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Is a relationship worth it?

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I'm young, I've had a few flings and short-term things with women, but haven't had a long-term girlfriend yet and I'm wondering if I'm missing out or whether I'm just gonna be as dissatisfied in a relationship. And I'm curious, how many dates can you expect to go on before you find someone you really like? I'm hoping to get answer from someone with experience. Thanks!

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About 3-4 dates will let you know basic compatibility, and how well the relationship flows. If it doesn't feel natural and easy to be with them, and you haven't had sex, by this point you probably aren't a good match.

Within 4-6 months people start to slack on the "show" they put on, and you get to understand them more deeply, and see their flaws. By this time you should find out if they are a good long term partner.

Relationships are worth it, not only is the companionship great but you will come to understand learn a lot about yourself, not just the other person.

Not every relationship lasts forever though. Either you break up at some point, or go to the grave with them, there is no in-between.

That's ok though. That doesn't take away from how worth while it is.


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