Leo Gura

Make Your 2020 General Election Predictions Here!

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1 minute ago, Mikael89 said:

I disagree on that too.

Do you know a better model? Genuinely curious. 

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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1 hour ago, Rilles said:

Do you know a better model? Genuinely curious. 

why do we even need a model?


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3 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:

why do we even need a model?


To navigate the relative world. Would you cross the ocean without a compass? 

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oof. Either Trump or Twitter deleted Trump’s two days of tweets. 

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9 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:

why do we even need a model?

Here's why:

Behold Sam Harris' big brain struggling to understand how people can like Trump:

If he understood Spiral Dynamics a bit, his big brain wouldn't be so puzzled.

We have good explanations for human behavior, but hardly anyone wants to study them. People would rather speculate and make shit up.

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2 minutes ago, Rilles said:

To navigate the relative world. Would you cross the ocean without a compass? 

or maybe the ocean/compass analogy is crap since it's not an ocean

also Leo says it's only real if i believe in it, and i don't.

But maybe i'd need to learn more about it first :)

A lot on this forum seem a bit obsessed with sd

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2 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:

also Leo says it's only real if i believe in it, and i don't.

A bullet to the brain is also only real if you believe in it.

So watch out. You believe a lot more than you are conscious of.

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My prediction was that it was going to be very even and that Trump would win. I was right about the first part, but I'm very glad I was wrong about the winner. Trump has been beaten by Sleepy Joe, eat that, Trumpists!

Looking at the vote numbers, Trump has had more votes than in 2016. I feared this, most people who voted for him before, have voted for him again, and even more in this polarized scenario. People prefer to stick with whatever they have done before admitting they were wrong, it's a self-defense mechanism. The lower in the spiral dynamics model, the more difficult to admit an error,  they prefer to double down. I'm not that afraid of Trumpism in the medium term, he is still going to be an annoying figure for a while, but that's all. There's no one like him to take the place in the Republican party as far as I know. Society is evolving as well, so it will be more difficult that someone like him gets to power again.

So why did Trump lose? Well, after four years of his bullshit, the opposition for him as awaken. In 2016 we had not seen him in charge yet and it was taken for granted that he would lose, not only by Hilary but the people in general, huge mistake. Biden sure has his base, but a lot of his votes have come from people who just dislike Trump and wanted him out of office. Totally legit reason to vote, thank god it happened.

Trump has confirmed our worst fears, he is trying to stay in power even after losing the election. But seems to me more and more people will leave his boat and it will be fast. He's behaving antidemocratically. There's no way he can sustain why he wanted to stop the count in places he was leading and keep it in places he was not. It's just admitting he doesn't accept democracy, what people vote. Not even Fox News could go with that. He still has those inconditionals and followers in denial, those insisting the truth of fraud will come out. I checked Tucker Carlson and Ben Shapiro, they are there, and we have some examples on this thread as well, one is very obvious. But it won't, counting votes takes time, remember that other states have not finished counting either, the only thing is that there are four where the result is being very even for both. The system can and should be improved, but claims about fraud are baseless.

So let's see how the next years go. Biden has room to amend some of the horrible policies and manners his predecessor has been implementing. I won't lie, I won't expect much from him. He seems blue - orange to me, with some sparks of green. But that's much better than an incendiary red narcissist like Trump. Glad he's done.

Edited by Hatfort

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Republicans are going to obstruct Biden even more than they did Obama.

They are going to stall the nomination of the next Supreme Court justice until 2024. And other such things.

Dems will need to be very vocal about Repub obstruction.

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5 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Here's why:

Behold Sam Harris' big brain struggling to understand how people can like Trump:

If he understood Spiral Dynamics a bit, his big brain wouldn't be so puzzled.

i understand it without sd actually, maybe that's not a good thing though :P


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Just now, PurpleTree said:

i understand it without sd actually, maybe that's not a good thing though :P

Whatever you understand, it's shallow and won't scale.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Saw this somewhere

Why can't Trump go to the white house anymore?

Because it's ForBiden.


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1 minute ago, hyruga said:

Saw this somewhere

Why can't Trump go to the white house anymore?

Because it's ForBiden.



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2 minutes ago, hyruga said:

Saw this somewhere

Why can't Trump go to the white house anymore?

Because it's ForBiden.



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Is there a way to reset the Supreme Court?

 You have been gifted the Golden Kappa~! 


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Trumpists in a nutshell:


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7 minutes ago, Keyhole said:

is that even real?  the guy is a living stereotype

Stereotypes come from somewhere ya know ?

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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2 minutes ago, Keyhole said:

@Shin yeah but, "Beer BBQ Freedom"?  

Isn't that all you care about if you're a Trumpist ? ?

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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