
Eclipses Season

16 posts in this topic

I wanted to talk about the coming 3 eclipses. They are powerful and WILL manifest in your life in one way or another so here are some tips for the next 2 months and more if inspired: 

  • Do NOT engage in any type of addictions and or hazardous behaviors
  • If you are taking something you already have signs that is not serving you, stop!
  • Activities that you are usually doing with a certain ease and feel quite familiar, put mindfulness and awareness on them.
  • avoid travelling and going to crowded places
  • this could be an amazing time for an instant awakening, so use it to meditate and inquire on things you are working on
  • service to other people in ways that are not completely known or agreed upon is another major theme right now. (hence my post here hehe)
  • taking higher knowledge you currently have and transpose it into PRACTICAL practices
  • treat body gently, with love and care. Yours and other's
  • great time to put routines in place that serve you better. 
  • observe people walking through life unconsciously and (if you cannot help them), use that to see it as a mirror: where are you also doing things without being careful or attentive? 




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These a great tips in general but what does this has to do with the eclipse season? Why are they so powerful?

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14 minutes ago, quantum said:

These a great tips in general but what does this has to do with the eclipse season? Why are they so powerful?

Eclipses are universe's way of shifting energy. If you/your soul is meant to go to Japan but your ego heads you towards USA, you'll feel very frustrated by the change of direction, as you will perceive it as f~¢king with your life... Frustration manifests as violence and aggressive mood or behavior mostly... 

If you just trust that whatever gets Eclipsed is in your interest, and nothing "good" can leave your life, you're in the flow.




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@Ayla avoid going to crowded places?  Yesterday I went to a crowded place with my girlfriend and I got really really drained of my energy even today I'm feeling some pain in my back although we were just sitting an the rocks seeing the ocean in the sun...  

Is this because of the eclipse season?  Even all these days I'm feeling a lot drained in the evenings after my routines i thought that it is homeostasis. 


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@Ayla Funny, staying in Japan very soon. ;)

@Elton We pick up on so many things without knowing, like fear and stress on other peoples faces and than wonder why we feel in such and such way. Getting conscious of what is happening and doing the things Ayla mentioned can save a lot internal struggle.

Look at that video: 

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Edited by Ludwig

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1 minute ago, Ludwig said:

@Ayla Funny, staying in Japan very soon. ;)


I trust that you cannot go anywhere outside of...THIS :) 



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@Ludwig @Ayla

You are right Ludwig I saw beggars harassing couples for money,poverty, arrogance by the rickshaw driver opinions of people of course I was drained but what about the eclipse season it has got nothing to do with that? 

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@Ayla can you give me some sources to educate myself more about this topic? 

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@Elton  you can use Youtube (Annie Botticelli, Nadija Shah, Lada Duncheva...) 

Let yourself be guided. 



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   @Ayla   how does the platets moving around got anything to do with humans? Plants prepare their food with sunlight and we eat vegetables so what does that have to do with energy and productivity and enlightment?  

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Oh well... for one, you are actually living on and off a planet. Those veggies...would not grow without the sun. 

When there was no TV and no Internet, and no radio, the only (major) pass-time of "wise" people was the study of the stars and their movement. Patterns have been observed for certain alignments throughout history of humanity. 

Astrology is like a fork. You can use it, or not. It doesn't make things better of worse. Just a different level of experiencing life. 





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Hmmm ya, how could I be so blind to see that I'm also living on a planet :-/ 

A different level of experiencing life.. 

Very very interesting.. 

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@Ayla I was just thinking. Could it be said that smaller scale cycles are also astrology? So, astrology being the study of cycles instead of the study of the cycles out in space? So, the growing of a plant, ants building an anthill, the patterns in traffic, and the movement of the planets in the solar system are all part of astrology. It was just a thought that I had after reading your last post above. 

Edited by Emerald Wilkins

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@Emerald Wilkins  this is again, a play. It has been observed that it has a rhythm. But it only has a rhythm for the other thoughts saying that there are ants and traffic in cycles. :)

If you are in a space where you see that no thought has any value at all, astrology isn't of any value at all either. But as long as you do see cycles, imo, astrology is invaluable! Not necessarily for prediction, but for understanding where person has its blind spots and how to remove them. 

another way of putting it is, it lets you know how you are perceiving things differently from another. Where to LOOK. Because if you think X is true and another can perceive it false, there is your indication that "your truth" is NOT "the truth". It allows you to b VERY honest with yourself. 






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3 hours ago, Ayla said:

@Emerald Wilkins  this is again, a play. It has been observed that it has a rhythm. But it only has a rhythm for the other thoughts saying that there are ants and traffic in cycles. :)

If you are in a space where you see that no thought has any value at all, astrology isn't of any value at all either. But as long as you do see cycles, imo, astrology is invaluable! Not necessarily for prediction, but for understanding where person has its blind spots and how to remove them. 

another way of putting it is, it lets you know how you are perceiving things differently from another. Where to LOOK. Because if you think X is true and another can perceive it false, there is your indication that "your truth" is NOT "the truth". It allows you to b VERY honest with yourself. 



That makes sense. Sort of like time gives the illusion of change and movement and patterns. But time is a human construct and not real in and of itself. So cycles also are constructs of the mind that puts patterns on top of things for understanding in the same way. I hadn't thought of it this way before. Thank you. :)

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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