
guys how about open realtıonshıps??

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guys l wonder what you think of the open relationship?  I'm someone with mostly gay friends around. I realized that we have a lot of communication problems in straight relationships compared to their open relationships. We play a lot of games and the rules of the game are very strict. I can't deal with this aspect of relationships and the jeaolusy issues . I just want to stop calling bad karma by having friendship and sex (as leo says ). But how deep is a relationship that can be built without being honest with someone? and how we can make something honest if we acting like eachother there is noone else (check the his/ her instagram account ) or we are acting eachother like l dont give sh*t .  And  Of course, open relationships don't just mean sexuality or being jeaolusy.'it is more noname and like see people how they are acting if there is no borderline. l love idea that we dont see eachother as a body in open relationship. Also  I would love to see competitive men who occupy every area of my life as rejecting this role. 

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I'm interested in having multiple sex partners, bringing a second girl into the bedroom, but I'm not sure about an open relationship. 

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You see they would work for a lot of people but only in one direction, because you're missing an important point here;

Most people are incredibly selfish. They wouldn't bat an eye to take on multiple partners for themselves, but wouldn't allow their partner to do the same.

Personally I don't think I could ever pull off an open relationship. I like to go deep with one person at a time. However I do not have a problem with people that can pull it off, kudos.

A lot of problems in all relationships would just evaporate if people were just brutally honest about what they wanted, but they aren't because they will do whatever it takes to fulfill their selfishness. 

Edited by Roy


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