
Horrible break through

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@Breakingthewall infinite nothingness. If you are not 0 (nothing) you can never be with 1 and be 1, which is infinite nothingness. Rest is spiritual ego or business. 

Dont try to be rainbow cookie ?.

Edited by James123

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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@Exystem i didn't experienced terror. I was in the void, and I was the void , and the void was dead, eternal, a infinite grave. I didn't like to be the void, but I was it and there wasn't escape, because was eternal

Edited by Breakingthewall

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Ok then it was slightly different than my experience. The interesting question is: What was that (I), which didn't like to be the void?

~ There are infinite ways to reunite that which already is one ~

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There are no thoughts there, only beingness as he said. Once you come back to the ego it goes haywire: Omg i died,etc etc.

We live in a thought created world, suffering exists only as a thought as well, so does love, other and "world", Imagination.

Once the void has a thought reincarnation is instant i think xD 


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15 minutes ago, Exystem said:

Ok then it was slightly different than my experience. The interesting question is: What was that (I), which didn't like to be the void?

Yes of course, sure my ego was there feeling the horror of the not being. He comes with me through the breakthrough. In that moment I was like dead, no thought, nothing, but who was feeling : I hate this eternal grave? Ego. Really I know that it wasn't going an easy way for me, it's going to be a process


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@Exystem Interesting post. What exactly happens in the state of Oneness? Does the game of hide and seek end or is it about switching side? (the no-side side if you want). Does the complete alignement of all consciousness, love, lead to what I assume to be infinite perspectiveless dreams? Or perspectives will still possible? Or it's not that? Are we the first conscious entity to ever appear, or is it a continuous renewal of itself? I mean, if I can achieve my dream to be some dumb love slave then it's probably fine.

Edited by gswva

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Thank you so much for sharing this. I haven't smoked 5-Meo before, but I had some weird psychedelic experiences which later on turned out to be my most mystical experiences. I can just imagine how you felt. Continue your work my friend, Until you see the Love within the infinite void :)

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We are infinite creative individuations of consciousness. These are just masks tho anyone can realize they are a part of the whole. The game is life itself, this is the idea life is endless. You fear death your whole life, yet it was an idea, a lie xDDD. Now hinduism explains it like this:

The atman has a jiva in it an eternal soul, an eternal expression of consciousness.It keeps on reincarnating in different realms, until enlightened. When it becomes enlightened it merges itself with Brahman or the void and doesn't reincarnate any longer. However both states are eternal and i think even when you merge you can have a desire to separate and it goes on forever. There is nothing else to do lol. Separation is always an illusion. An infinite mind can appear within itself looking at itself and not recognize itself. This is how selves or egoes are created in the first place.

Also karma literally means doing. So until you have desires, you will keep living as a separate self.  This is why people who are clear of desire are the only one to merge with the selfless. It doesn't have any selfish desires, but also it is not deluded. We are deluded hey you John o hi Leo ETC. The whole self dies after mahasamadhi. 

If you don't get enlightened you get reincarnated again to experience similar problems and lives.


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10 minutes ago, Mohammad said:


Yes, I will continue for sure. It is the most interesting thing that I could imagine. I know that that ideas about explore, development, go further, are egoic, I have a huge ego who wants more, and more. Let's see if the psichodelics can make him sleep a bit, without them will be impossible

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Crazy thing that happens with psychedelics after a while is that you can have a very informative trips on a small dose. Maybe don't go to the void, stay more grounded yet be open for answers?

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18 minutes ago, Bulgarianspirit said:

Crazy thing that happens with psychedelics after a while is that you can have a very informative trips on a small dose. Maybe don't go to the void, stay more grounded yet be open for answers?

Go till there is no one left to ask any question. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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1 minute ago, James123 said:

Go till there is no one left to ask any question. 

That is the alternative yes.

I would rather start a trip with an intention of getting an answer on a particular topic. I have never had a trip in which i had no answer lol

I think he already found the real self. Now it is his choice whether to dissolve the illusion of separation from it xD

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1 hour ago, Breakingthewall said:

Is it normal to have a breakthrough and the other side is all except nice?

Some trips can leave you shocked and worried because the ego-mind needs time to chew the material.

Deep trips require integration time and work.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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21 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Some trips can leave you shocked and worried because the ego-mind needs time to chew the material.

Deep trips require integration time and work.

I think now I understand what happened. I went to the void but my ego was with me, no words or thinking, but wasn't a total ego death, and my ego felt horror and repulse in contact with the void. Thanks to all of you for the therapy. Leo , I will listen your advice and change the roa. Vape is too short time

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1 minute ago, gswva said:

What exactly happens in the state of Oneness? Does the game of hide and seek end or is it about switching side? (the no-side side if you want)


To be meticolous, actually there is no state of Oneness - because there is no other state than that, so it can't be a state. You are always "in the state of" oneness so to speak. Your avatar is just the manifestation of the veiling process. By realizing this, the game of hide and seek ends in the most funny way imaginable - it's unbelievable funny to realize that the problemsolver is the only problem that the problemsolver could ever have. But that never was a problem, it is just gods favorite theaterplay right now. So you can still watch the hide and seek games in relative, dualistic realms. As god does trough you and everyone else right now.

13 minutes ago, gswva said:

Does the complete alignement of all consciousness, love, leads to what I assume to be infinite perspectiveless dreams?

In a way, infinite perspeciveless dreams are also one perspective - since there are highly limited perspectival dreams, too. The abolute-everything-including infinite perspectiveless dream (including perspectival dreams too) is happening right now in gods mind, and is expressed through you in one particular way amongst infinite ones. So yes, in a way it does if you define "infinite perspectiveless dreams" as encompassing absolutely everything. But the complete alignement is not a process, so it's not leading to this within time. The alignement is more like a property of existence.
But your avatar can only realize this within time, if it comes from a deluded position.

22 minutes ago, gswva said:

Or perspectives will still possible?

So perspectives are a part of the abolute-everything-including infinite perspectiveless dream. These perspectives are just "not real" in a way that they only exist relative to something else, other perspectives. They will have a beginning and an ending, not only within time but within the realm of gods mind (all dimensions). The realization of the relativity of absolutely all perspectives is by definition the overall-inclusive perspective (god, void or whatever), which is the only "real" perspective, it has no perspective next to it, it just is. There are no other perspectives possible, if it could be called a perspective at all. Perspective implies other perspectives. But there is actually only one true perspective - yours/gods.  You probably just mistake yourself for a perspective/dream within THE perspective (which actually is none).

40 minutes ago, gswva said:

Are we the first conscious entity to ever appear, or is it a continuous renewal of itself?

Your human avatar is not of course. The first conscious entity to ever appear shall appear where?
Every appearance happens within your true Self, god. God is what it is, "I am that I am". It doesn't renew since time is just a dimension in which its mirror images/echoes/shadows are projected down. God created time. It is the main ingredient for a limited perspective.
If you want to explain to a flatlander (2dimensional creature) what a cube is, the best way is to project its shadow onto the 2d-world and rotate it so the flatlander can watch it from all the different 2d-perspectives. Rotating/shifting requires time, so there is the following law:  Whatever higher dimension there is, its fullness can be experienced by the one underneath only through time. God is all dimensions, so a limited beeing/entity any dimension underneath can experience god only within time. With time, we have continuous renewal.
But there is no "first conscious entity", since everything is here and now, nothing beside that. Gods infninite dimensions are here and now and always have been, they are not renewing/changing whatever. Time is just a perspective, it is a paricular arrangement of consciousness that has access to a (limited) set of dimensions trying to understand god. Where time appears, gods shadows constantly change.
Your perception of a linear time is an illusion, fed by your imaginary memory. There are only infinite nows from gods pov. From each one of these nows, gods shadow is imagined to be different in an eyeblink.
The first conscious entity to ever appear is as much you right now as it was or will be you in a billion years. God is timeless, it created time. Imagines it right now as "you". All perspectives are imagined instantly because there is no time needed, since god is all dimensions and therefore all perspectives already, there is no dimension outside of god making it possible to change. There are only dimensions within god making it possible to be (manifest). And each of the manifestations needs time to represent the infnitude of god.

~ There are infinite ways to reunite that which already is one ~

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@Breakingthewall You mostly just need more time and more exposure to it to successfully integrate it.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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42 minutes ago, Bulgarianspirit said:

I would rather start a trip with an intention of getting an answer on a particular topic. I have never had a trip in which i had no answer lol

Just know this, if you never learn about your birth, you can never born :) good luck brother. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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34 minutes ago, James123 said:

Just know this, if you never learn about your birth, you can never born :) good luck brother. 

A finite being needs a beginning and end. However the being itself is a fiction,orchestrated by a bigger mystery a beingness. In deep sleep it is as if i don't exist because i don't perceive myself. Being in that state consciously is the timeless state i think, from experiencing similar states.

Edited by Bulgarianspirit

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@Exystem i just read your experience about the void. It's more or less the same. A void without nothing, dead, eternal and without Scape. What psichodelic was? What did you do after that? How to integrate? You said in that post that after that enlightenment was a jocke. That's I felt. Why to enlighting? If I'm here, as illusion, is because I didn't want to be that void, that's why all this illusion exist. Because the void want to forget that its a void. But if "it" wants anything, it isn't a void.... maybe better rest a bit....

Edited by Breakingthewall

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