
Why should I meditate?

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Why should I meditate?

To have the answer to any "why" question.


Is the practise actually worth it in your opinion or is it more of a fad?

You'll never know until you try.

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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For some it’s a fad, for others it radically transforms their lives. 

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The problem is everything you think is "worth it" turns out to be not worth it at the end. So maybe try something that seems like not worth it.

the whole idea of "worth it".. "what can I get out of this" is the opposite essence of meditation.  It's completely pointless.. You basically sit down and do absolutely nothing...it's not worth it and that's exactly why you need to do it.. Stop trying to go somewhere or to get something.. There is nowhere to go and nothing to get.   

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Because if you don't you're gonna go to hell

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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"Is the practise actually worth it in your opinion or is it more of a fad?"

The particular meditation I practice is worth it for me but this is a very personal and individual answer. For some people yes it's worth it, for others, it's a fad and that's how it's always been. Meditation - of many different types in all cultures - has been around for thousands of years and there's a whole range of responses. That's absolutely fine. Meditation is such a broad area, if you want, fishing can be done meditatively. 

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I started meditation years ago, not everyday, on and off.

For me, it's not until I have exhausted all the outside solutions that I started to take it really seriously. Look inward. Be an observer. Detach from your thoughts. These ideas sound quite illusive to people who still believe that they can figure out life by looking outside. So meditation is "worth it" for people who truly see the importance of the inward journey. 

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  On 8/31/2020 at 7:32 PM, Harmony342 said:

Is the practise actually worth it in your opinion or is it more of a fad?

Answer this to yourself in practice. 

https://voca.ro/11G9UScj3zUn Download this meditation - I cut this from one of Leo's videos. I have it on loop on my phone sometimes, because the guidance is simply very good. You will know if it's something you want or not. This is Raja yoga to the highest

Edited by Dodo

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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  On 8/31/2020 at 7:32 PM, Harmony342 said:

Is the practise actually worth it in your opinion or is it more of a fad?

Leo has stated before that meditation is the number 1 self-help habit. 

By meditating using the technique above, you are allowing your energies to flow naturally. You are allowing your mind complete relaxation while you remain very much awake. You absolutely need to meditate and let these energies flow, because otherwise your energy will be stagnant and your mind will be cluttered. 

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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Meditation is the most counterintuitive thing ever. If you think it's important thing to do, it's not. If you think it's not important than it is. 

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