
Simulating a Psychedelic Experience with Free Software

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In this video I discuss using my free Intention Repeater to simulate a pleasantly drunk, weed, or psychedelic experience.

As always, your mileage may vary.


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This is simply so amazing! I felt it when I watched your video and when I personally experienced it on my own it was so lovely. I was almost brought to tears. It was an immediate effect too. This is simply amazing. Thank you so much for sharing this. Love you all. 

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i dont get it this software just displays a sentence. why you get effects

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On 9/1/2020 at 1:31 AM, OBEler said:

i dont get it this software just displays a sentence. why you get effects

It repeats it in computer memory 1+ million times per second, like repeating an affirmation.

It writes to an Array in the computer repeatedly.

Repeating anything programs the quantum field to make things happen.

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But the Code will be translated into machine Code which only have Zero or one and this will be translated into Gates and registers and to the end to Transistors. 

The Computer memory cannot make sense of it in terms of being conscious of their meaning. There are just bits repeatedly. 

Example it will repeat 1 trillion times




These are just bits. Computer just saves it


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can you help me install python on windows 10? I have it saved to my desktop and I have my terminal open, but after that I'm lost


This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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1 minute ago, seeking_brilliance said:

can you help me install python on windows 10? I have it saved to my desktop and I have my terminal open, but after that I'm lost


In the terminal, type: python3

Windows 10 should install it.

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6 hours ago, OBEler said:

But the Code will be translated into machine Code which only have Zero or one and this will be translated into Gates and registers and to the end to Transistors. 

The Computer memory cannot make sense of it in terms of being conscious of their meaning. There are just bits repeatedly. 

Example it will repeat 1 trillion times




These are just bits. Computer just saves it


The infinitely intelligent nature of reality can make sense of it, and these 0's and 1's are translated to ripples in the Quantum Field.

I would give it a try if you want. If not, there's no harm done. Try running on the website an intention such as "I am blissfully calm" and see if it works for you.

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How the fuck could I ever know that this shit really works! Holy fuck...

Edited by StudentOfLeove

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Thanks for sharing with us, I will try it when I have a computer available so I can download python. The website and my phone have to do for now. However, am I supposed to hear something? I type an intention on the website but there's no sound, nor much of anything else for that matter. Am I missing something here?

I paint abstract art. Check out my website and let me know what you think.

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And I suppose this would work for those with malicious intent also?

And should there be a trip sitter present for someone who intends to trip on something they’ve never had?

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I find it very interesting how some people would never try this in the first place. Its like they are locking a door for themselves that had infinite potential, thats so sad, but if you locked it it means you can unlock it again and a new world shows its way to you... do you agree?

Edited by StudentOfLeove

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@dflores321 I use it more for affirmations.  Like for example you could put that you will have an enlightening experience today, or that you will lucid dream tonight.  I also felt no effect as far as feeling high or something. The creator though, says that some will be more sensitive to the subtle energies.. Though I wouldn't rule out the power of suggestion

 #whatever works

Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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The internet version somehow gave me a mild weed high, going to try the python version later to see if it is truly doing it.

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