those are grave, grim, heavy and filled with fear and worry about my survival.

To reach the transpersonal stage the thoughts need to be recognized for what they are. Peter Ralston has this explanation about thoughts:


Edited by Anderz

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I was thinking that I maybe was doing this journal the wrong way because I put so much stuff in here from other sources instead of my own direct experiences and knowledge. But I found this video where Leo talks about making journals which can include all kinds of information. The Transpersonal Journal is a narrow version of that.


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One huge difference I notice it that Leo describes writing the ultimate journal as information to be saved and be made searchable. That's similar to Stephen Wolfram who said that he has saved all his typing on keyboards for decades! That's more of an ultimate personal log than a journal but I take the opposite approach and forget about the information in my journals, haha.

The reason is that I have noticed that the important information tends to stick in my mind so that I don't need to keep track of it. I do save some information as reference, but even that I have discovered is seldom revisited. 

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Leo said that feeling within is a skill that can be trained. I will refocus on feeling the tensions in my body and mind. And I will try a proactive method, similar to how Leo described how it's possible to focus awareness on the tensions and make them relax. It's a huge process but I think it's worthwhile to put in extra effort into it. I'm revisiting Leo's video about introspection to see if there are more keys to learn about it.


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An advanced practice is to question one's emotions. Are the kinds of emotions that come with the thoughts really accurate? And to paraphrase Byron Katie: Are you absolutely sure that your emotions reflect the truth of the situation?

The advanced part is to be completely open-minded when questioning the emotions. Even if some situation is judged as obviously bad, question the emotion! And if something is good, question that emotion too!

Another advanced part of this practice is that it's also possible to bypass the thoughts by going directly to the emotions. Feel the emotions directly without thinking. The purpose of the practice is to loosen up the hard, fixed and habitual emotional patterns in the crystallized ego.

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How much practice does it take to reach the transpersonal stage? The answer is: no practice! Because the practitioner is the personal stage and so any practice will merely be yet another skill added to the crystallized ego.

Even the practitioner itself is past conditioning and is a part of the crystallized ego. The fluid ego is the flow in the present moment and all the past is non-flow.

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