Does God Care about Us?

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Martin Ball said in one video that "God doesn't really care what happens to one individual or another".  Thats sounds very depressing to me.

Is it  actually true? 

Does God care about us or not?

I assume "it" does because of Infinite Love but i don't really know... 

Edited by SQAAD

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A book author cares about all of his characters, even those he wrote tragic stories for

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The question doesn't make any sense, because it makes the mistake in thinking you and God are two separate identities. You and God are separated only by state, not by identity.

Think of how you were when you were five years old. Now think of yourself as an adult. Aesthetically your five year old self and your adult self are wildly different.  Different height, different biological variables, different intelligence, different friend group, different things you would do for entertainment etc.

And yet the identity remains the same. Two wildly different states, yet one identity.

In addition, the connection you have with your five year old state is connected via a one-way window of obfuscation. As the adult self, you know 100% about the five year old self because you have lived through that experience. Not as an external third-party observer or a fly on the wall, but the actual first-party consciousness. But, as the five year old self, you know 0% about your adult self because you have not yet experienced this state. It is totally obfuscated from your sphere of experience.

The same is true of God.

God knows 100% about you because it has lived through that experience. Not as an external third-party observer or a fly on the wall, but the actual first-party consciousness. But, you know nothing about God, because you have not yet experienced this state. It is totally obfuscated from your sphere of experience.

And yet you share the same identity.

This begs the question: As an adult do you care about your five year old self? Or do you not care at all?

The answer should be obvious. Of course you care about your five year old self.

And for that reason, God will always care about you.

Why? Because God is you.






Edited by peachboy

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10 minutes ago, Mafortu said:

A book author cares about all of his characters, even those he wrote tragic stories for

I love this analogy xD

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17 minutes ago, peachboy said:


God knows 100% about you because it has lived through that experience. Not as an external third-party observer or a fly on the wall, but the actual first-party consciousness. But, you know nothing about God, because you have not yet experienced this state. It is totally obfuscated from your sphere of experience.





I like your explanation.

I am facing an existential terror to be honest because i don't really know God and i am fearful of the magnitude of God..

I wish i was in a God state right now and have all the answers.

But i am in a limited human form, in a weird, highly intelligent and brutal universe & i don't really know what's going on...

I just hope God has good plans for all of his creation. 

Edited by SQAAD

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37 minutes ago, peachboy said:

The question doesn't make any sense, because it makes the mistake in thinking you and God are two separate identities. You and God are separated only by state, not by identity.

Think of how you were when you were five years old. Now think of yourself as an adult. Aesthetically your five year old self and your adult self are wildly different.  Different height, different biological variables, different intelligence, different friend group, different things you would do for entertainment etc.

And yet the identity remains the same. Two wildly different states, yet one identity.

In addition, the connection you have with your five year old state is connected via a one-way window of obfuscation. As the adult self, you know 100% about the five year old self because you have lived through that experience. Not as an external third-party observer or a fly on the wall, but the actual first-party consciousness. But, as the five year old self, you know 0% about your adult self because you have not yet experienced this state. It is totally obfuscated from your sphere of experience.

The same is true of God.

God knows 100% about you because it has lived through that experience. Not as an external third-party observer or a fly on the wall, but the actual first-party consciousness. But, you know nothing about God, because you have not yet experienced this state. It is totally obfuscated from your sphere of experience.

And yet you share the same identity.

This begs the question: As an adult do you care about your five year old self? Or do you not care at all?

The answer should be obvious. Of course you care about your five year old self.

And for that reason, God will always care about you.

Why? Because God is you.






Interesting post, thanks for sharing :)

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1 hour ago, SQAAD said:

Martin Ball said in one video that "God doesn't really care what happens to one individual or another".  Thats sounds very depressing to me.

Is it  actually true? 

Does God care about us or not?

I assume "it" does because of Infinite Love but i don't really know... 

question why you are asking this question. 

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Careful not to anthropomorphize God. It's easy to fall for when speaking about consciousness in those terms.

Also careful not to project our own limited notions onto consciousness. We only know "caring" in terms of being emotionally invested in something, which only a self can do. That's pretty much what a self is. That is survival in a nutshell.

Consciousness is not and can not be emotionally invested in anything (except as a limited self). If hypothetically it were, then it wouldn't be unconditional. It has no skin in the game, and to have that would be limiting.

That's what is meant by "the high indifference". It's not indifference as a person, but as your true nature. It's not indifferent as in a "pfff I don't give a fuck" attitude, but as in undifferentiated. Emotional investment is (the illusion of) differentiation, is attachment, and is what powers delusion and devilry. Ego wants to be important, and it's just not, or at least not in the way that it wants to think of itself. And that's a good thing.

"Act but don't reflect on the fruit of the act" means not being invested in outcomes, which ties back into surrender. From the ego point of view that just sounds like not giving a shit. All the ego can do is care or not care, and to care is actually a false pretense when you really look at it. Just like everything else in the dream. But what ego can't understand is that when it gets out of the way, something much better takes over as it were, and that's the Good News.

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@Johnny5 Consciousness is Actual Love. It is all "things". It can't be more then what it IS. No need for "emotional investment" with things when all things are perfect LOVE already. Get it. ;)

Like ALL. 

Let me introduce myself. Trump can eat my dog food. ;)

Leave me mocking Trump pls @Nahm. Atleast one dirty pleasure(yeah sure :$) . But to not hold double standards will do same for Marin Le Pen. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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God cares about you, like you care about the character you are playing as in a video game. The only reality or actuality of that experience of the character & game, is you. The experience of the character & game transpires only within you. When you die in that game and lose all your stuff, you didn’t actually die or lose anything. You can just be another game, and another character. Any “loss” was game stuff, in a game world - an experience of which transpired within you.  You’re still you. You can’t not be you, and you’re formless, so you can “be” anything. This “reality” is the game where you can be anything. You don’t even have to be a character. Matter of fact, you can’t be. But you can resume pretending that you are, as this is the game which is already afoot. 



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@SQAAD , The infinite intelligence is vast and intelligent enough to see us a minuscule cog or manifestation in the great wheel of time, as well as an individual who needs support and care. This care may be delivered by a care system, as it were, attached to our species. The system might comprise Gods, spirits, angels and multiple other care-givers.

Here's an example of evidence of care being delivered or communicated: In times of anxiety or material upheaval, I begin to see repetitive number patterns frequently, in fact, several times a day. This is happening now and earlier today I was at the supermarket, checking out my purchases. I happened to glance at the till screen and it said £8.88, 8 items. Amazing or what! How did that even happen?!!

I am being told that all will be well loud and clear.

Edited by Demeter

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11 hours ago, electroBeam said:

question why you are asking this question. 

Because i am fearful that God doesn't care about us . I am fearful of an indifferent , cold-hearted universe..

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1 hour ago, Nahm said:


God cares about you, like you care about the character you are playing as in a video game. The only reality or actuality of that experience of the character & game, is you. The experience of the character & game transpires only within you. When you die in that game and lose all your stuff, you didn’t actually die or lose anything. You can just be another game, and another character. Any “loss” was game stuff, in a game world - an experience of which transpired within you.  You’re still you. You can’t not be you, and you’re formless, so you can “be” anything. This “reality” is the game where you can be anything. You don’t even have to be a character. Matter of fact, you can’t be. But you can resume pretending that you are, as this is the game which is already afoot. 

Good explanation.

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@zeroISinfinity The point is to make useful distinctions for the point of view from which OP's question originates. Not about "getting it right", you can't get it right nor could you convey it anyway.

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8 hours ago, Johnny5 said:

Careful not to anthropomorphize God. It's easy to fall for when speaking about consciousness in those terms.

Also careful not to project our own limited notions onto consciousness. We only know "caring" in terms of being emotionally invested in something, which only a self can do. That's pretty much what a self is. That is survival in a nutshell.

Consciousness is not and can not be emotionally invested in anything (except as a limited self). If hypothetically it were, then it wouldn't be unconditional. It has no skin in the game, and to have that would be limiting.


God seems like "he" doesn't care what happens to him one way or another. This is scary for my lil weak ego.

But on the other hand i see the intelligence in reality and that makes me hopefull that all things are happening for the highest good of the cosmos...

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12 hours ago, SQAAD said:

Martin Ball said in one video that "God doesn't really care what happens to one individual or another".  Thats sounds very depressing to me.

Is it  actually true? 

Does God care about us or not?

I assume "it" does because of Infinite Love but i don't really know... 

The question you should be asking yourself is this: do you care about yourself?

And what do you mean by 'myself' ?


Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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seeing the magnitude of human suffering, for me the only answer is surrender. trying to understand motivations on our chimpanzee scale makes no sense

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There's no such thing as God in the first place to care about us or something else.

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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4 hours ago, SQAAD said:


God seems like "he" doesn't care what happens to him one way or another. This is scary for my lil weak ego.

But on the other hand i see the intelligence in reality and that makes me hopefull that all things are happening for the highest good of the cosmos...

It is the weak and sloppy identity that we build around ourselves, that motivate us to ask questions like these, but really if we think about it in terms of non-duality by which I mean not thinking in materialistic terms, and let's not even go that far think about yourself as a rat or any other animal whose cognitive behaviour and functioning is not same as you or any other human, it really puts us in a situation where it is really hard to even fathom how these creatures work and think and choose their actions, because we are not them and they are not us (behaviorally speaking), so you see when we think of God as to serve us in a "good" way it is like projecting your own self objectively which is rather impossible, there's nothing like objective good or bad, the mere idea and use of determining something being "good" is programmed in our psyche by it's repetitive use in a general sense, but if we see it from a meta/deep perspective it's has no real significance at a cosmos or universal level. 

Let's see all "happenings" just the way they are, not labelling them as good or bad, and that's where the real juice lies, to develop ourselves of being that potent that effective, can we do that?

Same is with CARE ! @SQAAD



Edited by ajai
The Universe is under no obligation to make sense to you.

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possibly when you die, or when the veil is lifted, or when you enlighten yourself, you will see that human suffering is nothing, that your agony was less than a cold

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