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Dragon Liege

A Video on BreadTube that has Truths in it, but Flaws as Well

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Stage green video. It's an interesting video because there are flaws, but also some truths as well. I agree with him Daniel Torres on BLM being successful and many of the most successful movements against injustice and/or reactionaries were black. He might even be correct on the made for white people thing that he said. I have no idea about that last sentence. I think there's some truth to it.

He is right that only white people dominating BreadTube is not effective as having a mix of races. You need both the privileged and the minorities. You need the privileged sticking up for you because can have more power than you affecting change in certain areas. You need the minorities being figures because you get perspective. You also have Candace Owens, Ben Shapiro, Blaire White (though she's not as far right as the other 2), etc using their minority status to prove stage blue and stage orange talking points. If you don't have minority figures, you don't have minorities countering their arguments. It will look like a bunch of privileged people telling people how to behave to centrists and conservatives if we don't have minority voices. Daniel Torres is so right about Breadtube needing more minority figures as in race specifically.

I disagree with Contrapoints though. Yes Contrapoints's appeal is different than what Daniel Torres thinks is effective, but making content like Contrapoints did has been effective of moving people up into the stage/orange green area.  She's someone who's integrated stage orange well which many leftists lack. She's ranked 21 on Patreon and has several videos with a couple million views at the time of writing. That helps her make videos which help her influence many people. She's not mainstream, but has helped at least a bit evolving people up. She's also somebody who realizes some limits in stage green which I admit a lot of other Breadtubers don't seem to understand. She doesn't have as much influence as BLM, but still. I'm not saying she's flawless, but she's the most effective Breadtuber.

I forgot which podcast or podcast episode it was, but Contrapoints even said that when she went to debate Sargon, her motive wasn't to win. It was to get people to know who she is and her political views. She said something like that. She understands that Sargon and much of his audience won't be influenced.

I disagree with him on other Breadtubers being effective on winning people over. Hbomberguy is probably the person responsible for getting Breatube on the map when he made fun of Davis Aurini and Jordan Owen. He wasn't moralizing. He just simply made fun of right wingers being unreasonable. He hasn't been doing it lately though. Vaush I think hurts Breadtube sometimes because of some of the stuff he says, but his edginess is effective in bringing some people in. Shaun helped me start entering stage green simply because he showed people lying or being massively uniformed about Anita Sarkeesian. Shaun is also a double edged sword since he was a Bernie or Buster. He also has dry delivery so it might not be for everyone. Effective in their own ways with flaws.

I can't say much for Chappo Trap House since I haven't listened to their podcast, but I'm sure their popularity does help with change. I'm bringing Patreon up again. They're ranked 2 at the time of writing.

I do agree with him that having both media influence and action will be better for affecting change. The thing is that media influence and action needs to be done the right way and at the right time under the right circumstances. By this I mean where society is at in development. People also will be more effective in what they specialize. Doing stuff outside of YouTube definitely helps.

He's seems to be stage green politically. He doesn't seem to see how helpful YouTube is and can be, but he does highlight flaws about BreadTube.

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