
Planning Solo Retreat (Question around psychedelic usage)

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Hi all!

I'm incredibly excited about a solo retreat I have booked on a little island outside of Stockholm. It's been a while since I have had a break from this physical reality. I've been so focused on trying to build up my career (aligned with my purpose) it's so easy to get lost in.

I am planning on going deep meaning a lot of meditation, nature walks, swimming in lakes etc and of course psychedelics is a must if you want to go all in (which I do) 

My intention is to trip on both the Friday and Saturday and I have both Shrooms and 1p-LSD. Unfortunately, AL Lad was not available. 

I'm not an experienced tripper so potentially some rookie questions:

- Will doing both on the separate days affect my tolerance? I'm making the strong assumption of yes and if this is the case, is it worth me doing this? 

- Any preferred option of which one I do first? 

- As I said I want to go deep. I've meditated for coming up to 4 years, watched many of Leo's videos as well as my own research. Yet part of me is slightly cautious as I have no trip sitter. What dosage do you recommend? (I do realise there is no right answer here it would just be good to hear different perspectives) 

Anyway, I appreciate the help from you lovely people! I might do a trip report as I LOVE reading them as long they don't involve watching TV or looking at the phone. What a waste.


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I'd suggest going for only 1 trip (since it's a short retreat). And I'd say shrooms (but LSD is probably fine too, just my preference). 
I'd suggest somewhere between 2,0 and 3,5 g as a dosage. Up to you. Less is more sometimes. Perhaps 2,5 g? If you do LSD then between 100-150 ug, perhaps 100ug is fine if you know the LSD is of good quality.

You have to leave time between trips to integrate, I'd say. I feel the after affects of a strong psychedelic trip for days afterwards. For instance, meditation is often (much) deeper for many days after a psychedelic trip.

Do the pychedelic in the middle of your retreat. So if your retreat is friday-sunday, do it saturday.

Bliss to you!

EDIT: If you decide, anyway, to do shrooms/LSD 2 days in a row (which I again, dont recommend, but up to you!), then yes, there will be *some* cross-tolerance given the trips are only 1 day apart. It depends on dosage. LSD lasts a few hours longer, so it would be wise to do the shrooms first (to minimize tolerance; the longer a drug works in the brain, the more tolerance you build to it. If you do 2,5 grams of shrooms, then you would probably need to do 125-150 ug LSD the next day to feel what 100ug LSD would normally feel like).


Edited by WaveInTheOcean

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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Yeh man you are underestimating the power of psychedelics, your mind will be blown, you will probably need time for recovery haha. Also you could literally integrate the insights from 100mcg LSD or 2g mushroom trips for like multiple years and still not be done, so it's really not bad to wait, you will see, maybe now when it's your first time, you might have biased expectations, but trust me. 

Some tips: I guess you have a good growth mindset, just don't overdo yourself with the dose, it's not like it will make enlightenment quicker or anything HAHAHAHAHAHA... Really, be gentle to yourself. Also, make it ritualistic, rituals are honestly like so underrated, there is a reason why shamans are so rigid with them. I guess breathe out your fear and selfishness, breathe in goodness and love. 

Perhaps if you are sensitive, you might consider taking some sleeping pills with you that are compatible with psychs, they shouldn't give you any bad effects, but in case the trip goes in an unpleasant way, they might decrease the disidentification and make you more grounded. Again, no need to rush anything, better be safe :) But I think you are gonna do good, have fun and best of luck from me!

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Thank you both for some well thought out answers! Very helpful ? 

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