
Post-conventionality at a conventional workplace

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Hi, I have identified as post-conventional re: Leo’s latest video. It is very conventional (conformist, expert, achiever) so I survive as an achiever. Needless to say, I am not happy at work but I need this job. Until I can find something more Strategist, how can I survive in a conventional, high pressure workplace?

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On 2020-08-30 at 11:59 PM, Nobody_Here said:

Hi, I have identified as post-conventional re: Leo’s latest video. It is very conventional (conformist, expert, achiever) so I survive as an achiever. Needless to say, I am not happy at work but I need this job. Until I can find something more Strategist, how can I survive in a conventional, high pressure workplace?

Hard to say, you can learn that stress is not something to be managed, same with anxiety, anger or any other feeling that's of your making that ypu don't want. It's a choice and you can get in touch with yourself in a way to always feel what you want to feel. Though this is advanced for your stage. If you reduce activity you can save lots of energy. Utter 50% of the words that you usually say will save some. Resting your body when you can without conciously thinking about things. Try to think only what you need to think then let your mind be at peace without controlling what will pop up in there. Reduce the amount of mental decisions in a day, this is why some entrepreneurs wear tge same clothes everyday. Give in to your emotions don't try to be anything, don't try to sound happy/full of energy in front of people when you're not. Dont spend the energy as fast as you get some. Don't judge yourself or others so much, let others be how they want to be like so don't waste your energy on them. Don't have expectations of yourself, just do your job, sometimes it goes well sometimes less well. Don't push yourself to uphold a certaint quality/expectation of yourself....

I hope something helped. ?

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