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Alex bAlex

Opinion or knowledge?

9 posts in this topic

Hello guys/gals

How do you draw the distinction between knowledge and opinion?

How do you quantify or qualify something as   knowledge? 

Can I have an opinion on anything just by picking side A or side B and giving the impression that I am knowledgeable? 

Looking forward for your opinions ?lol


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An opinion is not backed by facts. Knowledge is.

But then the question becomes, are facts opinion or knowledge? 

Tricky business. :D 

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1+1 = 2

That's a fact, right?

1+1 = 3

What is that? An opinion?

I guess it really depends on how you define a fact. The boundaries between facts and opinions are probably very fluid.

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4 hours ago, Member said:

An opinion is when you're assuming something works and it's just theory. Knowledge is useful and it can be applied in real life. Opinions may not.

That is just your opinion. 

If it was knowledge I could apply it in real life. 

I tease. I tease. :D 

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Opinions come from one's knowledge, and one's knowledge comes from a collection of opinions. I think this question is very complicated to answer and I haven't thought about it enough.

Edited by daemons

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@JosephKnecht So knowledge, in your opinion, is tangible, applicable, that can be proven, right? 

What about Philosophy or mystical experiences - do those qualify as knowledge? For sure, philosophy can help you become more knowledgeable by engaging the thought process. 

@Leo Gura What's your opinion on this topic? ;) 

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28 minutes ago, Alex bAlex said:

@JosephKnecht So knowledge, in your opinion, is tangible, applicable, that can be proven, right? 

What about Philosophy or mystical experiences - do those qualify as knowledge? For sure, philosophy can help you become more knowledgeable by engaging the thought process. 

Opinion is subjective while knowledge is objective. 

The problem is that reality is a mix of the subjective/objective while it is neither. 

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