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Is there any meaning to life?

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Is there any meaning to life?



a)Someone created life with purpose

b)Life is just event that simply exists


a)I feel like my life has purpose and there are thing I want to achieve, I enjoy life , even though it can be hard sometimes.

b)I do not see any meaning to life , at the end everything is for nothing


27 minutes ago, Harmony342 said:

Is the point of life just to live and explore and enjoy life? Or should i be focused more on attaining enlightenment in your opinion? Or try both perhaps?

Prob enjoy life , explore, but remember that there is more then physical world. It would be better to leave this part blank though, lets call it my suggestion.  :D 

Edited by purerogue

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I've heard hundred times, from diferent sources and diferent sages... that before we are born we already choose our purpose in this earthly life.

The problem is in this society we are indoctrinated to believe systems so we choose our purpose according mainstream stereotypes and we choose wrong.

A purpose doenst need to contriubute, it can be selfish, it doesnt have to producuce money, be meaningful, make a big imact to the world. Wrong!

We come here in learning circles. Probably your purpose in this life is take care or your little sister who was your mother in other life, isnt this beautiful?

Edited by Rajneeshpuram

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We can add third part too, take away idea of meaning and what is left. 

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Focus on bettering yourself morally, focus on learning the truth.

Do not do what is cruel, and do not latch onto falsities.

Edited by Artsu

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Is there any meaning to a game of chess or a game of football? Yes. And no.

We want meaning to save us and it does. But we're still the ones making up the rules of the game. Should we give up playing our own game? Yes, and no.

57% paranoid

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