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vertical vs horizontal growth

3 posts in this topic

You briefly mentioned this distinction in your video "The 9 Stages Of Ego Development". I'm suggesting a video that goes more in depth into it.


  • This model is all about vertical development: changing the structure of your reality and sense of self. It’s like going vertically up the spiral. Vertical is more difficult than horizontal.
  • Horizontal development is expansion at the same plane within the same structure. For example, getting better and better at your career as an achiever. Or, getting higher and higher in the Christian organizations, become a priest or a missionary and become more moral and learn more about the Bible, as a conformist. ==> Self help happens here because it's more safe for the ego. ==> Most people aren't even doing horizontal development at all, let alone being open-minded enough for a radical, vertical shift.
Edited by blankisomeone

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Yeah, great request +1

Also would love to see more on the interplay between the two. Lets say for example of how does MBTI (horizontal) nest within Spiral Dynamics (Vertical). Btw great video, the last one.

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