Leo Gura

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1 minute ago, louhad said:

@The Don What policies?


the economy duhhh and uh, china ?

why are you so obsessed with china @The Don

Edited by Lyubov

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6 minutes ago, Khr said:

The Chinese that I work with and studied with I would rather describe as “back stabbing”, “cheating”, “dishonest”, while pretending that they are “hard working”. Just my observation.

I don't deny your experience. Not all people are hardworking. Only some of them are.

Just now, Lyubov said:

why are you so obsessed with china @The Don? they are on the other side of the world and pose little threat to the US. 

See? That's my issue here. Not all of you realize the dangers of the CCP.

The Communist Party of China is not on your side. They aren't on the side of the Chinese people. They are in power and do what they want.

I don't want to persuade you to be against the Chinese people. I want you, including @Leo Gura to study the Communist Party of China and see if they're willing to give people their human rights.

A little reseach on this will open up your mind to the possiblitiy that the CCP might be dangerous. That's all I'm saying.

Be fair and don't let you mind of the hook. Be open.

Me on the road less traveled.

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@The Don

A guy told me yesterday that Trump needs to win because China will become the first superpower otherwise. He said that China will take all jobs because it is so competitive and that we will have to work 16 hours/day in poverty in order to survive. He thinks Trump will help all countries to unite together against China.

Is that something you relate to?

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@The Don I don't think anyone here is a particularly huge fan of the CCP, but a lot of the things you criticize them for perfectly apply to the Trump administration as well. Trump doesn't have a good record on human rights either, particularly on LGBT+ issues, and he clearly doesn't care about democracy as long as he's in power.

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37 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

A quick Google search on "Joe Biden CCP" shows lots of fake news about how Joe and CCP love each other.

How do you know I've been reading those "fake news"? I actually didn't. Stop putting words in my mouth, Mikael.

If you're actually open to having a fair debate here, where we put clarity over the agreement, I'll take you seriously.

I've been trying to understand the Communist Party of China for a long time now. That's why I talk about it a lot. I have nothing against the Chinese people.

Now, being honest about it, it bothers me to see you guys talking about Trump and Russia. Russia is not the problem here. It never was. I believe Russia should open up to the West and someday join NATO.

You're always blaming Russia for everything that happens in the United States. That's the real conspiracy theory here.

And now, that Joe Biden appears to be winning, you're no longer talking about Russia. All of a sudden Russia is no longer a problem.

But understand this. China is a bigger danger than Russia. If you don't believe me, do some research. Open up your mind to new possibilities and if they don't make sense to you, it's in your power to reject them. That's it.

Edited by The Don
To add a line.

Me on the road less traveled.

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6 minutes ago, The Don said:

The Communist Party of China is not on your side. They aren't on the side of the Chinese people. They are in power and do what they want.

I don't want to persuade you to be against the Chinese people. I want you, including @Leo Gura to study the Communist Party of China and see if they're willing to give people their human rights.

A little reseach on this will open up your mind to the possiblitiy that the CCP might be dangerous. That's all I'm saying.

Be fair and don't let you mind of the hook. Be open.

Bruh I wasted 4 years of my life & $60,00 literally study at a liberal arts school about China. I've been to China and I've studied there as well. I'm well aware of the human rights issues that occur in China and am aware they are not a free society. Ok so? I hope they develop away from this one day. Why do you put them on some pedestal as a threat? I don't understand your obsession. It just sounds like some sort of scapegoating you've picked up from Trump. Going by your logic why aren't you mentioning Russia which directly ran social media disinformation campaigns to sway the 2016 election? China has not taken part in this. The CCP is an undemocratic political regime that poses little domestic threat to the US. Jobs were shipped over there long ago which is a very nuanced and complicated topic. Please actually lay out some points as to why you are so fixated on China? You aren't really saying much other than that they are authoritarian (they are) but you support a president which mirrors authoritarianism. I don't follow you. 

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@The Don

  1. People in Trump's administration got booked in the russia investigations https://www.cnbc.com/2020/08/20/steve-bannon-arrest-list-of-trumps-ex-associates-who-have-faced-charges.html
  2. We can work to negotiate and make deals that improve the quality of life in china and across the world while simultaneously continuing to improve the American quality of life for our citizens. Trump's paradigm of America being "the best", passing ineffective sanctions on china, destabilizing our economic and social systems, embarrassing our country, ruining diplomatic relationships.... these things are backfiring and will decrease our cultural and economic influence, which paradoxically make the ccp stronger...
Edited by louhad

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24 minutes ago, The Don said:

That was the media, taking him out of context. You have no idea how unfair Trump was treated before he became President. It started when he announced that he's running for President.

Look. Trump has an awful character. He's a narcissist. He's extremely unlikable as a person. That's 100% percent true. Having said that, I don't have to expel him just because he's not the way I would like him to be.

I vote on policy. Not on the character. That's my answer.

Which policies are we talking about?

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I don't follow your logic at all. You ignore Russia but fixate on China? Sounds like you are just parroting stuff you heard Trump say. You aren't able to see that both countries have their own complex issues and agendas? Russia literally invaded a European country in 2014 and claimed territory from it as their own. I'm not trying to attack or blame Russia as I don't see them as a particularly huge threat either just how I see China but I am confused by your obsessions with them @The Don

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8 minutes ago, Lyubov said:

I don't follow your logic at all. You ignore Russia but fixate on China?

Dude, Russia has the economy of Italy. They can't do a thing. Don't you understand that Russia is not the problem? They can't do damage to the United States. And Russia is no longer a communist state. They are on the way to become a Democracy now. The Cold War is over.

Russia has made tremendous progress in regards to becoming a Democracy. That's the truth!

And I'm actually grateful for Russia. I live in Romania. We're getting cheap, natural gas from Russia. The European Union has cheap energy bills because of Russia. We're no longer living in 1980, the period of the Cold War.

Dude, please!

Edited by The Don
To correct a sentence.

Me on the road less traveled.

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Has Biden said that he loves China?


"I love China." - Donald J. Trump

It's more than just a funny statement I think. It's an ability to transcend and include conflict.

Edited by Anderz

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@The Don  you don't understand that Trump is weakening America. Weakening America makes China even stronger. When countries become weak, other countries start feeding like a vulture. 

You don't understand this basic concept.

Trump was slowly destroying America. 

When America goes down even Russia will not help.

No country helps a weak country. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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32 minutes ago, Anderz said:

It's more than just a funny statement I think. It's an ability to transcend and include conflict.

If he loves China, that's great. But I can ensure you that Trump does not love the Communist Party of China.

Me on the road less traveled.

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41 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

Trump was slowly destroying America. 

That couldn't be more false. You're saying that because you don't like Trump. I've seen how you talk about Trump on this forum. I know what you believe in regards to Trump. You stated clearly your opinions about President Trump.

You consider Trump to be an evil individual when in fact he's not. Trump is just a narcissistic, dislikable guy. That's all.

Trump had almost four years and nothing happened to America. The United States of America is just fine!

Take a look at NATO for example. All the NATO countries are now paying more for defense because Trump was the one that solved this issue. The world is much safer now.

Although I disagree with Obama's policies, I don't consider him an evil individual. I think he was a good president.

You may disagree with Trump, but he's certainly not the one who is slowly destroying America.

It would be better for me to stop talking about Trump. I don't want to be banned from this form. I actually enjoy being here, especially because it's an open forum that allows talking about almost everything.

My only criticism towards this forum is that if you have a section on politics, people should be allowed to speak freely regardless what they believe.

Edited by The Don

Me on the road less traveled.

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3 minutes ago, The Don said:

Trump had almost four years and nothing happened to America. The United States of America is just fine!



“All you need is Love” - John Lennon

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@The Don It's a tough situation between the U.S. and China at the moment, but Trump has in the past said he loves Xi while at the same time criticizing China's practices.


"Trump on China’s Xi: ‘We love each other’

US president says relations with China are at an all-time high.

DAVOS, Switzerland — Donald Trump said the relationship between China and the U.S. has "probably" never been better during a speech at the annual World Economic Forum in Davos Tuesday.

During his address, the U.S. president gave the gathering of elite policy-makers and business people a laundry list of economic achievements, including what he described as confronting "China's predatory practices" in trade with America. Trump said these had become "worse and worse and worse" under his predecessors. "Under my leadership America confronted the problem head on," he said.

"Our relationship with China has now probably never, ever been better," Trump said, adding that he gets on well with President Xi Jinping. "He's for China, I'm for the U.S., but other than that, we love each other."" - Politico, Jan 21, 2020


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I think they (CNN etc.) should call Biden as president elect by now. When this was the result for Trump he would have claimed victory and everyone would be like: „yeah, he‘s right at this point..“

So why don’t they call Biden? Are there really so many surprise ballots that have a great probability to heavily favour Trump? I do not see it.

Every hour they do not call Biden right now is going to help further Trumps narrative. 

The Secret of this Universe is You.

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Lmao, oh come on.

Trump was in bed with China (CCP) and Russia (Putin/oligarchs).  Let’s not beat around the bush here.

China and Russia would loathe Joe Biden.  They loathed Barack Obama, and now Joe Biden—a successor and essentially an extension of Obama—will rule the most powerful nation on Earth, after the “great” relationship they had with Trump for 4 years?  Obama didn’t let shit fly at all from those fuckers (Xi & Putin).

HA!!!  Just look at how Putin acted around Obama in person—he hated his ass.  They most definitely did not want Clinton in office 4 years ago and they got that with Trump (Phew!! They were relieved.)

Biden isn’t going to fuck around and get pushed around and lay in bed with any other superpower like China or Russia.  In fact, Biden will most likely rekindle the friendship with European nations/leaders again—which I might add; Trump absolutely damaged severely these past 4 years.

We need our friends.

Let’s get real here.




Edited by hoodrow trillson

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@The Don I don't know what it'll ever take to reach through to you. Your mind seems to be completely sealed and shut on this issue even though you say otherwise. You've clearly bought into a pro-Trump ideology, and it's honestly frustrating seeing you defend him regardless of all the terrible things he does.

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