Jay Ray

Creating new words for self-actualization.

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About 6 mouths ago I started a small project, I started creating new words to describe the things that English didn't allow.  

Our thought process is bottle necked by the the words we use, so why not create brand new ones we need? our language is geared towards stage Orange so that limits our ability to self-actualize and think more clearly.   the concepts we need for both spiritual and psychological growth could be improved with better language. 

like Leo says, learning means making distinctions so I decided to create a simple nomenclature for create custom words in the spiritual/ self-actualization path . 

my system tries to do the flowing

  • reduce unnecessary mental effort
  • allow for rapid creation of new  ideas, model and concepts
  • allow for possible deeper communication between people and allow for langue to expand and evolve more rapidly 

for example, the most importantly duality to understand is that between a feeling, and the thing which causes that feeling, which to my knowledge English doesn't have a word for these terms and people confuse them often

so I created these words

Emoclian: this refers to ONLY the emotion, this is the emotion that you are experiencing and not the situation.  many different situations in life that your encounter lead to the same emoclian 

 Vetrabute: the situation itself, this is the raw sensation data without any meaning or emotion. It just is.  looking at a horror move just through the vetrabute side only, fear would not be produced.  it is just the raw sensation data without meaning or emotion in your direct experince. 


I have found these words to be very useful and i thought I would share them but more importantly the process of names each emoclian and naming how each one feels so that you can think about your specific custom emotion is very useful.

some other useful words i created

Frickeler:  an idea or thought which you do not identify with but has come into your awareness.  When a thought I don't like comes into my head I say "Frickeler! I dis-identify with that thought, I do not need this thought to go away for me to be happy because I am aware that it is not a belief, it is a frickeler ".  

stomage: the psychical sensation in the body caused by an emotion.  


what word do you thinks lack from English that should be created?  new please let me know 





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We don't need more words. We can barely understand each other with the words we already have. 

If you are looking for another interesting project, investigate how people can communicate telepathically, without words. 


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The problem would be the words catching on and being used universally. Which I don't see in current times, you are too early. 

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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