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What is meditation?

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We may say that meditation is awareness poised in relaxed nonchalance of astonishment & wonderment without thought. As such, it is not a doing, simply being an orientation of softened & acceptant internalised attention present in dynamic stillness.

To get to this orientation, without stuporousness and yet without effort, it is helpful to begin with a purpose, as a prop, so to speak. In other words, something we enjoy ... where we do not have to look at the clock. Perhaps a melody, the sunset, shifting hues of a fragrance ...

A tranquil calm and joyous centredness envelopes us. Dwell therein. Allow the continuum of what Is, to steer us inwards into blissful depths.

Identity? It vaporises, automatically! And yet, we are. That.

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For me to meditate is to stop and observe yourself, to be completely centered in the present moment. I suppose there will be different interpretations. how to do it? if it can be in contact with nature, the better. sitting in an upright posture, not lying down or reclining. I don't know why but this matters, it makes it different. initially it is usually uncomfortable, every 2 minutes something tells you. that's it, look at the phone, get up. you have to force yourself to continue, even if it seems like it's useless and the only thing you're doing is torturing yourself. I would put on 10 minute sets, and it still seemed like hell to me. Once you're at it, watch what happens in you, in your mind. focusing on breathing is always recommended and is a good way to start. the idea is not to try to block out thoughts, that is almost impossible. is to observe them, like a naturalist observing a herd of elephants for example. a thought arises of: get up! accompanied by its corresponding andiety. watch it, how long does it last? is it really so unbearable? then another appears, and another ... you will see that many have in common an underlying exaltation of your person. How strange, like movie courtiers flattering the king or something. he continues to observe them like someone playing a game of chess with a very clever computer. What pattern do you have? are repeated? If you do it long enough, you will suddenly realize that you are more detached from them, they affect you less. after more time you start to feel very good, and later you start to perceive things, to deepen. At the beginning it is very difficult and the normal thing is not to have the necessary discipline to do it every day because it is frustrating and not very pleasant, but the normal thing is that over time it becomes more relaxed, and with more time, the most rewarding activity of your life. It's when you are really you, you start to identify with who is observing, no with the observed , and who is observing is infinite

Edited by Breakingthewall

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Its a rabbit hole. In hindu literature you will find many ways of meditation - kriya, dhyana, bhakti, puja, nirahara, ajapajapa, shoonya, purnattva, tyaga, tapas e.c.t. Spiritual practice is really independent and necessary by itself, because it will purify you in ways and intensity you never dreamed of. It will make you acess the meditativeness more easily to enjoy the pleasures more completely and ultimately suffer less and less. It is a very unfortunate thing calling just about anything as meditation, for example, playing an instrument or really enjoying something like a game of football e.c.t. or after some positive event in your life; yes, that can be meditative but only unonsciously, the access there is dependant on external factors. But with spiritual practice your life energies and access of the bliss will be more and more in your hands.

I don't think i can give you an accurate description of how to. You have to look for somebody else for tips like searching Leos videos e.c.t.

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