
Horrible break through

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Not thinking is completely SURRENDERING!!! And when you completely surrender you become your true nature. Everything that you have learned made you add something on you.

Edited by James123

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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3 minutes ago, James123 said:

There is no reality or perception. All exist is nothing, and nothing can never be exist. Because of that it is nothing, there absolute. Infinite nothingness. Now.

It is not a spiritual state though, it is/can appear more ordinary than a seeker thinks, it can appear as anything. All there is, is what is apparently happening, if there is an individual in that, then it will seem real, and from there seeking for escape and liberation arises.

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18 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

Isn´t perception reality? Perception exists

perception presupposes a subject-object-duality, right? "The perceiver" and "the perceived".

Perception exists of course if you see yourself as a separate real self inside a bag of skin. Then you are perceiving 'the world' through that bag of skin.

(Or we could put it the other way: by insisting perception is real, you make the separate self real)

Direct consciousness "of something" is seeing that "that something" is you! (your imagination, nothing) - seeing yourself - God seeing God - You are God!

Edited by WaveInTheOcean

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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3 minutes ago, traveler said:

It is not a spiritual state though, it is/can appear more ordinary than a seeker thinks, it can appear as anything. All there is, is what is apparently happening, if there is an individual in that, then it will seem real, and from there seeking for escape and liberation arises.

Birth, enlightenment, states, seeker, seeing, mind, human, god, consciousness these are just thoughts that you have learned.

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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5 minutes ago, James123 said:

Birth, enlightenment, states, seeker, seeing, mind, human, god, consciousness these are just thoughts that you have learned.

Did you realised that with 5 meo or any psichodelics, meditation or how? Thoughts are something, but his substance is the nothing. So at the end all is built of that substance, the nothing. But how the nothing becames in something? 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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2 minutes ago, WaveInTheOcean said:

perception presupposes a subject-object-duality, right? "The perceiver" and "the perceived".

Perception exists of course if you see yourself as a separate real self inside a bag of skin. Then you are perceiving 'the world' through that bag of skin.

(Or we could put it the other way: by insisting perception is real, you make the separate self real)

Direct consciousness "of something" is seeing that "that something" is you! (your imagination, nothing) - seeing yourself - God seeing God - You are God!

Of course, but even in a non dual direct recognition of yourself, reality EXISTS.

It´s what "you" are "seeing" in front you, YOU? Yes. But it still exists.

Not only that, but duality is being projected again. So the dream keeps on going. I sometimes suspect that if reality keeps on going, is because God hasn´t still recognize itself truly. If it would have been, why he would still create duality. 

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1 minute ago, Breakingthewall said:

Did you realised that with 5 meo or any psichodelics, meditation or how?

I consumed 10 gr dried shrooms. That was first realization. But at that time, I thought me is exist and went somewhere (rabbit whole and come back) as you. But 2. And last realization was with meditation, at that moment i forgot everything for hours, and never come back. Because me is thought. I have never born.  

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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5 minutes ago, James123 said:

Birth, enlightenment, states, seeker, seeing, mind, human, god, consciousness these are just thoughts that you have learned.

Yes, nothing can touch this isness, no words come close, some words seem to point more directly than others though. It doesn't actually matter at all, it is just what is happening. And there is nothing inherently wrong with thoughts.

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11 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

So at the end all is built of that substance, the nothing. But how the nothing becames in something? 


"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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38 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

Of course, but even in a non dual direct recognition of yourself, reality EXISTS.

It´s what "you" are "seeing" in front you, YOU? Yes. But it still exists.

What you call 'reality' exists of course, because you want it to. It's your dream.

What is in front of me exists only because I'm dreaming it up. Unconsciously, most of the time, sure, but that's how I like it.

You can't tickle yourself can you? Or surprise yourself? Haha. The funny thing is, you can and you do! Only you do it by imagining something 'that is not you' (your friend tickling you, or your girlfriend making a surprise party for you :D etc.) 


I sometimes suspect that if reality keeps on going, is because God hasn´t still recognize itself truly. If it would have been, why he would still create duality. 

Look - you are fucking God. No need to speak of God as if God is some 3rd-person-outside-to-you. It is you!

There is no duality! What you call duality is non-duality. Non-duality, duality.
Let go of your mind games/logic-thinking/concepts/word-games and observe what is going on: it's all your dream. Your imagination.
The coolest imagination is that in which I act like there exist something that is 'not-me' or 'out-of-my-control' -- that's very exciting, playful, very thrilling, fun...Love: that's 'other', that's you.

God/I/You create apparent duality because of our non-dual nature. It's the only thing 'We' can "do", you see? We can only "do" duality. If We chose not to do anything then that's raw, pure, non-duality: total utterly empty nothingness/oneness. 
The funny thing is, it doesn't even matter if We do stuff or don't, it's still 'that' (nothing, imagination) if We do, and if We don't do, We do, because by not doing, in the totality of Our absolute emptiness We can't help but create...i.e. in absolute total nothingness exists naturally a potential for infinite dreams/things.

Edited by WaveInTheOcean

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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@Breakingthewall You are only getting started. There is much more to discover. Don't let the mind freak out too much. The nothingness is only one facet of a larger thing so keep exploring other facets.

Try plugging instead of vaping.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Agreed. Thanks


Edited by Yahya
Incomplete response

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8 minutes ago, WaveInTheOcean said:

What you call 'reality' exists of course, because you want it to. It's your dream.

What is in front of me exists only because I'm dreaming it up. Unconsciously, most of the time, sure, but that's how I like it.

You can't tickle yourself can you? Or surprise yourself? Haha. The funny thing is, you can and you do! Only you do it by imagining something 'that is not you' (your friend tickling you, or your girlfriend making a surprise party for you :D etc.) 

Look - you are fucking God. No need to speak of God as if God is some 3rd-person-outside-to-you. It is you!

There is no duality! What you call duality is non-duality. Non-duality, duality.
Let go of your mind games/logic-thinking/concepts/word-games and observe what is going on: it's all your dream. Your imagination.
The coolest imagination is that in which I act like there exist something that is 'not-me' or 'out-of-my-control' -- that's you.

 @WaveInTheOcean What would I create that dream as God?

 To discover that I did it all for Love? Damn it sounds too cheesy man i gotta be honest with ya. I´m that cheesy? OMG xD

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2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@Breakingthewall You are only getting started. There is much more to discover. Don't let the mind freak out too much. The nothingness is only one facet of a larger thing so keep exploring other facets.

Try plugging instead of vaping.

Thank you for that, I drink of that words like the man who is going to be executed ask to the priest about the paradise haha. I didn't experienced but I want to believe, because if it's only that void....what a business. Is it normal to have a breakthrough and the other side is all except nice?

14 minutes ago, James123 said:


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You are afraid of the void because there is something within you that constanly wants to go somewhere, explore something new, hoping of betternment. That is the evolutional life force within everyone of us. The densier, the smaller focused, the more egotistical it appears.
So whatever big or small ego you're perceiving from, the void always "looks" terrifying, because it contains the realization that there is nowhere to go, no escape from here and now, no better no worse within this timeless eternity and in the end there cannot be explored anything new, since it is all just the same.

This realization first seems to completely contradict this vital life force that drives everything into existence, because it represents the opposite of the evolutional life force, the ego's only job (finding the best way for the betterment of ones world). So "viewed" from the perspective of an ego, it literally looks terrifying like eternal death, forever locked in the same condition. But the ego can only try to understand the void from the outside, tries to comprehend it from a limited perspective with subjective preferances. But this is not the true void. Void is without ego, without perspective. Absence of all that stuff within time and space. Void is that which can't perceive anything out there because it is everything there is.

From the ego's point of view the void is like a dark, black hole sucking the world in. From the void's point of view it is that which spits out the light of life into all directions.
So maybe next time in order to really be the void instead of perceiving it from the egos perspective, you could focus your perception on that which judges the experience, that which perceives something as unpleasant. By shifting the focus from within the ego to outside of the ego, perceiving the ego, you may realize the totality of what you are.

Then you will be eternal exploration itself, be everywhere you will go, be the self-optimizing life force yourself but still be more than any perspective could ever comprehend. Infinite intelligence and creativity. And that is just beautiful. Perfect. Godly.
There will be no hole left to be filled. No need to be satisfied. Everything is in perfect peace and harmony, completely accepted and flowed through with love.

~ There are infinite ways to reunite that which already is one ~

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3 minutes ago, Exystem said:


You are afraid of the void because there is something within you that constanly wants to go somewhere, explore something new, hoping of betternment. That is the evolutional life force within everyone of us. The densier, the smaller focused, the more egotistical it appears.
So whatever big or small ego you're perceiving from, the void always "looks" terrifying, because it contains the realization that there is nowhere to go, no escape from here and now, no better no worse within this timeless eternity and in the end there cannot be explored anything new, since it is all just the same.

This realization first seems to completely contradict this vital life force that drives everything into existence, because it represents the opposite of the evolutional life force, the ego's only job (finding the best way for the betterment of ones world). So "viewed" from the perspective of an ego, it literally looks terrifying like eternal death, forever locked in the same condition. But the ego can only try to understand the void from the outside, tries to comprehend it from a limited perspective with subjective preferances. But this is not the true void. Void is without ego, without perspective. Absence of all that stuff within time and space. Void is that which can't perceive anything out there because it is everything there is.

From the ego's point of view the void is like a dark, black hole sucking the world in. From the void's point of view it is that which spits out the light of life into all directions.
So maybe next time in order to really be the void instead of perceiving it from the egos perspective, you could focus your perception on that which judges the experience, that which perceives something as unpleasant. By shifting the focus from within the ego to outside of the ego, perceiving the ego, you may realize the totality of what you are.

Then you will be eternal exploration itself, be everywhere you will go, be the self-optimizing life force yourself but still be more than any perspective could ever comprehend. Infinite intelligence and creativity. And that is just beautiful. Perfect. Godly.
There will be no hole left to be filled. No need to be satisfied. Everything is in perfect peace and harmony, completely accepted and flowed through with love.

That was beautiful. I really hope that is the case. Sometimes spirituality seems pointless, you ask yourself damm i'm risking everything here for what xD

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3 minutes ago, Exystem said:


You are afraid of the void because there is something within you that constanly wants to go somewhere, explore something new, hoping of betternment. That is the evolutional life force within everyone of us. The densier, the smaller focused, the more egotistical it appears.
So whatever big or small ego you're perceiving from, the void always "looks" terrifying, because it contains the realization that there is nowhere to go, no escape from here and now, no better no worse within this timeless eternity and in the end there cannot be explored anything new, since it is all just the same.

This realization first seems to completely contradict this vital life force that drives everything into existence, because it represents the opposite of the evolutional life force, the ego's only job (finding the best way for the betterment of ones world). So "viewed" from the perspective of an ego, it literally looks terrifying like eternal death, forever locked in the same condition. But the ego can only try to understand the void from the outside, tries to comprehend it from a limited perspective with subjective preferances. But this is not the true void. Void is without ego, without perspective. Absence of all that stuff within time and space. Void is that which can't perceive anything out there because it is everything there is.

From the ego's point of view the void is like a dark, black hole sucking the world in. From the void's point of view it is that which spits out the light of life into all directions.
So maybe next time in order to really be the void instead of perceiving it from the egos perspective, you could focus your perception on that which judges the experience, that which perceives something as unpleasant. By shifting the focus from within the ego to outside of the ego, perceiving the ego, you may realize the totality of what you are.

Then you will be eternal exploration itself, be everywhere you will go, be the self-optimizing life force yourself but still be more than any perspective could ever comprehend. Infinite intelligence and creativity. And that is just beautiful. Perfect. Godly.
There will be no hole left to be filled. No need to be satisfied. Everything is in perfect peace and harmony, completely accepted and flowed through with love.

It's the best show of understanding that I never read

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18 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

 @WaveInTheOcean What would I create that dream as God?

 To discover that I did it all for Love?

Yep! :D <3


Damn it sounds too cheesy man i gotta be honest with ya. I´m that cheesy? OMG xD

We are, yeah, haha. The cosmic joke xD <3

EDIT: Edited/added-to my prior post a fair bit btw

Edited by WaveInTheOcean

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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6 minutes ago, Exystem said:


You are afraid of the void because there is something within you that constanly wants to go somewhere, explore something new, hoping of betternment. That is the evolutional life force within everyone of us. The densier, the smaller focused, the more egotistical it appears.
So whatever big or small ego you're perceiving from, the void always "looks" terrifying, because it contains the realization that there is nowhere to go, no escape from here and now, no better no worse within this timeless eternity and in the end there cannot be explored anything new, since it is all just the same.

This realization first seems to completely contradict this vital life force that drives everything into existence, because it represents the opposite of the evolutional life force, the ego's only job (finding the best way for the betterment of ones world). So "viewed" from the perspective of an ego, it literally looks terrifying like eternal death, forever locked in the same condition. But the ego can only try to understand the void from the outside, tries to comprehend it from a limited perspective with subjective preferances. But this is not the true void. Void is without ego, without perspective. Absence of all that stuff within time and space. Void is that which can't perceive anything out there because it is everything there is.

From the ego's point of view the void is like a dark, black hole sucking the world in. From the void's point of view it is that which spits out the light of life into all directions.
So maybe next time in order to really be the void instead of perceiving it from the egos perspective, you could focus your perception on that which judges the experience, that which perceives something as unpleasant. By shifting the focus from within the ego to outside of the ego, perceiving the ego, you may realize the totality of what you are.

Then you will be eternal exploration itself, be everywhere you will go, be the self-optimizing life force yourself but still be more than any perspective could ever comprehend. Infinite intelligence and creativity. And that is just beautiful. Perfect. Godly.
There will be no hole left to be filled. No need to be satisfied. Everything is in perfect peace and harmony, completely accepted and flowed through with love.

very beautifully written, thank you <3

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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Thanks for the nice feedback :$ 
@Breakingthewall You know it's not that I haven't experienced kind of the same, too. But since that I have realized my limited perspective at that time and have also explored other dimensions. Here I commented my terrifying experience of the void:

The void can be fucking scary for a limited perspective. Your ego can't imagine death, it only knows its slow dissolution, which feels painful. Imagining its own death in the face of emptiness is like an infinite approximation to zero, which means infinite dissolution, suffering. You imagine how it would be like to infenitely regress and lose reality, which is terrifying for you. But the good new is, your ego is limited, finite. It can't regress/dissolve forever. So the idea of eternal suffering is just another bullshit imagination of an ego that can't even imagine its own death.
In reality, you may experience immense terror, but suddenly it's over, when you're dead. The void is this wonderful death.

~ There are infinite ways to reunite that which already is one ~

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