Tim R

Are siddhis real?

47 posts in this topic

Question above. I haven't yet found any proof for siddhis being real. I suppose they can be real though.

I also think a yogi who has obtained any siddhis wouldn't brag around and levitate through the village all the time or whatever.

Does anyone here know more about this?

Edited by Tim R

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Look into Project Star Gate: A program funded by the CIA studying psychic phenomenon.  

Also the work of Garret Moddel

These studies are very controversial in mainstream science, but let it be noted that to the people who actually study these things, there is virtually no doubt whatsoever that these abilities are real. 

Edited by The Lucid Dreamer

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1 hour ago, Tim R said:

Question above. I haven't yet found any proof for siddhis being real. I suppose they can be real though.

Drop your expectation of what constitutes reality and you will see siddhis happening all around you.

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Study magick, or the occult...

Magic is real, siddhis are real, spirits (everything is spirit) is real, paranormal activity is real.

The force. It’s all real.

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They are as real as the floor you imagine is holding you up in space ;)

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Don't forget there's also degrees of siddhis. I imagine it would take an incredibly developed and rare soul to be able to levitate, for instance, but things like being able to feel people's emotions or having intuitions of the short-term future would be much easier to develop.

“All you need is Love” - John Lennon

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@Member Our level of consciousness. Just because you know of something does not mean you have the ability to do it. 

You can apply that to anything in life really

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1 hour ago, Member said:

Then what's limiting you to cure your own illness or transform yourself into an alien?

The very fact that I am incarnated as a human which is by definition a limited thing.

The only way to be unlimited is to have no form. But then no one will know you exist.

It is a contradiction to expect to see my face/body while at the same time expecting me to be unlimited. You must choose whether you want me to be limited or unlimited. If you chose unlimited, then don't expect me to have any form whatsoever.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 hour ago, herghly said:

Our level of consciousness. Just because you know of something does not mean you have the ability to do it. 

You can apply that to anything in life really

Are aliens more evolved because of their chemistry or because they're living in a far away future? What 'level of consciousness' means to you?

40 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

The very fact that I am incarnated as a human which is by definition a limited thing.

The only way to be unlimited is to have no form. But then no one will know you exist.

It is a contradiction to expect to see my face/body while at the same time expecting me to be unlimited. You must choose whether you want me to be limited or unlimited. If you chose unlimited, then don't expect me to have any form whatsoever.

Then what's limiting you to have a human form and not choose whatever you want to manifest? Why some people have siddhis/a greater level of control, while others do not? Theoretically, there are are people who aren't spiritual at all that have the ability to manipulate reality in one way or another. Does that make them more aware of their potential, or their potential is above average due to their chemistry ?

Edited by Member

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Different Siddhis :


"In ancient days certain herbs had the power to talk with persons. Agastya Muni gave curse to these herbs and then they ceased talking".

My Opinion:

Seems psychedelic like plants from which ayahausca and Soma like drinks are made. This statement from this link may be referring to an incident in other imaginary parallel realities that people access in after life / deep meditation / Out of Body states. In order to understand this statement, Please watch this video where it explains an higher order counterpart of our own earthly reality from vedic scriptures. Almost all ancient cultures has similar flat plane models of universe, which are not true from the physical perspective.

Those who imagine such reality and do intense sadhana or even without sadana just by believing will attain to such imaginary planes after death, and it is different for different culture.  Remember, even our own reality is just an imagination.

Not everything that this video is explaining is true. The planetary distances and their orbitary paths from geocentric model seem to somewhat correspond to some distances of circular islands described in Srimad Bhagavatam(Vedic Scripture) . But, many of the descriptions in this video in my opinion is just speculation. This video only describes Bhumandala(Flat Model) which is a celestial counterpart of our physical planet earth(Only from vedic perspective. other cultures see and experience their own versions differently). But surya siddanta describes earth as Bhugola(Globe-Spherical).

Sometimes during heightened states of consciousness, either intentionally or un-intentionally, the places of these realms that correspond to the places on this earth may be experienced as if they are part of our physical earth.


Edited by PopoyeSailor

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They might be! I nearly knocked over my clothing bin while "pretending" the energy I was feeling was shooting out of my arms. I almost knocked my clothing bin over and it scared the crap out of me. I will keep working on my energy and my body.

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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On 26.8.2020 at 0:02 PM, Leo Gura said:

The very fact that I am incarnated as a human which is by definition a limited thing.

The only way to be unlimited is to have no form. But then no one will know you exist.

It is a contradiction to expect to see my face/body while at the same time expecting me to be unlimited. You must choose whether you want me to be limited or unlimited. If you chose unlimited, then don't expect me to have any form whatsoever.

But you have no form because you're not a human?xD You are unlimited already:)

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On 8/26/2020 at 3:36 AM, Member said:

Why some people have siddhis/a greater level of control, while others do not?

Why are some people 6'5" tall?

Genetics and physiology, mostly.

If you were born tall, you would be tall. But chances are you ain't. But that doesn't make you any less God.

You might as well be asking, why does God incarnate as short people?

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura Siddihs are bullshit. It’s just the egoic self trying to control the absolute. There’s no you in control of reality. The entirety of reality would collapse if the laws of physics weren’t consistent.

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1 minute ago, Red-White-Light said:

The entirety of reality would collapse if the laws of physics weren’t consistent.

No it wouldn't. Reality doesn't depend on the laws of physics, the laws of physics depend on reality.

Reality laws of physics

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