
People from looksmax as mentally ill

5 posts in this topic

I've seen people with self image distorions, addiction to perfectionism... but what made me worry is:

I found a thread where a indian kid  says: Rate my hindu shitskin father who ruined my life

Aparently the kid is mixed from white mother and hindu dad. I felt so sad and sorry for the father, that looked very nice man.

How is that possible that a stupid kid hate so much his father who gave him life and raised him? He blame his father for not looking like a model.

Are mixed kids obsessed by beauty, entitled and narcissist like Elliot rodgers?

What can be done to help them?

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I just stumbled upon one looksmax thread, I think I want to vomit, I wont link it, all I can say its like Stage Red+++++

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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On 8/31/2020 at 2:07 PM, Rajneeshpuram said:

Rate my hindu shitskin father who ruined my life


Lookism.net basically, I lurk there for lol's sometimes

On 8/31/2020 at 2:07 PM, Rajneeshpuram said:

Are mixed kids obsessed by beauty, entitled and narcissist like Elliot rodgers?

Not only mixed kids. Those are usually immature incels or trolls

"Buddhism is for losers and those who will die one day."

                                                                                            -- Kenneth Folk

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On 8/31/2020 at 4:07 PM, Rajneeshpuram said:

I've seen people with self image distorions, addiction to perfectionism... but what made me worry is:

I found a thread where a indian kid  says: Rate my hindu shitskin father who ruined my life

Aparently the kid is mixed from white mother and hindu dad. I felt so sad and sorry for the father, that looked very nice man.

How is that possible that a stupid kid hate so much his father who gave him life and raised him? He blame his father for not looking like a model.

Are mixed kids obsessed by beauty, entitled and narcissist like Elliot rodgers?

What can be done to help them?

I'm a mixed kid of the exact same background (white mother, indian dad).

No, mixed kids are not necessarily obsessed with beauty. I had a lot of hate towards my dad too but only because he is the most egocentric, narcissistic, racist, xenophobic, sexist, homophobic, and authoritarian person that I know. I'm currently trying to let go and transforming this into love because it wasn't its fault as he had a terrible abusive childhood.

Concerning the look, many people have told me that I look very good so I guess that it's true.

Look for mixed kids is a double-edged sword because we feel at the same time closer to most people and more different than most people. Because of that I personally can more easily see life from different perspectives, so when they are racism issues I usually feel slice in half. It's very painful because whatever we say, people will always judge us from the other ethnic background. As a mixed kid, I experienced strange questions and also racism from white people, and I also experienced racism from Indian people. I get it from all sides.

Personally, the thing that I would like the most would be the be treated as an equal human being. I'm sick of hearing people talking about my look (even if it's positive), debating me, and noticing things about my physical appearance. However as most of the world is not mixed and is unconscious, it's not going to happen now, so for decades and decades, mixed people will have to suffer until finally everyone is mixed and the problem is solved.

P-S: The person that you mentioned seems to have huge self-esteem issues and I don't think that it's about being mixed.

Edit: I checked out the forum and the subject. This place looks super unhealthy and super racist, it's not worth focusing energy and being angry after such reactions. I guess that they are many similar subjects on this forum.

Edited by Raphael

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