
Is organic life simply the process of God moving towards re-unifying itself?

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Had sort of a realization, just wondering if it means anything or leads anywhere.

Basically I had the thought after reflecting on what Leo has said about "everything is pure imagination". Which I understand conceptually, but haven't directly. Still, after sitting on it for a while I noticed something;

Isn't the ability of complex organisms like human beings to imagine things essentially direct/pure evidence of getting a taste or fraction of what being God is? Of course our imaginations don't appear to be that powerful, as the imaginations remain in our heads and don't manifest in what we traditionally call "reality".

It took billions of years just on this particular planet for life to evolve to a point where there are living things that have "imagination". While all of what we consider non-living things don't have this ability (as far as things appear).

This process of evolution seems to be moving in a linear fashion >>>>> From nothing being able to imagine >>>>> To more and more things being able to.

If this line reaches it's conclusion eventually we (or something else) become so powerful at imagination that a singularity is reached, and there is an inflection point where God basically holds a mirror up to itself through it's own imagination (us), then once the "gig" is up so to say, it starts the process all over again?

Is this what you meant @Leo Gura when you said "God is so powerful it tricks itself into forgetting what it is."?

So what we call reality is simply an infinite oscillation of God forgetting and remembering?




Sorry if this is all over the place, or I don't know what I'm talking about. It's just hard to articulate these things through only language.




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God doesn’t need billions of years, evolution, organic life, unfolding complexity, etc to experience. God just makes it seem as if there is a past, time, causation, other than direct experience, etc, via the veil of a “Roy”. To believe in those is to be forgetting who you actually are. Without “Roy” there is no universe at all. What appears to forget actually forgets to appear.

Roy is sized perfectly between an atom and the earth, the product of billions of years of random mutation. What are the odds of that? What are “odds” other than as known, to you?



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my rational mind can't help asking that question: what for? yes, all these trillions of planets and beings are just the imagination of god. but for what? everything seems to evolve to an end

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If you analyze physical reality with the rational mind, not perception or intuitive, the process of formation of different elements, such as carbon, in supernova explosions, the infinitesimal accuracy necessary for these processes, the appearance of life and its very long evolution from unicellular to more and more complex beings, Until reaching the human, the maladaptive and adaptable being, this seems the work of an engineer of enormous intelligence , but limited (he can't do that directly, needs a process, and multiples fails) who desperately needs to reach an end, and to reach this there is no time or suffering that will make him give up

Edited by Breakingthewall

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21 hours ago, Nahm said:

What appears to forget actually forgets to appear.



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Is organic life simply the process of God moving towards re-unifying itself? 

Organic life is both the process of God splitting up and re-unifying. It's leela: play. Divine play

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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