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Make Your 2020 General Election Predictions Here!

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Just now, Anderz said:

@Sempiternity Yes, it's a really shaky prediction I have made. And my position is actually that I'm still on the fence.

Why don't you just get your head straight, stop being on the fence, and realize that Trump lost and he's a liar.

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@Blackhawk I'm trying to be radically open-minded. If I was a judge I would say something like: okay, let's see what evidence you have. Just in case. To make sure that everything is in order.

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5 minutes ago, Anderz said:

@Blackhawk I'm trying to be radically open-minded. If I was a judge I would say something like: okay, let's see what evidence you have. Just in case. To make sure that everything is in order.

Wasted time and energy in this case.

Just see it as that Trump lost and he's a liar.

And if somehow that changes later, then you are free to change your opinion in favor for Trump.

Choose to be mentally healthy.

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@Blackhawk My impression is that the intelligence community behaves in extremely tricky ways. They have to, in order to keep the criminals in line. So in this case my prediction is that Chris Krebs is working together with Trump to preempt any counter claims. They are basically checkmating the situation.

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7 hours ago, Anderz said:

@Forestluv I trust Chris Krebs and think that he has done an honest job as the Director of Cybersecurity (CISA). I still predict massive voting fraud though. Just in case there is an unbelievable stunt going on.


5 hours ago, Anderz said:

@Blackhawk My impression is that the intelligence community behaves in extremely tricky ways. They have to, in order to keep the criminals in line. So in this case my prediction is that Chris Krebs is working together with Trump to preempt any counter claims. They are basically checkmating the situation.

If Chris Krebs is working together with Trump, then why did Trump immediately fire Kreb’s after he spoke up? Why did Trump publically ridicule Krebs and cut off all contact with him? And today Trump is raging against Krebs for speaking on 60 minutes. Is that part of the Turqoise level 4D chess?

If evidence and rationale doesn’t matter in this case, we can create all sorts of fictional stories. Creativity can be fun. We could say that Chris Krebs is actually a double agent for both Trump and the ghost of Hugo Chavez. But why stop there? Chris could also be collaborating with George Soros to cash in on election insurance. And for the cherry on top, we could throw in Bill Gates and his mind control vaccine. 

We could say that it’s just my prediction in case it’s true. I’m still on the fence about it. We could say we are radically open-minded and get attention. 

Why not use creativity toward a life purpose - such as writing fictional novels or movie plots?

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4 hours ago, Anderz said:

@Blackhawk My impression is that the intelligence community behaves in extremely tricky ways. They have to, in order to keep the criminals in line. So in this case my prediction is that Chris Krebs is working together with Trump to preempt any counter claims. They are basically checkmating the situation.

I seriously feel uncomfortable to see someone believe in so many delusions..

Unless you are trolling.

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@Preety_India LMAO!!!

OMG, I never thought it was real... that's so crazy.


Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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@Forestluv I believe that politics is essentially a staged show for the masses on the public level, I think it's called "optics". And people get stuck on the at face value surface level interpretation of politics. My attempt is to move above that and get a bigger picture perspective without knowing the details behind the public scene.

People at the first tier level in Spiral Dynamics only know how to deal with conflict. If it's not conflict, then they don't understand that, nor are interested in it. A harmonious political situation with cooperation and peace would be boring as hell to people at that level.

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1 hour ago, Anderz said:

@Forestluv I believe that politics is essentially a staged show for the masses on the public level, I think it's called "optics". And people get stuck on the at face value surface level interpretation of politics. My attempt is to move above that and get a bigger picture perspective without knowing the details behind the public scene.

People at the first tier level in Spiral Dynamics only know how to deal with conflict. If it's not conflict, then they don't understand that, nor are interested in it. A harmonious political situation with cooperation and peace would be boring as hell to people at that level.

Of course there is staging involved, yet to me you are saying that since there is any incident of staging, anything goes. Evidence and rationale no longer matter. It just depends on the context. If we creating fictional stories for video games, dreams, novels and movies evidence and rationale aren't very important. Yet if we are creating and living within a functional society, evidence and rationale becomes important. 

For example, let's say I go on a date and a woman lies about her income to impress me. We could say that she is staging - yet it doesn't mean everything is staged and we can make up whatever we want. It would be unreasonable to say "Ah ha! She just staged that! So that means she could actually be an alien that is conspiring with Bill Gates to control human minds through vaccines to create a collective Borg Mind. And this isn't even a cafe we are in - it is part of her Borg Mind and the waiter is actually Bill Gates!". That becomes creative fiction in which evidence doesn't matter. That is great stuff in some contexts. If we were creating a science fiction movie - then evidence doesn't matter and we can make up all kinds of whacky stories. 


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@Forestluv That's true, there is of course reality to politics. What laws are made matter a lot for society and policies, regulations and what plans are made. And even when it comes to the more dramatic aspects of politics, that has a definite purpose too.

I'm trying to defend my reasoning for why I would even consider the fraud accusation to maybe be true. It's rather convoluted the way I interpret the election drama. My prediction is that the whole election fraud debacle is a strategy for draining the swamp, meaning cleaning up huge amounts of corruption.

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1 hour ago, Anderz said:

@Forestluv  My prediction is that the whole election fraud debacle is a strategy for draining the swamp, meaning cleaning up huge amounts of corruption.

Get off the QAnon copium. 

It's literally poisoning your mind. 

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There is a hearing about voting fraud going on in Arizona at the moment. Lots of incoherent ramblings by witnesses. And many vague sounding claims. Some statistics presented showing anomalies but that's about it as far as evidence goes. They need to come up with something much stronger than that. Or they will embarrass me, haha. I stick to my prediction and hope for more solid evidence presented to the Supreme Court.

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Yeah I think there's massive voter fraud too but on the Trump side though, there's no way 74 million people voted for Trump.  There's no way he won Florida and the votes from Cuban Americans.  I don't believe it and I believe the truth will come out very shortly about Trump's voter fraud.  Because I believe Trump and his organization has committed widespread voter fraud on a massive scale--I have zero proof myself, I've watched many Youtube videos on the matter and I believe some of the witnesses saying he's conned his way into those votes--even if they have no proof I believe it.  So I'm making that prediction myself, haha that Trump committed widespread voter fraud.

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@hoodrow trillson xDxDxD


I have a neighbor that says so too... so it must be true.


Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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