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Smart Phone Addiction

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Last night, I went to a pub to meet up with some friends. I got there early, grabbed a table, and decided to do something I've never really done before: meditate in public.. Kind of. I sat there very still, with relaxed breath, and calmly observed my surroundings. A couple things dawned on me. First, people really are not aware of what's going on. They're far too busy being absorbed in their own world and own problems to really live in the present moment, and carefully notice what's going on. They may notice you, or find you attractive or make a judgment, but their mind-filter isn't letting them live authentically.

Second, smart phones. Constant use of smart phones. Not only are these people drinking alcohol, but they're also constantly checking their social media and texting. Even while they're talking in their group. And especially when left alone, like if their mate goes to the bathroom - they can not handle being alone in public without being stimulated, so they instantly start playing on their phone.

These are just observations I had. I knew these things before, but I myself have always been unconscious and herd-like, so I always brushed these thoughts off. Also, I've always very much been guilty of this type of behavior. I would subconsciously check my smart phone while out in public, many times. It got to the point where I was uncomfortable of being seen alone without some sort of stimulation. But in actuality, when I decided to soak in the present moment and not fear the presence of others and their thoughts, I was in a state of peace and comfort. I felt disconnected from everyone, but not in an deluded way: I just noticed how my mind has taken on a higher level of awareness and consciousness than the average joe.

Anyways, I think smart phones are good and practical. I'm always on mine to check the Internet and watch videos, and I'm posting from one now! But their addictive properties are crimping the minds of the masses, which is having a negative effect on their psychological and emotional state. They're like a ready-made drug that we can have anywhere, any time, any place. I really wonder how society is going to evolve going forward, because once you give everyone this type of  easy stimulation, going back is near impossible.

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I'm not judging anyone, I'm just making observations based on finally taking the time to understand what's going on in my immediate surroundings. I'm completely guilty of my use of smart phones, but now I'm aware of it. I know the suffering it can cause, and I think awareness is a very good thing for healing neurotic tendencies.

If it appears I am being egotistical here, I'm sorry. I can see why it would appear so, but I catch myself every time I make a judgment, and I observe it. I refrain as much as possible. I just want happiness and people to be present in society...that's all. I feel like we're exponentially ramping up stimulation, which can't have good long-term effects for mental stability. Maybe I'm wrong.

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6 hours ago, Frogfucius said:

But their addictive properties are crimping the minds of the masses, which is having a negative effect on their psychological and emotional state. They're like a ready-made drug that we can have anywhere, any time, any place. I really wonder how society is going to evolve going forward, because once you give everyone this type of  easy stimulation, going back is near impossible.

Maybe I can help? I don't know. 

Try reading back your words, and going to the root meaning of every single one, and where in experience it derives from, then compare that to the message you're trying to get across. 

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Nah don't let Vizual's post deter you. His post is correct and your post was correct. I didn't read it as being judgemental.


I'm guilty of smartphone over-use too. I don't do it in public really, it's when I'm alone that I feel that magnetic pull. A few things I've done to reduce the temptation is turn my phone screen to black & white, take several social media apps like twitter and facebook off of my phone completely, turn ALL notifications off completely, and move any remaining social media type apps to the very back of my app pages where I have to dig for them and they're not staring me in the face everytime I open my phone.


This is sort of like putting a band-aid on a cut that desperately needs stitches, but it's better than nothing. It's made me much more aware of my phone usage and the feeling of "pull" or attraction that my phone has over me.

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@ChimpBrain Thank you for the feedback. I got the feeling like it would have been best that I didn't share my experiences and thoughts, but I'm glad you're open-minded about this issue.

If overstimulation and addictions weren't causes for neurosis, I wouldn't bring this topic up...But I believe that they are, and smart phones have by and large become the biggest addiction in our society. And at this point, we're so far in, we cannot go back... But that's technology in general, I guess. It is what it is.

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I completely agree with you. This just remind me a song that sum up the absurdity of the problem pretty well.


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@Blind Observer Haha, that's a good video. I did research, and it seems that the average human attention span is four seconds lower than it was 15 years ago. That's quite a shift, and we're all becoming less and less present in the moment. This can only lead to more suffering, right?

I've become more guilty every time I use my cellphone for life filler purposes, now. I wasn't aware of how often I did it, and now when I catch myself doing it, I just feel bad and silly.

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