
How in the fuck do i enter god mode

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What do i mean my soul? Hm my essence of what i am just the purest thing i can be really hard to put into words but its just what i am and the soul doesn't feel happy playing this game of life


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I'm not sure of your situation, yet perhaps consider developing life skills and purpose. Building community, discipline, working towards goals, developing expertise, adventure. Sometimes mal-adjustments to life are linked to upbringing deficiencies and poor development in some areas. 

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@Tim R i mean yeah tim why wouldn't it be once i become god why would it matter im just jumping for the ultimate soulution because sometimes things just are that way because you feel such a certain way about life why would this be such a bad idea because once i become god it wont matter 


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41 minutes ago, Nate0068 said:

@Tim R i become god it wont matter 

You won't

I think you must do something about your subconscious and conscious self loathing thoughts and do some early morning running to make your brain chemistry bit better.



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12 hours ago, Nate0068 said:

I want to get out of here i hate life and everything in it its its not where i want to be 


Do what is in your control. Are you draining your lifeforce energies? Perhaps look up nofap. 

Enter "all star mode". Enter "monk mode". Don't try to escape 3d. Watch some gabe dawg... Learn to preserve and channel your energies. 

There is a girl out there waiting for you, when you fix your energies. Girls want guys, not Gods. Relax a little you don't have to be able to fly and burn planets to be powerful. 

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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Although it will take way more time I would suggest to deal with your conscious and subconscious problems one at a time.


If you wan't faster way, you should go route of letting go, or do doing as some call it, which is actually  different thing , end result will be something like flow state.


Step one,you will have to overcome  conscious thoughts, it is thoughts that arise in your mind and lead to destructive emotions when you put your awareness on them, what I mean by this is that only reason why you get effected by your thoughts, is because you become them, leading to more destructive thoughts,emotions.

What you must learn is how to not pay attention to them, not fight them, not try to come up with something else, just let them float without interacting with them in any way at all. 


Step two.subconscious, it  is were things get more difficult, because instead of having thoughts that you can see , it will be only emotions,feelings , this is what you were referring to as your soul screaming that it does not feel good, it can also include  fear, anxiety, awkwardness and so on. But it is nothing more then subconscious thoughts followed with thous reactions that seem to come from nowhere.

You overcome this pretty much the same way as step one, but instead of thoughts it is emotions, feelings , also they will feel like they are coming from different area of body. 


Now the problem of simply following these steps is that it will make you like an empty shell, which will not feel bad or good, but you will lose passion ,  drive to do anything , relate to anything, which will most likely lead to  interplay of  though, emotions and logic that colliding will  throw you back to step one,  lead to depression ,huge self doubt, because you want good movie after all, you don't want to throw logic out of window and be empty shell , do you.

So to make this more smooth after you have mastered step one and two  is to make positive intentions , intentions that you let flow through you and changed whole experience  for better.  


You can look up older threads about how letting go , do nothing works, maybe they will click better with you and for sure will go more indepth , but it will still take time to get there. 


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You can't enter god mode, only god mode can enter you O.o:D:P

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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You will realize it only at the moment of death how stupid it was not recognizing the beauty and blessings that surrounded you.. You can enter "God mode" now if you want to but you are too afraid to do so because the beauty and miracle of the present moment will kill you if you recognize it  "fully" for what it is. :)

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The 'you' who wants to enter god mode will never be able to enter god mode. Because it's an illusion, an identity created in the process of human evolution, the sense of separation.

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@Nate0068 Use Salvia divinorum. It is said that it isn't like other psychedelics, so use it with caution.

Edited by Death_

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17 hours ago, Nate0068 said:

I want to get out of here i hate life and everything in it its its not where i want to be 

Well, God is all that.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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10 hours ago, Nate0068 said:

@seeking_brilliance okay im going to try this method right now


Just be patient. We are talking about entering another world so it won't happen over night.  Your first goal should be to induce the hypnagogia 

Check out my lucid dreaming anthology series, Stars of Clay  

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18 hours ago, Nate0068 said:

I want to get out of here i hate life and everything in it its its not where i want to be 


This probably sounds nuts but that isn’t true, at all, which is precisely why it feels as it does. You love it here, now. You love life & everything in it. You are exactly where you should be, need to be, want to be, and love to be. You are already free, and loved more than you yet know. Hard work feels amazing relative to loathing & the guilt of not giving your all, your best. Your best is more than good enough and feels amazing. It is the love you seek in living action. Give it. You’ll see. Believe in yourself, you can do the things you want to do. Focus on them. Make a dreamboard, it makes it easy. ‘God mode’ is mind blowing, and I hope you experience this asap...but funny thing about God....take a guess what God, in it’s infinite love and ‘doing’.



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To understand something of God is to be ignorant, because God is beyond all understanding. Let go. Let be. Employ compassion to the uttermost degree, for God has suffered from everything first, before any creature.

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You said you took acid. I have taken both and mushrooms were for me the better tool for dealing with those negative emotions. I think I never "hated" life again like I used to after a 3g trip.

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@The0Self wow i like that thought i should stop trying to take control and let the beyond power take me wherever they lead

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1 hour ago, Nate0068 said:

@The0Self wow i like that thought i should stop trying to take control and let the beyond power take me wherever they lead

Find the utterly profound ultimate trust and silence in everything. As still/limp/silent as possible, inwardly, even when outwardly active. Turn towards what is Godly, holy, and still, at the expense of all else, until your own will is irrelevant. In working towards truth and love, often in secret, we create both heaven and hell in our wake.

Just birthing what is in me. No reason to take what I say to heart as something you should act on in any way. Rely on no-self/God alone.

Edited by The0Self

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2 hours ago, Espaim said:

You said you took acid. I have taken both and mushrooms were for me the better tool for dealing with those negative emotions. I think I never "hated" life again like I used to after a 3g trip.

Sharp tools can also hurt you.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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