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Thank you Leo :)

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@Leo Gura,

You have changed my life forever. I almost ruined it but if it wasn't for you I would have chased success and money and completely neglected real personal growth. I watched your deep problem with marketing video and I will never look at life the same. Just a 1% look at the devilry that goes on in marketing has shocked me and had me shaking with disgust. I also recently saw your comprehension has many degrees video which synergized with your contemplation video and now I understand what my life is really about. I wanted to build a big business or become ultra-successful, but now I just want to escape wage slavery so I can have more time to live consciously and mindfully and to really attempt to stop spreading evil (because I am the devil). I know in a previous post I said that you brainwashed me but you are actually trying to detoxify my mind and my cultural background is resisting that. 

Anyway, the point of this post is the following:

1. I am making the distinction between success and happiness 

2. I am going to implement contemplating into my life which means I have to cut out some shit (probably TV and overconsumption of youtube) 

3. I am aiming to have Truth as one of my highest pursuits (even though I lie every day now :(

4. The only material success I want is to escape wage slavery. Everything else is a bonus. 

Anyway I just wanted to show my gratitude and respects thank you @Leo Gura


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"We meditate on the Spiritual Splendor of that supreme and Divine reality, source of the physical, astral and celestial spheres of existence. Allow that divine being supreme to illuminate our intellect, so that we can realize the supreme Truth."

"We meditate on the glory of that Ishvara (God Almighty) who created the universe, who is just to worship, who is an embodiment of Knowledge and Light and who is the destroyer of all sins and ignorance. Hopefully he illuminates our intellects."

 -Gāyatrī Mantra,RigVeda (Mandala 3.62.10)

Appreciate it bro, stay blessed !! ?☘️

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6 hours ago, Chumbimba said:

I wanted to build a big business or become ultra-successful

It can still be valuable to build a business and be successful as part of your larger life purpose.

Business is a great way to escape wage slavery and help the world at the same time. You just have to go about it in a conscious way.

Basically 90%+ of all ways of making a living = some kind of business. So you can't really escape business. It's more a question of what kind of business you do.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Chumbimba Me Too. 


I was lost, going through some early spiritual awakening and meaning searching. I did NOT like or trust Leo at first. But, his content was so good I could no ignore it. 

I am still on my own journey. I don't know what will happen, I am in a sort of confusing place. But, I have a path ahead of me and I've come so far, and done so many cool things wouldn't have if I hadn't found Leo. I wonder if I will ever meet you!

Thank you Leo!


Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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