
The Implications of Omniscience

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For God or any being to be omniscient, it would have to know what it is like to directly experience all possibilities, to infinity. You and I are research nodes of consciousness on God’s infinite journey to omniscience. There MUST be a heaven with pearly gates and a hell with a lake of fire if omniscience is real. These are just two examples. Of course an infinite amount of other dimensions, universes, aspects of reality such as time, etc. must exist too. 

Am I on to something? 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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Consciousness can dream up whatever it wants, including your pearly gated heaven. But that doesn't necessarily mean it exists "out there" somewhere in the ether. For it to exist, YOU must dream it up right now.

What exists is whatever you put in your consciousness.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura So does that mean a fundamentalist Christian can actually go in Heaven or Hell after their death? I mean, if what you say is true, and the life as we experience right now is also a dream, and consciousness can dream up whatever it wants, does it mean that those Heaven and Hell will feel as real as life right now?

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@bazera Pretty much. It all depends on how deeply you buy into your own fantasies.

Within a Christian's reality, Noah's Ark actually had dinosaurs on it and Jesus was actually born to a virgin.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@PopoyeSailor Yes, that's basically correct. Although I would add, all of that is occurring in YOUR/GOD'S consciousness. You are seeing that YOU/CONSCIOUSNESS has the potential for infinite dreams.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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4 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@PopoyeSailor Yes, that's basically correct. Although I would add, all of that is occurring YOUR/GOD'S consciousness.

Yes, the book also declares it in many places that you are non different from the infinite consciousness / Brahman and it is indivisible.

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@PopoyeSailor Sounds like a good book.

Or just smoke some DMT ;)

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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12 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@PopoyeSailor Sounds like a good book.

Or just smoke some DMT ;)


Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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Thanks for the advice..:), But, I'm not in a position to..  This book or some other I don't remember, Says that some sages attained enlightenment through such medicinal preparations. Some of them attained siddhi powers through such preparations as well. 

There used to be a drink called SOMA which in ancient times was prepared and offered to gods, as well as consumed by the priests. But, the knowledge is lost. These days they simply do the same ceremony with some other replacement herbs which I think are not psychedelic at all. But, I don't know much about it. The ceremony's name is "SOMA YAGA" I think.

I don't know how accurate this translation is, but here it is:

The Rigveda (8.48.3) says: (The most ancient of any known vedic literature in the world) 

ápāma sómam amŕ̥tā abhūma
áganma jyótir ávidāma devā́n
kíṃ nūnám asmā́n kr̥ṇavad árātiḥ
kím u dhūrtír amr̥ta mártiyasya[6]

Ralph T.H. Griffith translates this as:

We have drunk soma and become immortal; we have attained the light, the Gods discovered.
Now what may foeman's malice do to harm us? What, O Immortal, mortal man's deception?


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The Yoga Vasishta will give the reader basic understanding of what the absoute reality is all about.

Bhagavad Gita(Mainly for Bhaktins) will give understanding of Gunas, little bit of sankhya( which explains how the elements combine together one after another to form the physical manifestation), Time Scale difference in different realms, and also advice on dharma(Righteousness - action in difficult situations). Etc.

Death; An Inside Story: A book for all those who shall die -Book by Sadhguru : This book will give little bit of knowledge of how the process of death and different airs within the body act. As well as what disembodied beings are and what happens after death is explained.


There are literally thousands upon thousands of such ancient books in existence in vedic culture(Indian Hindu culture) about Medicine, Mathematics, Agriculture, Knowledge of Elemental Physics, Chemistry, Occult, Spirituality, Architechture, Art, Machinery, Air, Space Travel, and every other subject humans can think of.. To what extent these were explored and utilized, we don't know. But, these works have different approach to such sciences than modern sciences.

Most of the time when these books are discussed in public, people tend to ridicule them, that's why these subjects are not talked about in public at all.


Edited by PopoyeSailor

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God is not a being. Beings are finite.

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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7 minutes ago, tsuki said:

God is not a being. Beings are finite.

Yes, that also is explained in the book.

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Perhaps this might help in giving broader perspective:

Some of the text is somewhat ambiguous, I think it is because of loss in translation from Sanskrit.

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57 minutes ago, PopoyeSailor said:

The Yoga Vasishta will give the reader basic understanding of what the absoute reality is all about.

Bhagavad Gita(Mainly for Bhaktins) will give understanding of Gunas, little bit of sankhya( which explains how the elements combine together one after another to form the physical manifestation), Time Scale difference in different realms, and also advice on dharma(Righteousness - action in difficult situations). Etc.

Death; An Inside Story: A book for all those who shall die -Book by Sadhguru : This book will give little bit of knowledge of how the process of death and different airs within the body act. As well as what disembodied beings are and what happens after death is explained.


There are literally thousands upon thousands of such ancient books in existence in vedic culture(Indian Hindu culture) about Medicine, Mathematics, Agriculture, Knowledge of Elemental Physics, Chemistry, Occult, Spirituality, Architechture, Art, Machinery, Air, Space Travel, and every other subject humans can think of.. To what extent these were explored and utilized, we don't know. But, these works have different approach to such sciences than modern sciences.

Most of the time when these books are discussed in public, people tend to ridicule them, that's why these subjects are not talked about in public at all.


Thank you for your posts ? and sharing good information 

Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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2 hours ago, PopoyeSailor said:

The ceremony's name is "SOMA YAGA" I think.


Yes you rightly mentioned about Soma Rasa ( Rasa means a liquid or fluid ), it has been referred to in various Ancient Hindu Scriptures and a lot of significance is given to this particular drink for attaining higher conscious states.

Also, I would like to correct for the readers that it is not "Yaga" but it is Yagya, which is Sanskrit for :

Yajna or Yagya (Sanskrit: यज्ञ) (IAST: yajñá) literally means "sacrifice, devotion, worship, offering", and refers in Hinduism to any ritual done in front of a sacred fire, often with mantras. Yajna has been a Vedic tradition, described in a layer of Vedic literature called Brahmanas, as well as Yajurveda.

I used to be quite well practiced in this ritual, lol ?, since it was a general tradition to worship God in my family.

Thankyou for sharing the nice book ?

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10 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Consciousness can dream up whatever it wants, including your pearly gated heaven. But that doesn't necessarily mean it exists "out there" somewhere in the ether. For it to exist, YOU must dream it up right now.

What exists is whatever you put in your consciousness.

How can omniscience exist without all things existing at least at some point in time? If at least one partitioned consciousness of God didn’t experience a kangaroo killing Donald Trump with a flamethrower, would it really be omniscient if that is a possibility fully able to be dreamed up by consciousness/God/you? 

I see it as everything must be dreamed up at some point for omniscience to really exist. Or does omniscience function different than this from your experience? 

I was just using those realms as extreme, yet popular, examples. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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12 hours ago, BipolarGrowth said:

For God or any being to be omniscient, it would have to know what it is like to directly experience all possibilities, to infinity. You and I are research nodes of consciousness on God’s infinite journey to omniscience. There MUST be a heaven with pearly gates and a hell with a lake of fire if omniscience is real. These are just two examples. Of course an infinite amount of other dimensions, universes, aspects of reality such as time, etc. must exist too. 

Am I on to something? 

God isn't a being/creature.

God isn't anything really (and therefore everything of course).

You aren't a research node of consciousness. You are God.

Notice how you are stuck in fantasy land. It doesn't nescessarily help to think of all the things that could be. Look at what is the case now. What's going on? Examine the present moment as it is, now.

You are fucking God:>

Edited by WaveInTheOcean

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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2 hours ago, BipolarGrowth said:

How can omniscience exist without all things existing at least at some point in time? If at least one partitioned consciousness of God didn’t experience a kangaroo killing Donald Trump with a flamethrower, would it really be omniscient if that is a possibility fully able to be dreamed up by consciousness/God/you? 

I don't think that's particularly necessary.

Omniscience is simply full consciousness of the present moment. Other moments don't need to happen because they are imaginary.

You can be conscious that reality is an infinite dream without having to dream all the possible dreams. Similar to how you can be conscious that numbers are endless without having to write out every number.

1, 2, 3, 4.... at some point you just get that it can go on forever.

In fact, there is a tradeoff between infinite consciousness and form. To truly be infinitely conscious you will just become an undifferentiated singularity. There will be no forms there, but you will be totally conscious of everything that could ever be.

That is the pure white light at the end of tunnel that some people report to see when they die. It feels like getting sucked into the center of the sun. It's so much consciousness that it has infinite brightness and all form just drowns in it. Imagine a white hole that is infinitely deep.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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