Thought Art

Native Americans/ Aboriginals/ Indigenous Peoples of Canada

7 posts in this topic

The Native Americans here in Canada were known to be very peaceful, kind, aware of themselves and their emotions, communities, and the land. They instead of debating and politics would talk things out until everyone in the decision agreed.  Does this point out a limitation of Spiral Dynamics? Or have they gone through and integrated the levels? 

Or does spiral dynamics happen when we become civilized in large groups? When tyrants are unifying us as tribes. I think it would depend on the place, the people and the environment right?

Could it be possible, I wonder sometimes if Spiral Dynamics especially shows the white, colonialist development and not that of all tribes, peoples and cultures. It seems as if the colonists were white, disease lying assholes while the natives were more kind, and actually helped them to survive the winter because they knew nothing how to survive in that type of climate.  though I just don't know enough about humanity's developmental history around the world, or even all the potential developmental paradigms that could develop.

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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@Thought Art Be careful about fetishising the past.

They probably weren't like that. It's the same when conservatives say people in the past were strong, independent, free, wouldn't take shit from no one... 

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@Opo Just sayin. It's not fetishing anything. Your entire world view of based on being a civilized, perhaps white human. Noting all the devilry and disease spread by europe... Very very rich cultures, with food sovereignty and rich spiritualty were wiped away and erased. Be open minded. 

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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@Thought Art You can acknowledge that native cultures had a lot of wisdom and knowledge that has since been lost to colonialism whilst also not fetishising them as some sort of pure untouched culture that never had any conflicts or downsides. In fact I’d argue this hinders the cause for native rights since it portrays a reality that never existed and thus makes other people feel put off by it.

“All you need is Love” - John Lennon

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Did you watch Leo’s stage purple video? It pretty much answers your questions.

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@Thought Art You seem to be using value judgements of “worse” and “better” and that higher up the spiral is “better”. There is immense value in stage purple tribal cultures. For example, we can learn a lot of healthy things about socializing children, being part of a community, valuing wisdom and developing intuition skills. Traditional blue-orange centered cultures have a lot to learn about purple. There are also limitations and unhealthy aspects to purple. Leo covers this well in his purple video.

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