Leo Gura

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6 minutes ago, Anderz said:

is there any other person in position of legal power in the U.S. at stage Red?

Why do you think that someone in Red Stage can't be in power? He will have to submit to the will of the people and to a lot of other different powers inside the government, but probably he will be thinking all the time that he can turn the situation in his favor.

Why do you think it can't happen? It happened in Germany not so long ago...

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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@abrakamowse I think that the nation as a whole needs to be primarily at Red for that to happen. The U.S. is at stage Orange/Green.

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He is Stage Red but due to society his center of gravity is Orange. 

 You have been gifted the Golden Kappa~! 


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6 minutes ago, Anderz said:

@abrakamowse I think that the nation as a whole needs to be primarily at Red for that to happen. The U.S. is at stage Orange/Green.

He masked his red as orange. 

The U.S. is a third blue. 

3 minutes ago, Thewritersunion said:

He is Stage Red but due to society his center of gravity is Orange. 

His center of gravity is red but he obviously has a lot of orange and because of the society orange part of him is magnified. 

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11 minutes ago, Anderz said:

@abrakamowse I think that the nation as a whole needs to be primarily at Red for that to happen. The U.S. is at stage Orange/Green.

It's not necessary. Right now what is happening is Orange/Green is trying to get rid of the Red, and the Red is desperately trying to stay in power by any means necessary.

Blue/Orange was what allowed Trump to raise to power, now is Orange and Green trying to kick him out, but his base is Red/Blue. Those are the ones that are fighting with him to subvert democracy and give him a win.


Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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@abrakamowse Someone at stage Red can't make it in an Orange society through legal means. If Trump really was at stage Red he would have been sued into oblivion by now. Red behavior is reckless, impulsive and doesn't last long in a society at higher stages.

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8 minutes ago, Anderz said:

Someone at stage Red can't make it in an Orange society through legal means.

Hitler did it... He in the beginning wanted to get into power by force, and he failed miserably.

He realized that he could get into power in a democracy anyway by lying and doing propaganda. And when he realized that he succeeded.

He won using the electoral system, people voted for him! But they were not red as him, but what he promised captured their imagination.

When they realized they were wrong, it was too late.

Edited by abrakamowse

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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5 minutes ago, Anderz said:

@abrakamowse Someone at stage Red can't make it in an Orange society through legal means. If Trump really was at stage Red he would have been sued into oblivion by now. Red behavior is reckless, impulsive and doesn't last long in a society at higher stages.

Trump has been sued time and time again, and is something like a billion dollars in debt last I checked. He has a long history of refusing to pay contractors, and generally just screwing over people he's gone into business with.

The only reason it may seem that he's not completely Red is because he lives in an Orange/Green society, that puts serious Constraints on what he's able to get away with.

Edited by DocWatts

I have a Substack, where I write about epistemology, metarationality, and the Meaning Crisis. 

Check it out at : https://7provtruths.substack.com/

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@DocWatts Trump is still in power. I think that a person really at stage Red would have been impeached by now. And I don't believe that the U.S. legal system is somehow conspiring to protect Trump.

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Compare Trump to someone like Jeff Bazos if you want a good comparison of between Red and Orange.

If the concept of a fascist Cult of Personality forming around Jeff Bazos sounds ridiculous, that's because there's a tangible difference between an individual who's actually at stage Orange, and Trump who's only masquerading from Red.

I have a Substack, where I write about epistemology, metarationality, and the Meaning Crisis. 

Check it out at : https://7provtruths.substack.com/

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@DocWatts But a person at a lower stage in Spiral Dynamics literally doesn't understand the higher stages. So it's impossible to fake a higher stage. It is however possible to play the game of lower stages from a position at a higher stage.

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5 minutes ago, Anderz said:

So it's impossible to fake a higher stage.

But he is not faking anything. He is acting like what he is... people voted him because he was supposed to bring "traditional values" that in fact are in a lower stage than Green. Remember that Orange demonizes green, Trump used that to get into power. But is not necessary for him to fake a higher stage. The higher stages voted for him anyway, they knew the cost, but they were willing to pay it to stop the Green advance, or socialism as they call it. hehehehe...

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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4 minutes ago, Anderz said:

@DocWatts But a person at a lower stage in Spiral Dynamics literally doesn't understand the higher stages. So it's impossible to fake a higher stage. It is however possible to play the game of lower stages from a position at a higher stage.

Spiral Dynamics also tells us that people tend to think of themselves as two stages higher than they really are; ie alot of Orange Libertarian types would probably think of themselves as Systems Thinkers, when in actuality they're more likely to be in a less advanced paradigm (logical positivism, or material reductionism).

Red can have a conception of what Orange is without fully embodying it, just like Blue can have a conception of what a New Age hippie is, without a deeper understanding of the nuances of that worldview. 

And I'm not arguing that Trump has no Orange in him at all, just that his center of Gravity is at Red.

I have a Substack, where I write about epistemology, metarationality, and the Meaning Crisis. 

Check it out at : https://7provtruths.substack.com/

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@abrakamowse I think they call it communism. Haha. But okay I'm not sure about Trump. This latest voter fraud claim confused me. It has to be something huge or I will support Biden.

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@Anderz As Leo just said, is the Red Scare 2.0


Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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Michigan election board just voted 3-0 to certify the election results for Biden. There were two republican members. One voted to certify and one abstained from voting.

Many elected republicans have tried to remain on the sidelines saying "The president has the right to pursue all legal avenues to challenge election results". That position is now much harder to take since Michigan just certified a Biden win and there will be no recount.

There is now a wide lane open between Lincoln Project centrists and right-wing Trumpers. Liz Cheney is trying to claim leadership of this lane as she recently announced that she had hoped Trump would win, he used his legal resources and now it's time to recognize president-elect Biden. She did not back down like weaker Rs did (such as Joni Earnest). Liz Cheney is now the leader of this "Fox News, somewhat reasonable conservative" lane. She is not a perceived "RINO" like Romney, Collins and Murkowski. I expect Cheney to try and elevate herself in the house minority and perhaps position herself for 2024.

Now is a good time for Rs to establish their lane. I expect a few more republicans to change position and say Trump rightfully used his legal options. After PA certifies, many more will. If they stick with Trump too long, it could be a stain that hurts them in a year or two. 

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@Forestluv you beat me with your post, I’m a loser now! Lol

Ill post it anyway ?


Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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I'm not sure if Trump wrote these tweets, yet allowing the transition and telling his team to cooperate is a Yuge shift. It may be the closest to concession as Trump is capable. "I really won the election, yet I will allow the transition in the best interest of the country". Perhaps he is concerned about market branding and wants to be seen like Al Gore - who disagreed with the scotus decision, yet conceeded for the good of the country.

One of my concerns was that Trump had the potential to take things into violence to strenghten his negotiation power for a peaceful transfer. 

Trump's team may still sabotage Biden, yet I see this as a good shift. 


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Another Trump bootlicker caves. The damn is collapsing. . . 

There is a lot of MAGA backlash in the comments section. There is potential for the GOP to fracture - especially if Trump tries to maintain his base and demonizes GOP establishment going forward.


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