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@Consept @Shin We cannot judge Turquoise behavior from surface level appearance. Nisargadatta Maharaj was often very angry but that could have been a necessary part of the teaching! In the case of Trump only later when more facts are in can the true situation be seen.

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Just now, good said:

@Anderz I understand what you mean. Trump for example has good red when he stands against islamic doctrine, he is not naive. Trump has yellow when he makes his peace deals , system thinking. Trump has green and thinks more fairly about races , instead of the more disruptive identity politics. He switches into all sorts of modes, which looks tier 2 to me too. But I think he is most yellow.

oh my god, im laughing so hard, thank you! your comedy is so good! ?

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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7 minutes ago, Consept said:

I think you should really try and understand spiral dynamics a bit more. Appreciate that you may not have a firm grip on the different levels and how to categorise into them. If you look at other potential turquoise people ie Sadhguru, Mooji etc they do not seem in anyway similar to Trump, its actually laughable to imagine them together. They also dont need to do elaborate game playing to manipulate people. Can you point to any others you consider turquoise?

They are playing different roles, it’s so pointless to box people into one stage, that’s the left brain approach to rationalizing how the world works

tier 2 is actually a left brained Invention to make up for our true nature as spirit before human 

Edited by DrewNows

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5 minutes ago, good said:

Sounds like Trump to me. What media have you been watching?


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1 minute ago, good said:

Sounds like Trump to me. What media have you been watching?

I almost never watched media, I quickly read his biography and see some of his speech.

It is very easy to see that he isn't green at all.

He only cares about himself (not even America), lies all the time, cuts of partnership with lots of country for short time benefits, has zero ecological consciousness.

I mean, it's obvious if you've studied spiral dynamics that he can't be green, he's very very far from being that conscious as of now.

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@Opo No I am dead serious. Have you seen the speech on independance day. Trump directly to the people? Not the media manipulated framing , the real speech? How is that not green?

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Just now, Anderz said:

@Consept @Shin We cannot judge Turquoise behavior from surface level appearance. Nisargadatta Maharaj was often very angry but that could have been a necessary part of the teaching! In the case of Trump only later when more facts are in can the true situation be seen.

What facts would show that hes turquoise? If you cant judge him by surface behavior which is the only thing weve got to go on really, as well as analysis from other professionals, then what are you using to judge that hes tier 2?


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@good Stage Yellow is more ordinary behavior. Stage Turquoise can appear really crazy. But I could be wrong. So I have to wait to see. Maybe Biden wins and then I will have to look into that situation instead. 

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@Consept For example I heard recently that Trump may bring peace to the Middle East. I haven't looked into it, but that kind of stunt takes Turquoise level thinking. Heck, not even Don Beck could accomplish that despite lots of effort trying to do just that.

Edited by Anderz

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2 minutes ago, Shin said:

He only cares about himself (not even America), lies all the time, cuts of partnership with lots of country for short time benefits, has zero ecological consciousness.

He only cares about himself? Thats an easy one. Why would you do a presedency if you have enough money. It is very tiresome lots of hostility he otherwise wouldnt get. I wouldnt do it. He has made america a better place. Lots of peace, no new wars. etc etc.

lies all the time: He is the most honest president I seen in ages. He delivered lots of what he would say he would do. which is something very unique and not seen in a long time.

Short term view: No he sees through identity politics that it doesnt work out long term , he sees through the palestine conflict that all other presidents didnt progress on . He made peace in europe. He sees that bad long term effects of globalism.


In short your story seems a very simple main stream narrative. You havnt looked into the guy from non democratic sources. Sources that are not full of manipulation.


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Biden just pulled ahead in Michigan. The remaining votes in un-called states are mail-in and provisional ballots from urban areas that will heavily favor Biden. NV, AZ, WI and MI will not turn flip back blue. The question is how large the lead will be and if Trump can retake it in a recount fairly or steal it in courts. Leads over 0.5% rarely flip in a recount. 

Right now, Biden is ahead with 270 EVs and a win (270-268). GA, PA are toss-ups. NC will likely go Trump. It helps Biden that WI and MI turned blue early Wednesday morning. If it took until Friday, Trump would have been able to strengthen his "voter fraud" narrative. As of now, it looks pretty weak and mainstream media isn't buying it. If Biden pulls out GA and PA, it would help cushion the lead since Trump would need to over-turn 3 states. It will also help that Biden will have about 53% of the popular vote. This is a straight-up majority and one of the highest vote totals in U.S. election history (higher than both of Obama's election). Although Biden may only win the E.C. by 2 EVs, he has a massive popular vote margin which would give him legitimacy and highlight the problem with the E.C. Yet no changes will be made since Republicans will still control the Senate. 

I also think its significant that the FoxNews decision desk had independence. They were the first one to call AZ for Biden last night and that was key to undercut Trump's message that he won and his chances to win. The FoxNews decision desk was very accurate on their predictions and presented the odds for Biden accurately. There is going to be immense pressure on the FoxNews desk to hold back on calling another state, yet I'm very grateful they were the first to call AZ for Biden. FoxNews hosts even pressured their analyst to reverse his call and he refused to. That is what independence looks like. Many people in power (like Trump) hate that type of independence and objectivity. They want loyalty. This is part of the degradation of U.S. systems of government. Agencies like the EPA, Justice Department, Federal Reserve and scotus used to have a lot more independence to be objective. Yet that has degraded. 

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For example he had lots of black friends rapping about being like trump and he had jewish friends. He is very intercultural. But he new if he would want to be president he would be tried to be made out for racist. Why the hell would he do that for fun?

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6 minutes ago, Anderz said:

@Consept For example I heard recently that Trump may bring peace to the Middle East. I haven't looked into it, but that kind of stunt takes Turquoise level thinking. Heck, not even Clare Graves himself could accomplish that despite lots of effort trying to do just that.

Selling arms to Saudi Arabia doesnt seem a way to achieve peace in the middle east but maybe thats turquoise level that i dont understand -

"On May 20, 2017, U.S. President Trump and Saudi Arabia's Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud signed a series of letters of intent for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to purchase arms from the United States totaling US$110 billion immediately, and $350 billion over 10 years." (from wikipedia)

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2 minutes ago, Consept said:

@Consept For example I heard recently that Trump may bring peace to the Middle East. I haven't looked into it, but that kind of stunt takes Turquoise level thinking. Heck, not even Clare Graves himself could accomplish that despite lots of effort trying to do just that.

Your right, the first arab countries signed peace with Isreal. Unprecedented. Goes against orthodox islamic doctrine.

Edited by good

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3 minutes ago, good said:

For example he had lots of black friends rapping about being like trump and he had jewish friends. He is very intercultural. But he new if he would want to be president he would be tried to be made out for racist. Why the hell would he do that for fun?

He does whatever serves him, give him fame, money, and sex.

It isn't about anything else, that's stage orange at best.

Look the Spiral Dynamics Stage Green Examples Mega-Thread :)

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A highly conscious person would realize you cant bring peace to the middle- east for a looong time, and what does that even mean? Peace? No all out war? What about having dictators in place? Is that peace? Its not so black and white. Middle-east is a mess, to say Trump has brough peace is just laughable. 

Edited by Rilles

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Yes, injecting disinfectants into your veins to cure a virus very much resembles a "Second-Tier Approach" to me. xD

Paradoxically, judging the world based on Spiral Dynamics does not make you a second-tier. One could comfortably be red or blue.

@Forestluv Any prediction how matters unfold if Trump takes it to the Supreme Court? 

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1 minute ago, SirVladimir said:

Yes, injecting disinfectants into your veins to cure a virus very much resembles a "Second-Tier Approach" to me.

I like it when Trump just thinks out loud. He is just more honest. If you speak out everything you think there will also probably be a lot of dumm stuff. I worry no second that when he makes decisions he thinks it through. This is just simple propaganda. Easy to see through.

3 minutes ago, Rilles said:

Trump has brough peace is just laughable.

Ofcourse not all out peace. That is to difficult the islamic doctrine will make peace incredibly difficult to impossible. Islam is very different than christianity. He did have to islamic countries respect isreal. Which is special. Isreal would be wiped of the map if islamic countries were capable of it. Immideatly today!  They tried it multiple times.

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2 minutes ago, Consept said:

Its crazy that Trumps manipulations have to be taken account for in a democratic election

Your naieve if you think democrats are any better. By the way you are only reacting on aqusations of democrats which have no real substance.

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