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Smoking Cannabis Young Caused Irreversible Effects?

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I smoked a quite a lot of cannabis when I was 14/15. Like 3-7 bongs on a daily basis for 2 years. More or less. Cut back a lot at 17/18. Smoking very little from then onwards. Now 23. Have I caused irreversible effects ?

Haven't got any major problems with memory, retaining information or anything else. But I'm worried about my mental health in the long term. Also, I worry that I've damaged parts that will prevent me reaching my full potential. The main concern is that my mind was still developing and I feel that it might not have grown like it should. 

Any ideas ?

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I wouldn't be too worried. In any case you can not undo the past smoking, so it's best just to focus on the things you can do from now on to improve your experience of life. Also, in the end, all things happen just like they should. There is no other way, and one key to good mental health is accepting that.

51 minutes ago, popi said:

The only thing you can do now is to remove cannabis from your life.

In my experience, that does not work so well. Much better thing to do is find the purpose for life and begin the path towards wanted things. Cannabis will drop out if it's so meant. As long as actions are arising from the idea that something should be stopped doing, it's constant struggle. Especially if there's no alternative things to focus on. Instead, if days are filled with meaningful activity, there's just no need to smoke that joint. And if then occasionally one is smoked, it doesn't have to create bad feelings and thoughts of failure.

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....You're not "damaged" by cannabis.

Be open to considering what could be most ailing your perception of your health. Sometimes we look to ideas for their simplicity in dealing with them over more complicated, but true, realities that is the rooted behind our dilemma.

Paranoid? Dissatisfied? Fearful? Inadequate? Bitter concepts, but usually the most meaningful ones are to gaining real perspective on that which ails you. 

Edited by ArabiaNytes

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6 hours ago, ArabiaNytes said:


....You're not "damaged" by cannabis.

Be open to considering what could be most ailing your perception of your health. Sometimes we look to ideas for their simplicity in dealing with them over more complicated, but true, realities that is the rooted behind our dilemma.

Paranoid? Dissatisfied? Fearful? Inadequate? Bitter concepts, but usually the most meaningful ones are to gaining real perspective on that which ails you. 

There will be do damage done to consciousness.  As long as there is the belief that I Am the body then whatever is going on for us due to cannabis damage on the intellect and emotions will be lived out.

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This should help you.




Edited by ArabiaNytes
Jus cuz.

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@ttm @ttm

rofl But this one, tho. ?

? Now we can't just make up statistics, but it's jus THAT harmless. ?


Edited by ArabiaNytes

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Here's also few people who didn't let their cannabis usage to prevent to reach their full potential:

...then again, maybe they would've achieved a world piece or something if there was no pot to slow them down? Right?

Edited by ttm

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@ttm @ttm

Who is this "they" when world peace implies a WE. Fate/ultimate outcome, as we know it, is in OUR hands. That's what it means to be an active adult and not a dependent child.

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15 minutes ago, ArabiaNytes said:

Who is this "they" when world peace implies a WE.

Maybe they would've achieved the world peace by wiping out all human civilization except them (so, thank god for them being potheads!).

It was only a sarcastic counterargument...

Edited by ttm

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lol No, see, you tie arbitrary ideas to attempt at makin a point that doesn't quite apply in the way that you think it does. Sarcastic, sure, but not useful for a counterargument. The use of weed cannot be so generally explained to be the result of one's good or poor decision making.  

"Argument" even sounds too harsh for this. lol 

Anywho...tra la laa la laaaaa

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4 hours ago, ArabiaNytes said:

lol No, see, you tie arbitrary ideas to attempt at makin a point that doesn't quite apply in the way that you think it does. Sarcastic, sure, but not useful for a counterargument. The use of weed cannot be so generally explained to be the result of one's good or poor decision making.  

"Argument" even sounds too harsh for this. lol 

Anywho...tra la laa la laaaaa

I'm not sure if a point I was trying to make was correctly understood. The whole point of that last line (and the planet deaths -image) was to be humorous in its absurdness. All I tried to say was that there is a whole lot of successful people who has used and will use cannabis (and other drugs). I did not say that it's because of weed that people has or has not accomplished things, but that it's at least proof that one does not have to fear that cannabis usage itself prevents from accomplishing great achievements in life. I had about a decade in my past when I used quite a few kilos of cannabis and I'm doing so great nowadays that I wouldn't ever imagine it to be even possible for me.

Edited by ttm

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I should keep Poe's law in mind when participating in drug discussion... :D

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@ttm dude i just posted on this without seeyin ur post! I feel ya dude im ony 17 but i feel the same way. I smoked so much that it fucked my memory too. I also feel that it affected parts that pertain t developing my lifes potential also! do u meditate?

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@Random Userdude i just posted on this without seeyin ur post! I feel ya dude im ony 17 but i feel the same way. I smoked so much that it fucked my memory too. I also feel that it affected parts that pertain t developing my lifes potential also! do u meditate?

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@mikeyy Yeah man it seemed like a good idea at the time lol I think it was the way I thought about myself when I was high. More me messing my own head up and I've started to realise that of recent. Oh well life goes on ! 

Going by what people on here have said and what I now know about the mind and consciousness, weed won't have affected the chance of reaching max potential so I wouldn't worry. We can and will both get to where we all want to be. Just gotta have the right habits and stay consistent day in and day out.

I do meditate. It's started to become one of my top priorities along with one of my favourite things. I do it as soon as I wake up. What are you doing at present in terms of actualisation, life purpose etc. ?  


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i been doin various medtation techniques for a couple months mostly loving kindness meditation because i feel best doin that one

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