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How To Stop Making Excuses?

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I seem to have a bad habit of making excuses and not doing something. Most of the time I'll break the habits I'm trying to make during a stressful time like midterm season, but it'll happen even during good times.

I'm having a hard time resolving this in my head. It's obvious that excuses are bullshit, but there will be times where they make perfect sense to myself when I have a particular mindset. Most of the time, that seems to make my new habits fall in on themselves. Is there any particular way to combat this, or is the only way out through? 

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There are a lot of ways to make and break habits some good things to do when creating one is:

  1. Align every personality you got to the habit, when you want to try to eat good you make the habit in a "high personality type" one in wich you want to better yourself but when you go to a "low personality type" one in wich you just want to chill you have different beliefs. So you need to say somting like this: "When I eat good I feel better so I can chill better". This one is just made up and is not that strong but think about your different personalitys
  2. A habit consist of a trigger, an action and a reward. When you remove the trigger the bad habit will not happen. So when you eat a lot af donuts you will be triggerd by seeing the donuts and you will feel a strong urge to eat one. When you remove the donut you will not have to use your willpower to fight the urge.
  3. You can switch your trigger. You can keep the trigger but swap it with another action.

Leo has a vid about it too: 



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There's a book called The Power of Focus by Jack Canfield et al.

I started reading it and it was very good at showing you how to form and stick with habits and how focus is key

It's something that I personally need to work on also, although I started reading the book, I never got far because it belonged to an auntie who has a problem with me, so i'll have to look for it elsewhere ;)

Another useful tool i'd like to share with you is Zenhabits, this is a website led by another Leo (lol!) and it's all about habits, but I heard he's releasing an app soon to help you develop good habits, so look out for it. I think he already might have an app out of some sort, he also has a paid sea change programme which helps with that stuff but I've never done that.

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