
140 ug lsd trip report.

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I actually found a way to create a better life using psychedelics.

Drop a tab, think about what direction you want your life to go and later just stick to the plan that you though of. Thats it, its like you work hard for 4 weeks fix some addiction issues then you go on this trip and see what's the next step in your life. It helps a lot! And I actually learned how to work with it. Thats the main reason I take it.


I washed my hands and looked in the eyes and saw that I - this body is just pure LOVE and I said to myself IAM LOVE! I'm a vehicle for Love to go through.

Do you want to die knowing that you this body will be gone, but YOU will still live on? Or do you wanna die in fear that YOU are going to die ;)

All addictions seep energy from every day activities. All addictions are ego based. Unchecked Ego is the poison for your being.

Also after thinking about the future of my life I went on a bicycle ride and it was the most epic bicycle ride I ever had, I never was in such a physical flow state EVER. I was smiling at everyone that I passed because I was just blissed out of LOVE. I mean the motor skills on lsd are just phenomenal, its like on steroids, I even managed to learn how to ride with no hands which previously was such a huge problem for me, with lsd - no problems ?

It's actually so good to find your true nature as consciousness and then later explore psychedelics deeper and let it raise your consciousness so you could fix your life more and more and more for the better of your being. I mean never have I though that I will ever be so happy by eatting a good diet, exercising so much, being very flexible by the help of yoga.

This wasn't something huge of an insightful trip, but I just wanted to share how I started to work with psychedelics.


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Oh and when I was riding my bike I realized that I was so much inFlow ?


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4 hours ago, inFlow said:

 I mean the motor skills on lsd are just phenomenal, its like on steroids, I even managed to learn how to ride with no hands which previously was such a huge problem for me, with lsd - no problems ?



Thanks for sharing the trip

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5 hours ago, inFlow said:

I actually found a way to create a better life using psychedelics.

Drop a tab, think about what direction you want your life to go and later just stick to the plan that you though of.

This can be dangerous. You have to appreciate how pervasive our self bias is. The ego can easily color your psychedelic visions and insights. 

I had a lot of visions on psychedelics that were misleading. With ayahuasca I once had a strong guiding to drop everything and take full care of my cocaine addicted mother that were ruining her life and those around her, including my two small brothers. My plan was to shower her with infinite unconditional love because that was lacking in the first place. I actually started to act on this plans while I was under effect of the medicine and afterwards I went to see her only to realize I couldn't hold that love vibration without the ayahuasca and reality slapped me in the face, my plan wasn't going to work.

What mother ayahuasca showed me was the power of true unconditional love, what was possible. The message wasn't to drop everything and chase the vision but to work on myself to reach that place of unconditional love.

Psychedelics show you what is possible, they say: if you raise your vibration this much, all of this is possible, that's how you will perceive life, so work on yourself to someday vibrate in this frequency constantly. 

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6 hours ago, inFlow said:

I will ever be so happy by eatting a good diet, exercising so much, being very flexible by the help of yoga

Amazing, keep going ^_^

I am not saying to stop using psychedelics. On the contrary, use them if you feel your life improves with the help of them. At some point though, you may realize that ultimately psychedelics were just a placebo. You were playing with yourself, helping yourself, you were creating a better life solely by yourself, you are the life.

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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1 hour ago, Recursoinominado said:

This can be dangerous. You have to appreciate how pervasive our self bias is. The ego can easily color your psychedelic visions and insights. 

I had a lot of visions on psychedelics that were misleading. With ayahuasca I once had a strong guiding to drop everything and take full care of my cocaine addicted mother that were ruining her life and those around her, including my two small brothers. My plan was to shower her with infinite unconditional love because that was lacking in the first place. I actually started to act on this plans while I was under effect of the medicine and afterwards I went to see her only to realize I couldn't hold that love vibration without the ayahuasca and reality slapped me in the face, my plan wasn't going to work.

What mother ayahuasca showed me was the power of true unconditional love, what was possible. The message wasn't to drop everything and chase the vision but to work on myself to reach that place of unconditional love.

Psychedelics show you what is possible, they say: if you raise your vibration this much, all of this is possible, that's how you will perceive life, so work on yourself to someday vibrate in this frequency constantly. 

Very well said. So true and on point!

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@Recursoinominado I fully agree. But like the consciousness you get from psyches it alone can solve tons of problems. You take it, see that you need to fix some shit and later you do it. And yeah you need to strive to live for what has been shown


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