sir maut

Philosophy of Science (books and videos)

15 posts in this topic

Books ( for introduction and valuable insights)

1. Aim and structure of physical theory- Pieere Duhem.

2. Philosophy of mathematics and natural science- Hermann weyl

3. Analysis of sensations- ernst mach

4. Science of mechanics - ernst mach

5. Knowledge and error - ernst mach

6. Nature of physical reality - Henry margenau

7. Foundations of physics - Henry margenau 

8. Analysis of matter - Bertrand russell

9. Human knowledge- Bertrand russell

10. Scientific image - Bas Van Frassen 

11. Laws and symmetry - Bas van fraassen 

12. Empirical stance - Bas van fraassen 

13. Scientific representation- Bas van fraassen. 

14. Philosophical foundations of physics - Rudolf carnap.

15. Fundamentals of concept formation in empirical sciences- Carl hempel

16. Foundations of physics- philip frank

17. Logical structure of world - Rudolf carnap.

18. Problems of philosophy in their interconnection - Moritz schlick

19. Epistemological writings - hermann von helmholtz

20. Popular lectures on scientific subjects - hermann von helmholtz

21. Popular scientific lectures - ernst mach

22. Theoretical physics and philosophical problems- ludwig boltzmaan 

23. Common sense of exact sciences - william kingdon clifford

24. Where is science going - max planck

25. Experience and prediction - Hans recheinbach

26. Rise of scientific philosophy- Hans recheinbach 

27. Empiricism, logic, mathematics - Hans hahn 

28. Principles of mathematics( part 7 only) -  Bertrand russell 

29. An enquiry concerning principles of natural knowledge- Alfred north whitehead.

30.  Nature of physical world - Arthur Eddington.

31. To save the phenomenon- Pieere duhem.

32.  Philosophy of physics - Mario bunge

33. Foundations of physics - Mario bunge

34. Philosophy of science vol 1 and vol 2 - Mario bunge

35. Explaining science, a cognitive approach - Ronald giere

36. Scientific perspectivsim- Ronald giere

37. Mathematical epistemology- E.W beth and jean piaget

38. Understanding causality- jean piaget

39. Language of modern physics - E.H hutten

40. Concepts of modern physics - john stallo

41. Ways of world making - Nelson goodman

42. Structure and appearance- Nelson goodman

43. Fact fiction forecast - Nelson goodman

45. Logic of modern physics - Percy Bridgman

46. Nature of physical theory - Percy Bridgman 

47. Foundations of scientific inference - wesley salmon

48. Representing and intervening - ian hacking 

49. Phenomenology of perception - maurice merleau ponty

50. The essential tension - Thomas kuhn


Edited by sir maut

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Nice one :)

"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it" -Rumi

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If we work a little bit more consciously and push our limits and be a little more creative in our research, we can make an academic library available right here at this forum only ?


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54 minutes ago, Jacob Morres said:

The Science Delusion - Rupert Sheldrake

Great one?

Noam Chomsky: The machine, the ghost and the limits of understanding; Newton´s contribution to the study of mind⬇️


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James B. Glattfelder





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Here are a few videos which talks about the history and the basic principles of the Philosophy of Science.





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Books continuation

51. Road since structure - thomas kuhn

52. Methodology of scientific research programme - Imre lakatos

53. Proofs and refutations - imre lakatos

54. Mathematics, science, epistemology- imre lakatos

55. Against method - paul feyerabend

56. Problems of empiricism- paul feyerabend

57. Knowledge,science and relativism- paul feyerabend.

58. Conjectures and refutations - karl popper

59. Realism and aim of science - karl popper

60. Science, faith and society - Michael polanyi

61. Philosophy of natural science- carl hempel

62. Many faces of realism - hilary putnam

63. Mind, language and reality - hilary putnam

64. Representation and reality - hilary putnam 

65. Models and analogies in science- Mary hesse

66. Structure of scientific inference- Mary hesse

67. Models and metaphors - Max black

68. Concepts and role of models in mathematics, natural and social sciences - Hans freudenthal

69. Studies in methodology and foundation of science - patrick suppes

70. Representation and invariance of scientific structures- patrick suppes

71. Models and methods in philosophy of science - patrick suppes

72. Structure of science - Ernest nagel

73. Introduction to logic and scientific method - Ernest nagel

74. Observation and theory in science - Ernest nagel

75. Inquiry as inquiry: logic of scientific discovery - Jaakko hintikka

76. Logic of epistemology and epistemology of logic - Jaakko hintikka

77. Science and partial truth - Newton da costa

78. Semantic conception of theories and scientific realism - Frederick suppe

79. Structure of scientific theories - frederick suppe

80. How laws of physics lie - nancy cartright

81. The Dappled world - nancy cartright 

82. Models as mediators - Mary s morgan, Margaret morrison

83. Models and theories - Roman frigg

84. Fictions in science: philosophical essay on modelling and idealization - Mauricio suarez 

85. Aspects of scientific explanation- carl hempel 

86. Scientific explanation- Richard braithwate

87. Nature of explanation - peter achinstein 

88. Four decades of scientific explanation - wesley salmon 

89. Statistical explanation and statistical relevance - wesley salmon 

90. Logic of statistical inference - ian hacking 

91. Logical foundations of scientific inference - Henry kyburg 

92. Theory and evidence - clark glymour 

93. Foundations of measurement-  suppes, tversky, krantz, luce

94. Extending ourselves - paul humphreys

95. The world observed, the world conceived - hans radder 

96. Material realization of science- hans radder 

97. Philosophy of scientific experimentation - hans radder

98. Thing knowledge, philosophy of scientific instrumentation - Davis baird 

99. Objectivity - lorraine daston and peter galison

100. Image and logic - peter galison


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Books continuation

101.  How experiments end -  peter galison

102. The neglect of experiment -  Allan franklin

103.  Selectivity and discord- Allan franklin

104. Experiment, right or wrong - Allan franklin

105. Observability and observation in physical science - peter kosso

106. Construction of quarks - andrew pickering

106. The mangle of practice - andrew pickering

107. Progress and its problems - larry laudan

108. Science and values -  larry laudan

109. Science and relativism - larry laudan

110. Science and hypothesis - larry laudan

111.  The advancement of science - philip kitcher

112. Science,truth and democracy - philip kitcher

113. Science in a democratic society- philip kitcher

114. Scientific knowledge, a sociological analysis - S. Barry barnes

115. Understanding agency - S. Barry barnes

116. Interests and growth of knowledge - S. Barry barnes

117. Sociology of scientific knowledge- David bloor

118. Knowledge and social imagery - David bloor 

119. Changing order: replication and induction in scientific practice - Harry collins

120. Re-thinking expertise  -  Harry collins 

121.  Tacit and explicit knowledge  - Harry collins

122.  Artificial experts - Harry collins

123. Sociology of science -  robert merton

124. Genesis and development of scientific fact - ludwig fleck

125. Laboratory life: construction of scientific fact -  Bruno latour

126. Science in action -  Bruno latour

127. Science, the very idea  -  steve woolgar

128. Knowledge and reflexivity - steve woolgar

129. Leviathan and air pump - steve shapin

130. The scientific life - steve shapin

131. The scientific revolution - steve shapin

132. Knowledge by agreement - Martin kusch

133. Thinking about technology, foundations of philosophy of technology -  Joseph.c. pitt

134. Doing philosophy of technology  -  Joseph.c. pitt



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Here is a link for research guide. Helpful resources for : philosophy of science, philosophy of physics, philosophy of biology, philosophy of scientific instrumentation, sociology of scientific knowledge  are there.

Few useful articles

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