
Interview with a guy that spent $8000 on PUA coaching & still got 0 results

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Even if he scored with few girls for those 8k, what he would end up with is shallow, low-quality sex with bunch of girls and end up feeling like trash. Following PUA lifestyle will never leave you fulfilled, it only creates more holes in your soul with each girl you manage to shag. 

Use that money to grow yourself in another way and you will attract high-quality women who have more to offer than sheer looks (of course looks is still important). You can completely bypass this whole clown game and have the most fulfilling and satisfying sex with a conscious and grown woman who will challenge you and help you grow rather than having some Instagram poser who needs to be praised every 10 minutes and whose level of authenticity is zero. 

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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1 hour ago, Michael569 said:

Even if he scored with few girls for those 8k, what he would end up with is shallow, low-quality sex with bunch of girls and end up feeling like trash. Following PUA lifestyle will never leave you fulfilled, it only creates more holes in your soul with each girl you manage to shag. 

Use that money to grow yourself in another way and you will attract high-quality women who have more to offer than sheer looks (of course looks is still important). You can completely bypass this whole clown game and have the most fulfilling and satisfying sex with a conscious and grown woman who will challenge you and help you grow rather than having some Instagram poser who needs to be praised every 10 minutes and whose level of authenticity is zero. 

Yet, he probably will have to go through this experience of meaningless superficial sex with random girls to have this insight that it really does not fulfills you. It is like telling a hungry homeless guy to focus on expensive fruits and vegetables instead of cheap fast food.

Also, you need a good game with high-quality girls too. Imagine that you spend all your time developing yourself and your career but don't know how to attract girls, flirt and all of that, then you meet your perfect 10 (in all aspects), that one in a million girl that is a perfect match for you and you suck at flirting, making her get turned off by you. 

Do both, learn game and work on all the other areas of your life. You can be extremely successful and still suck with women. By the way, this leads to all those "#metoo" cases, basically, successful guys that are still creepy as fuck and don't know how to create comfort, read body language, flirt, be funny etc.

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5 minutes ago, Recursoinominado said:

Also, you need a good game with high-quality girls too. Imagine that you spend all your time developing yourself and your career but don't know how to attract girls, flirt and all of that, then you meet your perfect 10 (in all aspects), that one in a million girl that is a perfect match for you and you suck at flirting, making her get turned off by you. 

You know, this is just my biased opinion but I consider this part of life completely optional and non-mandatory. You don't have to be "good with girls" to find an amazing woman. In fact (in my opinion) a high-quality conscious women who are worth looking for will NOT be hanging around ildly in the bar being flirty and cheeky fiddling with hair around their index fingers. Once you meet them, they will not fall for your PUA shit anyways, they can see through that from hundred miles away and even though they will probably get flattered, you won't have a chance. They will also know when you are being childish, needy and inauthentic and will get discouraged. 

On the other hand if you have too much testosterone and just need to have sex with lot of women because you think that's your next step in your natural development, by all means. 

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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14 minutes ago, Michael569 said:

In fact (in my opinion) a high-quality conscious women who are worth looking for will NOT be hanging around ildly in the bar being flirty and cheeky fiddling with hair around their index fingers.

1. High-quality conscious women still have fun.

2. You can meet women anywhere, streets, parks, beach, in a hike, yoga class, meditation retreat, ashrams etc. If you don't know how to do cold approaches, you won't meet them, you will see your perfect woman passing through you to never see her again.

19 minutes ago, Michael569 said:

Once you meet them, they will not fall for your PUA shit anyways, they can see through that from hundred miles away and even though they will probably get flattered, you won't have a chance. They will also know when you are being childish, needy and inauthentic and will get discouraged. 

1. False, all women love a funny, charismatic, confident, charming, socially savvy guy, that knows how to flirt, create comfort, play with sexual tension, lead the interaction. She will totally fall for that "PUA shit".

2. Good PU is like good plastic surgery, invisible. The better you get, the less you do. You can approach without saying a word, lock eyes and kiss in a matter of seconds.

3. It is like any skill. At first, it can seem forced and, with time, it becomes part of you. You don't just do stuff that women love, you ARE what women love. All childish behavior, neediness and possible inauthenticity will be rooted out. The better you get, the more authentic and free you are.

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@Recursoinominado I see how learning these skills if you work on all the internal stuff that's holding you back can be really useful. 

But then again, by working on that internal stuff, the skills come naturally, because, as you said, it's who you are, it's just covered by insecurities and so on. 

Anyways, with the right mindset and approach I think PUA can be useful. But you certainly don't need it to learn how to talk to women and become attractive. 

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3 minutes ago, Farnaby said:

 by working on that internal stuff, the skills come naturally

No, they don't lol.

That's what only someone who is afraid to approach would say.

It's inner + outer game, not one or the other. You don't learn social skills without socializing. 

10 minutes ago, Farnaby said:

But you certainly don't need it to learn how to talk to women and become attractive. 

You don't need it. It is totally possible to learn by yourself, but it will take you a LOT longer to go figure out all by yourself, which, frankly, is just dumb if all you need is a google search to learn the step-by-step method that will make you learn 10x faster then you would by yourself. Again, assuming that you are willing to GO OUT and APPROACH women like your life depends on it.

Tons of guys learned this way, especially at the beginning of the community, all they had was some forum posts to rely on and had to figure it all out from zero in the field.

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@Recursoinominado I never said you shouldn't socialize. 

Of course you learn through direct experience. 

The problem with learning from a step by step guide is that especially without "inner game" girls will smell the fakeness from miles away and thinking about this in terms of numbers ("oh I need to get laid with x amount of women") is not the best approach IMO. 


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2 minutes ago, Farnaby said:

The problem with learning from a step by step guide is that especially without "inner game" girls will smell the fakeness from miles away and thinking about this in terms of numbers ("oh I need to get laid with x amount of women") is not the best approach IMO. 

Assuming you are a creepy guy that has no/little experience with women, which is the experience of a lot of guys nowadays, you have to start somewhere.

Yes, it will be brutal in the beginning, but things will smooth it out.

As you approach, you will learn that what people call "rejection" doesn't matter that much, and when you do get rejected, it is not YOU that got rejected but your approach, this makes a spark of self-esteem and self-confidence to blossom, which can be something new for a lot of guys. 

As you approach, your inner AND outer are being polished.

Bro, you seem to have a lot of hardened opinions on the matter and, at the same time, know nothing about it.

Be more open-minded, wonder why people like me and Leo are spending time trying to convince people like you to give it a try.

"Field experience is KING"

Stop trying to make assumptions and conclusions about something you are not experienced in.

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The guy in the video needs more than PUA advice. Watching the video 5 minutes everybody can realize there's something physiological in his brain that isnt working properly. Probably is low in certain neurotransmitters, and the neuro-circuits responsibloe for social skills have bee atrophied for the lack of use.

Id invest the 8000k in this order.

-Top psychiatrist to treat his mental issues.

-Start the gym.

-Image consultant to dres decent and have a nice hairstyle.

-Adress his mental fog with nootropics and proper diet.


-And finally take PUA advice, approaching EVERY day.

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@Recursoinominado it's true that I have never learnt any pick up stuff. I've read about it and watched some videos, as well as seen some people approach girls with premade lines. Never resonated with me and actually seemed a bit cringy. 

I'm happy with my girlfriend and had other girlfriends before her without needing to learn any pick up steps. 

I understand though that if someone has 0 social skills it can be a good way to start developing them or if you are chasing one night stands only to find out that they won't satisfy you in the long run. 

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2 hours ago, Rajneeshpuram said:

The guy in the video needs more than PUA advice. Watching the video 5 minutes everybody can realize there's something physiological in his brain that isnt working properly. Probably is low in certain neurotransmitters, and the neuro-circuits responsibloe for social skills have bee atrophied for the lack of use.

Id invest the 8000k in this order.

-Top psychiatrist to treat his mental issues.

-Start the gym.

-Image consultant to dres decent and have a nice hairstyle.

-Adress his mental fog with nootropics and proper diet.


-And finally take PUA advice, approaching EVERY day.

   This is actually a solid build. It's similar to what I did. Nice.

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8 hours ago, Michael569 said:

Even if he scored with few girls for those 8k, what he would end up with is shallow, low-quality sex with bunch of girls and end up feeling like trash.

Again, it's not about the actual sex, but about learning the skills to be a strong, attractive man. Those skills actually do create lasting fulfillment.

And the sex doesn't have to be low quality. You will find cool girls and they can become your girlfriend which can grow into deep amazing sex.

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5 hours ago, Leo Gura said:
14 hours ago, Michael569 said:

Even if he scored with few girls for those 8k, what he would end up with is shallow, low-quality sex with bunch of girls and end up feeling like trash.


have to disagree

through this process, you can:

- learn to how to be yourself with people, and gain lots of confidence in your character 

- develop social skills

- meet tons of cool girls which can lead to meeting cool guys/people as well 

- uncover your purpose. for me it feels as though game has to with part of my purpose (helping guys develop social skills and self-esteem) 

- learn how to attract women because many guys are not able to do this very well  

- the process is emotionally challenging so it builds a lot of emotional mastery if done right

Edited by Jacob Morres

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10 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Again, it's not about the actual sex, but about learning the skills to be a strong, attractive man. Those skills actually do create lasting fulfillment.

And the sex doesn't have to be low quality. You will find cool girls and they can become your girlfriend which can grow into deep amazing sex.

I think for most PUAs it is ONLY about sex and becoming some sort of alpha. I only knew one of these guys in real life but he is stuck in the game today at the age of 32, single, miserable and lost on life. Limited experience but can imagine many of them ending up in the same rut. Once you've banged a lot of hot girls it gets progressively more difficult to settle down. 

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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Holyshit, guys, you have so many projections regarding PUA and "Having a shallow sex". The sex will be shallow if you yourself make it so. In bed, pretty much 80-90% depends on the man, not on the woman. So, if you're the man and are worried about shallowness of sex, it is more about you than it is about phenomenon of getting to know other women.

Also, the better quality women you meet - the more healthy they will be in general, both healthy and emotionally. That means more quality woman will have less trauma and be more receptive and in touch with their feminine => better sex 

You get this wibe from pickup because you watch insecure men picking up insecure chicks. In that paradigm, of course, how can you expect the sex to be great? Work out your insecurities and go for high-quality women. High quality doesn't mean just looks, however, her visual appearance is usually a pretty good judge on the woman's level of consciousness. The more beautiful and vibrant she is - the more conscious and feminine she is a rule of thumb, usually. So go for these women and stop complaining. Build yourself up to deserve them.

Same for men. The biggest attractiveness switch is your consciousness and your state of being, this is what ACTUALLY makes you to be perceived as beautiful, not the superficial stuff, although it can be nice. Just having a lambo and mercedes won't get you a good quality woman if you're an insecure man. You'll just attract the ugly insecure woman with a ton of makeup just as you would if you didn't have mercedes. Like attracts alike

Edited by Hello from Russia

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In my experience most guys who I met who are into pickup are more developed than the average person. Because pickup is emotionally difficult, those who are moderately successful at it tend to take personal development seriously.

There tends to be a big difference between guys who keyboard jockey about pickup online, and those who actually go out every night consistently.

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Yeah, I think it's because people who are already willing to develop themselves will search for dating advice more often and in this way get into doing pick-up.

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@Hello from Russia

8 hours ago, Hello from Russia said:

Holyshit, guys, you have so many projections regarding PUA and "Having a shallow sex". The sex will be shallow if you yourself make it so. In bed, pretty much 80-90% depends on the man, not on the woman. So, if you're the man and are worried about shallowness of sex, it is more about you than it is about phenomenon of getting to know other women.

Also, the better quality women you meet - the more healthy they will be in general, both healthy and emotionally. That means more quality woman will have less trauma and be more receptive and in touch with their feminine => better sex 

You get this wibe from pickup because you watch insecure men picking up insecure chicks. In that paradigm, of course, how can you expect the sex to be great? Work out your insecurities and go for high-quality women. High quality doesn't mean just looks, however, her visual appearance is usually a pretty good judge on the woman's level of consciousness. The more beautiful and vibrant she is - the more conscious and feminine she is a rule of thumb, usually. So go for these women and stop complaining. Build yourself up to deserve them.

Same for men. The biggest attractiveness switch is your consciousness and your state of being, this is what ACTUALLY makes you to be perceived as beautiful, not the superficial stuff, although it can be nice. Just having a lambo and mercedes won't get you a good quality woman if you're an insecure man. You'll just attract the ugly insecure woman with a ton of makeup just as you would if you didn't have mercedes. Like attracts alike

   LOL, the shallowness of sex highly dependent on men? Actually, it's highly dependent on experience, deep insecurities, beliefs and participation. You make it sound like the guy is doing all the work, while the woman just lays there limp. Not creepy at all.

   The 'wibe'(vibe) is not limited to PUA and insecure pick ups, there are more deeper issues at work, mainly coming from different areas of your life you're deficient in. Sort those out first.

   Consciousness has nothing to do  with attractiveness, and there are more factors in increasing attractiveness than increasing consciousness. I can increase my consciousness, yet that itself does not alter my physicality or actions, and I see men and women for what they truly are and not want any to do with them. Increasing consciousness has more different outcomes than merely attraction. 

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5 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:

@Hello from Russia

   LOL, the shallowness of sex highly dependent on men? Actually, it's highly dependent on experience, deep insecurities, beliefs and participation. You make it sound like the guy is doing all the work, while the woman just lays there limp. Not creepy at all.

   The 'wibe'(vibe) is not limited to PUA and insecure pick ups, there are more deeper issues at work, mainly coming from different areas of your life you're deficient in. Sort those out first.

   Consciousness has nothing to do  with attractiveness, and there are more factors in increasing attractiveness than increasing consciousness. I can increase my consciousness, yet that itself does not alter my physicality or actions, and I see men and women for what they truly are and not want any to do with them. Increasing consciousness has more different outcomes than merely attraction. 

The girl being limp is what happens if you're not doing the work as a guy

I didn't say the insecurity is only limited to PUA, it is everywhere

You're wrong on consciousness and seem to not have good insight/understanding of it. Of course consciousness has a ton of different uses but it also makes you more beautiful and attractive like no other thing. I claim that it is actually the #1 thing to increase your attractiveness and appeal. All shit like makeup, material possessions and other stuff is much weaker than pure capacity for consciousness

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@Hello from Russia

9 minutes ago, Hello from Russia said:

The girl being limp is what happens if you're not doing the work as a guy

I didn't say the insecurity is only limited to PUA, it is everywhere

You're wrong on consciousness and seem to not have good insight/understanding of it. Of course consciousness has a ton of different uses but it also makes you more beautiful and attractive like no other thing. I claim that it is actually the #1 thing to increase your attractiveness and appeal. All shit like makeup, material possessions and other stuff is much weaker than pure capacity for consciousness

   Responding in vagueness doesn't help your case at all. You pinned all the insecurity onto PUA done by insecure males and females, and now you're claiming that you've claimed insecurity is everywhere, so take your pick: insecurity comes from everywhere, or from PUA?

   You've also claimed that 80-90% of sex is mainly done by men, not women. This is quite distorted.

   You're wrong on consciousness, and you're assuming too much about my mastery of consciousness, and our arguing about consciousness is pointless here. I don't care about your subjective prioritization of consciousness, other than your faulty associating consciousness with attraction, because there is a small percentage of men that're not highly conscious yet are attractive.

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