
What Germans think about God!

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I think this gives some variety of what people in general think about God is from they’re perspective. 

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Yeah well, in Germany we are (as basically all Western people) the inheritors of this medieval myth of God.

A royal, male grand-papa with a white beard, who's sitting on his heavenly throne and who has created the world and all its lousy creatures in it, just to judge and if necessary condemn them, yet loving and merciful towards those who proselytize and recognize the one and only true lord and savior, his son Jesus Christ. 

Most of the German population is protestant, but in the southern part (Bavaria) people are still more conservative and tend to be around Stage Blue, hence Catholicism is the prevalent christian denomination. 


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Germans are creative. I like the way they think about an unexpected question. If it was my country, people rather stare with blank eyes.

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I’ve been watching this channel a bit lately. I’m blown away by how thoughtful and intelligent Germans are. I don’t think there’s been a single person I’ve seen interviewed who was a dummy or didn’t have something insightful to say. By which I mean I’ve watched other countries being interviewed and not all of them are as smart as the Germans :P 

I would like to visit one day if I could. I feel like I’d learn a lot. 

“All you need is Love” - John Lennon

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