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Non-fake porn lol???

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Let's be honest...... It's near impossible for a guy to stop scratching his equipments or looking into hot stuff online every now and then .. Sex is a natural desire like food and water.  But one should be mindful in using it because it can easily turn into addiction or a substitute for the real thing.  My new girlfriend really takes care of me but I still from time to time feel an urge to go solo ya know.. But .. Most porn is actually fake robotic boring sex that has nothing to do with real sex lol..  Real sex =intimacy and playfulness not just in and out robotic exercises lol... I wanna touch my girl.. Smell her.. Feel her..etc.  Recently I discovered a audio porn site that is focused more on intimate sex.. Not going into details but it focuses more on the intimacy part and the foreplay.. I thought wow that's really what I'm looking for.. Then I wonder why most porn companies don't produce scenes that are actually real-like instead of this fake boring shit lol?????? 

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They don't make that stuff often because the market is too small for it. The majority of porn is produced and consumed by the common denominator - piggish selfish men who just want to get off, they don't care for things like intimacy or emotional connection.

Ironically those things are exactly what they need and what they really want deep down, they just don't know it.

In the future as society evolves we will start to move away from Stage Red/Orange misogynist male-centered porn, and a more accepting Stage Green "feminine-gratifying" porn will move in to take it's place.

This will also be paired with the legitimization and decriminalization of sex workers, and women in these industries getting more rights and being treated better more broadly in social culture.

Edited by Roy


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Just now, allislove said:


LOL I mean If they produce scenes that are actually closer to what the male mind really desires they will gather more money! 

Btw the site that I discovered is free 

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@Roy well also men want intimate sex.  My point is what I see in let's say 70 % of porn has nothing to do with what real sex is about.. I mean ofcourse it's sex and all lol but I mean I don't want to just insert my peins in a vagina  while staring at the wall and the woman is staring at the window or something..  wtf is that lol? 

I hope this topic is not too controversial lol xD

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26 minutes ago, Roy said:

The majority of porn is produced and consumed by the common denominator - piggish selfish men. 

I don't know about the producers but I think the majority of the consumers are young men or teenagers who are still discovering their sexuality or didn't get laid yet so they have no other option to deal with their lust. 

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How big is the majority? I think I recall seeing some statistics and women were much closer to men. 

and there is plenty of excellent porn out there if you are willing to sub to premium websites. 

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25 minutes ago, Lyubov said:

How big is the majority? I think I recall seeing some statistics and women were much closer to men. 

Not sure that's just my guess. But since the majority of the content is directed towards men it's natural to conclude that the majority of the consumers are men!   Also I think it's clear how different the female sexuality is from how the male sexuality works! 


27 minutes ago, Lyubov said:

and there is plenty of excellent porn out there if you are willing to sub to premium websites. 

Pretty rare.  Given that the content is almost endless.. It's a shame that you have some time searching fot something that actually grabs your attention.. At least that's how it is for me. 

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@Someone here

1 hour ago, Someone here said:

@Roy well also men want intimate sex.  My point is what I see in let's say 70 % of porn has nothing to do with what real sex is about.. I mean ofcourse it's sex and all lol but I mean I don't want to just insert my peins in a vagina  while staring at the wall and the woman is staring at the window or something..  wtf is that lol? 

I hope this topic is not too controversial lol xD

   No worries, I've talked about pornography extensively before, it's link to sexual development using spiral dynamics. It was so complicated that users were getting frustrated so I just hid it. 

2 hours ago, Someone here said:

Let's be honest...... It's near impossible for a guy to stop scratching his equipments or looking into hot stuff online every now and then .. Sex is a natural desire like food and water.  But one should be mindful in using it because it can easily turn into addiction or a substitute for the real thing.  My new girlfriend really takes care of me but I still from time to time feel an urge to go solo ya know.. But .. Most porn is actually fake robotic boring sex that has nothing to do with real sex lol..  Real sex =intimacy and playfulness not just in and out robotic exercises lol... I wanna touch my girl.. Smell her.. Feel her..etc.  Recently I discovered a audio porn site that is focused more on intimate sex.. Not going into details but it focuses more on the intimacy part and the foreplay.. I thought wow that's really what I'm looking for.. Then I wonder why most porn companies don't produce scenes that are actually real-like instead of this fake boring shit lol?????? 

   It actually is possible to abstain from porn, even sex altogether. Time and will power, vision, are key factors involved. Sex isn't natural, reproduction and the actual fucking is natural, (unless you've progressed beyond the materialistic worldview, unconventional non-physical sex then that becomes the next natural). Real sex also includes more than just intimacy and playfulness, unless you mean something else that's kinky but other than that it's ok to spice up your business with your gf, maybe both of you use the audio program for the mood prior to sex? The main problem is you've generalized boring robotic sex to mean most porn. What porn are you referring to with 'most porn'? Porn videos? Porn animations? Porn comics? Erotica? Audio erotica? professional porn? Amateur porn?  Not to mention the various kinks and fetishes possible, not just at one stage of the Spiral, but at other stages as well.

   The amount of money and energy to produce, at mass levels, a realistic experience of porn that mimics real life sex is more expensive than going instead with standards set by those company owners or branches. Also, there's many other porn businesses in the porn industry, so competition to out grab the most eyeballs of the public is expected, which is why it'll get a bit crazier with each type of porn medium at this stage, like with porn videos with more elaborate equipment and body proportions. Finally, there's the center of gravity that is at stage orange that you'll find most porn mediums orbit around. Since materialism and transactional relationships are highly valued at this stage, those that have these values tend to structure their companies and products/services with these in mind. I'm assuming you're complaining about when it starts becoming excessive stage orange porn, or if you've had too much porn viewing and masturbation that it got to be as boring as robotic sex?


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8 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:

Sex isn't natural, reproduction and the actual fucking is natural, (unless you've progressed beyond the materialistic worldview, unconventional non-physical sex then that becomes the next natural).


Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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@Danioover9000 it's so simple.. How sex is done in most of the content that you find online whether it's professional or amature  is not how is it actually done in real life.. For example in real sex the majority of the focus between the two partners is actually on the face to face.. The upper body.. While ofcourse the penetration could be going down there.. But in most pornos the major focus is on the penetration sometimes the partners are completely ignoring each other intimately!!   

Edited by Someone here

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3 hours ago, Roy said:

They don't make that stuff often because the market is too small for it. The majority of porn is produced and consumed by the common denominator - piggish selfish men who just want to get off, they don't care for things like intimacy or emotional connection. 

Ironically those things are exactly what they need and what they really want deep down, they just don't know it.

In the future as society evolves we will start to move away from Stage Red/Orange misogynist male-centered porn, and a more accepting Stage Green "feminine-gratifying" porn will move in to take it's place.

This will also be paired with the legitimization and decriminalization of sex workers, and women in these industries getting more rights and being treated better more broadly in social culture.

Last year I've been in the findom community, most men there actually just want connection with the girls, not sex. Ironically, the clients of this fetish are usually called "paypigs". I say ironically because you are calling them "piggish selfish men". Don't know where you are trying to get with that though. We all want connection but sometimes we all want to satisfy our urges too. 

Another thing which is ironic is that you are trying to make it as men are the ones who are selfish? Of course Pornography is a selfish business. Men wants to get off, but Women in the findom community don't doubt in draining 100$ in 10 minutes after calling his client piece of shit and off people who are clearly depressed or have serious self esteem issues. This is the "stage green" you are talking about right? ? It's a service though, I'm not judging because if I would be a findomme and I could make money I'll probably justify what I do since it would be for the benefit of my survival. Just saying...don't think selfish business is a matter of men only ?

I've seen things...oh man, you wouldn't believe. 

Edited by Javfly33

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@Someone here

30 minutes ago, Someone here said:

@Danioover9000 it's so simple.. How sex is done in most of the content that you find online whether it's professional or amature  is not how is it actually done in real life.. For example in real sex the majority of the focus between the two partners is actually on the face to face.. The upper body.. While ofcourse the penetration could be going down there.. But in most pornos the major focus is on the penetration sometimes the partners are completely ignoring each other intimately!!   

   So? There's also face cam porn videos I forgot to mention. So what's you're actual problem, the porn you're viewing excessively, or the sex your having excessively? Or the deeper problem like amusing yourself with lies?


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1 minute ago, Danioover9000 said:

@Someone here

   So? There's also face cam porn videos I forgot to mention. So what's you're actual problem, the porn you're viewing excessively, or the sex your having excessively? Or the deeper problem like amusing yourself with lies?


I don't actually have a "problem".  I'm just wondering why most porn is fake boring garbage when it can be done in a more artistic and real-like filled with intimacy way?  That's all since.  

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@Someone here

1 minute ago, Someone here said:

I don't actually have a "problem".  I'm just wondering why most porn is fake boring garbage when it can be done in a more artistic and real-like filled with intimacy way?  That's all since.  

   Mainly acting. Never mind porn, there could be a deeper problem with your relationship to porn that you have yet to explore. If you've outgrown porn, then that's okay. Have fun with gf, but don't get shocked if the sex part of the relationship starts becoming stale.

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1 hour ago, Javfly33 said:

Don't know where you are trying to get with that though. We all want connection but sometimes we all want to satisfy our urges too. 

It's just an observation of something blatantly obvious. Nobody intellectually honest would look at the modern sex industry and say it's not overwhelmingly male-centric in it's interests.

As @Moon said though with the advent of OnlyFans and other online alternatives the landscape is changing and the power is shifting.


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So there was this woman called Erika Lust who has started to shoot feminist porn under the label Lust Cinema.

But after a year or two I noticed her material has shifted more and more towards the mainstream.


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Sex is meant to be mechanical and not enjoyable. But most humans are deluded, both men and women, although in different ways.

The emotional connection during sex has nothing to do with the real emotional connection in real life, it's just a cheap trick for the unaware minds. That's for women.

For men, the only reason sex is overrated is because of its relative rarity. Consider that if you could have sex with whoever you want and at any time you want, you would get bored very quickly. You'd hit a plateau point just like with food.

Why don't most people appreciate food as much as sex? Because of its high availability and the ease of reach, obviously. If sex was as easy and available, it would lose most of its value, because its current value is delusion.

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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