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Encounters of the Third Consciousness

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While you’re going about your normal daily activities, people all across the globe are logging in transcendental experiences of peak Divinity, absolute strangeness, and hellish torment while on psychedelics. Psychedelics can show you things that have never before been seen and that will never be seen again. There are three levels of experience: normal sober life, spiritual experience, and psychedelic experience. Spirituality can show you beautiful things, but it does not speak to the unspeakably bizarre things one can witness on a psychedelic. This is a baby corkscrewing out of a wall while having a faucet knob coming out of its eye to release liquid platinum out of its left pinky finger level of bizarre. It shows you that the regular sober or even spiritual experience is not even 0.1% of what is possible. Psychedelics can create spiritual experiences, but their ability far transcends this. There is so much more to the psychedelic landscape than merely finding God. You can become directly conscious that you are God/Brahman, but this is just the tip of the iceberg. There are far more interesting experiences to have than merely remembering that you are the Creator although experiencing oneself as the Creator is one of the most pleasant experiences.


What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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