
How do people just churn through videos

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I literally hang off every word Leo says, and try to take notes basically transcribing what he says.

I assume that what he is saying could be immensely valuable to my life, and try to avoid misrepresenting it through simplification.


This is very time consuming, but I see people in his comments section who have just finished a 5 hour long, 2 part series. It takes me weeks to do that lol.

What is your learning strategy?

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I feel I've been doing what you've been doing.  I type pretty quickly though. 

Lately, I think I'm trying to listen more, then take smaller and more condensed notes.  Like trying to not transcribe him verbatim, but trying to siphon the core concept or idea he's talking about in a particular instance.  

I still do the transcribing thing to some degree.  

Also, I've found  re-watching without taking too many notes, listening more to what he says and thinking about it, seeing where his ideas give me insights, etc.  Maybe writing down some insights I find relevant or exciting.

I also have found that if I go though a video and feel that I was taking too many notes such that I didn't really absorb anything, then trying to find 3 core ideas or insights can help to get something out of it rather than nothing.

"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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I think my intensity in note-taking could have some neuroticism at its base.  Like fearing I'll miss something and screw up.  Might not be the best way to go about it.  Like it might be more worthwhile to gain a few concepts with integrity rather than a butt-load of information I'll never remember.  

Though, perhaps we integrate information even if we don't consciously remember it...  dunno.  

"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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Your personality is too focused on details. 

Try to look beyond the words and think more abstractly. 

Usually, videos that Leo makes are summarized in the quote he puts in the beginning. If you understand the quote, you don't need to watch the video :) 

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Just keep at it. Meditate more. Be more in the present. It’s probably still hard for you to sit still and just listen without having your head (ego) fill it up with thoughts and opinions.  Don’t worry about it too much. You’ll get it eventually.

Stop trying to “study” like its some kind of university course. You’re never going to get what he’s saying and you’re only going to strain yourself more. The things he talks about goes beyond conceptual and you kinda have to ask yourself more and draw from your experience more.

For example, if you want to get what he talks about with spiral dynamics, you’re going to need to do more exploring and observing people and their actions. Reading history and looking at art made by different people is one example.

I treat Leo’s videos almost like a podcast to be enjoyed and to be related to.

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Yea, I feel like it's important get that "click" in your mind; the "oohhh I see" sort of thing.  Contemplating it, mulling it over, looking at your experience, connecting dots, comparing it to other ideas and theories, looking for blind spots, etc.

  • Probably more important than taking notes for notes' sake.  
  • Like, for me anyways, the point of notes is to compile the most crucial pieces of information so I can see all the pieces clearly and simply without having to rummage through a bunch of shit.
  • Notes = efficiency + essentials   ...  for me anyways

People are probably different too, and even different through time as to what's the "best" way for them to take notes.

  • learning styles
  • current context, environment, and needs
  • etc.


P.S.  Tiago Forte @ (might be the wrong address) has a tool called the "Second Mind".  I haven't looked at it closely, but I think it's a note taking tool.  He has some free resources on note-taking; a subject which he seems to be somewhat involved and passionate about.

Edited by Matt23

"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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Once I got the gist of it it turned into more of an art than a class

Sailing on the ceiling 


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1.5x speed

Also I listen to it while doing other things and take notes when something significant enough comes up

Describe a thought.

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I listen everything in one go even if the video is huge. Sometimes I pause just to think about what he suggested.

Every video has a main ideia, that's what I want to get out of it. Sometimes I take notes, but that's rare. I rarely look back on my notes so there's no point in writing everything down.

For a video to be a valuable tool for me I don't need to get every single bit of information drilled into my head. I just try to understand the main points. Sometimes I rewatch old videos and my understanding goes up.

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I keep podcast in an earbud as often as possible. While driving, domestic duties, in waiting rooms or lines, morning breakfast, evening when I chill, etc. as often possible, Leo and others always in my ear.  I mix it up with other sources too; audiobooks from Leo's book list, and other teachers past and present. I never take notes, but go back a relisten to episodes often. Immersing with a high volume of conscious input as consistently and often as possible saturating in advanced conscious resources. While doing the practices; meditation, psychedelics, Kriya Yoga, practice Karma Yoga at every opportunity .

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18 hours ago, JosephKnecht said:

Your personality is too focused on details. 

Try to look beyond the words and think more abstractly. 

Usually, videos that Leo makes are summarized in the quote he puts in the beginning. If you understand the quote, you don't need to watch the video :) 

Thank you for your reply

I feel like his series "advice for young people" gives a really distinct and nuanced action plan, whereas the other more metaphysical topics, I could probably view with a more right-brained attitude e.g. "reality is infinite consciousness" vs "start taking learning and understanding extremely seriously" warrant two different responses; one warrants the implication of a new habit or schedule, the other understanding for its own sake and to be matched to my experience.

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1 hour ago, Mada_ said:

Thank you for your reply

I feel like his series "advice for young people" gives a really distinct and nuanced action plan, whereas the other more metaphysical topics, I could probably view with a more right-brained attitude e.g. "reality is infinite consciousness" vs "start taking learning and understanding extremely seriously" warrant two different responses; one warrants the implication of a new habit or schedule, the other understanding for its own sake and to be matched to my experience.

Yes, some videos offer more practical advice while others are more theoretical in nature.

You need to integrate the theory with the practice for best result. 

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By speeding the video up. But I stopped doing that so that I can absorb it more fully. Also concentrate only on the video, do not multitask, especially when you speed it up. You can do the same with audio books btw.

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19 hours ago, Husseinisdoingfine said:

Some people go at faster speeds then others, your job is not to 'churn' through these videos, watch each video attentively. If you're just starting with self help (like me, one year in) than begin with the beginning videos. 

Make sure to actively apply each video you watch, the overwhelming thing you should be doing is applying the videos, watching them should take up a small part.


Damn, that hurts :o


*clicks on the next video* 

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@Mada_ @Matt23 @JosephKnecht @SpaceLaika01 @Rigel @Husseinisdoingfine @Osaid @Espaim @neovox @Michal__

There's a site called Downsub that let's you download the transcript of a video if that video has subtitles. So you can watch the video, take as notes the most important things you hear, then download the transcript and have all the things said if you want to analyze again the video (underline, organize stuff, keep all neat and clear) without spending too much time. Plus you can speed the video with chrome extensions. There are extensions that let you speed up to 16x.

Been on the healing journey for 5 committed years: traumas, deep wounds, negative beliefs, emotional blockages, internal fragmentation, blocked chakras, tight muscles, deep tensions, dysfunctional relationship dynamics. --> Check out my posts for info on how to heal:


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@Mada_ Your doing the right thing, worry about the degree to what you understand the material, question it, contrmplate it. Most people don't respect the learning process and think they understand the material or understand it at a logical level but not emotionally. 


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Here's my system:

1.5x speed

Write down all important points and interesting tidbits that I want to contemplate further.

I only write verbatim notes for the more practical episodes or ones where he presents a model like SD or Ego Development.

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