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On 8/30/2020 at 10:00 AM, Preety_India said:


August 30, Sunday. 2020. 

With this journal, my journey into spirituality comes to an end after a struggle of 3 long years starting February 2018 when I first started out here but I had been thinking about this long ago. 

But finally a peaceful end. 

Yay, peace finally. 


Now comes the phase of practices and practical implementation of spirituality. 





On 8/30/2020 at 10:20 AM, Preety_India said:


August 30 2020



I need to start working on practical techniques from today on. Theory can still continue. But I finally found a way to get a hold of my life without feeling like I'm falling off or have no base. Now finally after a struggle of 2 long years I got the base to work from. 

And it probably should not have taken so long. But unfortunately it did. 

However it's all good because the reason it took so long is because I was exploring different realms and ideas and concepts and having internal conflicts and some days I just wouldn't have any idea in my mind. 

Also I was participating too much in the forum in the past 6 months. That contributed to the lag. Had I taken time off and not participated as much, I would have come to important conclusions much earlier. Would have saved like a 6 month time. 

Also during 2018 up to late 2019, I was dealing with a horrible relationship that was very hard to get rid of. It took a lot of courage to get out of it and be done with it. 

Since March 2020, I had some relief big time. 

So the relationship was also responsible for dragging my progress. 

But I think overall I did an excellent job. I worked very hard, tirelessly and relentlessly to come up with a source foundation for my life. 

My life purpose is to do what I'm passionate about and my main life purpose 

My life purpose is not my job. My job just earns me enough to survive. That's not my life purpose. The income from my job only helps me in buying stuff like books and other things that are necessary in building my life purpose. 

Last year I spent a lot of money at a meditation retreat where I met Andrew. That's how my money is spent. I don't regret it because every spiritual experience is an experience and well worth it. 





This is a new beginning.. Finally. And yes finally.... 

I can seriously focus on my life and not be obsessed about finding a foundation for my life. 


This foundation can work for anyone pretty much. But it's firm and good and makes a lot of sense. 

The foundation is rotating your energy and focus between these four streams in the picture and also learning and growing while doing that. 




This fundamental understanding that the world is not a part of your life was extremely important and central to having a firm base in life 

The world and its drama or events is the main reason why we cannot have  enough focus in life. The world is extremely misleading and it is very dangerous and it corrupts the mind. This fundamental understanding practically blocks all things in the world that take you away from spirituality. 

It's the devil's job. To distract you. To take you elsewhere. To make you focus on less important things. 

Everything is an illusion around you. The sooner you realize this the better 

Once you realize that it's an illusion, it's time to drop that illusion completely and have a new start to life. 





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Terms used 
















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16 hours ago, Preety_India said:


Divine rituals of the Patumba 

Making divine food 






The Patumba will make divine food in large round jars that will look like a fruit spread. It will be fermented fruit pulp with spices. 


The fruits chosen will be divine fruits, the unique magical fruits only found in Patumba Cove 

And the salt used will be divine salt found in certain parts of the cove near the shores. 


This dish will be called zinzinin







Evening divine Fest. This will be called Hevvembe

Dancing around the bonfire with spiritual music. Spirit entertainment. 





Sprinkling spiritual water 

The spiritual water will be called deghe. 






There is nothing like a separate family in Patumba. Everyone is one tribe. Children are raised by everyone. 

One family is not separate from another 


Once every few days the Patumba will gather in small groups where some family members will be present along with someone from other families. And they will discuss their issues and problems within the family. This can even take place within the family at dinner time or by specially appointing some members of the tribe and they will sit together for dinner or simply at a table and discuss their issues. All sorts of issues will be open for discussion and problem solving. They want to make sure that nobody feels left out or isolated or vulnerable. During this ceremony or occasion, all members will recite prayers for the persons who told their issues and problems and try to help and support the person or persons in whatever way possible. This kind of gathering will be called pagussa. 

Financial problems will never exist in Patumba because there will be no money, only barter system. 

The main focus of the Patumba will be on fulfillment and contentment and peace in life. Living a life in love and joy and in the service of God. 

Most people who will express their issues will probably have issues that are mental, emotional or psychological and or heath related or relationship struggles. 

The groups will continue to pray every few days for the "members with problems" and continue to check on their progress and welfare every few days.. So that they don't fall through the cracks and so that their problems are eventually resolved. 


Another most important spiritual practice of the Patumba will be about holding a distinct ceremony or ritual every morning and afternoon and many times or as many times as you wish throughout the day and at night before bedtime. It will be a way of opening and closing the day. 

This ritual will involve spells and casting spells, prayers, incantations and chanting, meditation and contemplation and visualization and humming and basically connecting with the inner spirit and connecting with the different Patumba Gods and connecting with the Universe.. This ritual will help in creating a proper, energized, productive flow throughout the day.. And it will be very peaceful at night. It will bring calmness and peace and joy and love to the person who engages in it. 

Mostly it will be a celebratory ritual, more about happiness but it can be improvised anyhow depending on the mental state of the person who is praying or engaging in this ritual. 

It can be sad or an expression of sadness during moments of sadness example during a mourning period. 

This spiritual prayer ritual will be called  viggibih. Pronounced as "weeejeeebeee" 

A small bottle containing honey will be placed in the hand as a symbol to start viggibih

These bottles will be called viggibu

Terms used 



















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I had a dream last night and it was about movies. These were like franchise movies with titles like fish men lies 1,fish men lies 2



What the heck lol


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On 7/25/2020 at 1:28 AM, Preety_India said:


For the past 5 days I have been thinking of the nature of society. 

And I got an insight today during my early morning meditation. 

And the insight was that we need a foundational institution in every society and this is what is lacking. 

I will elaborate on this. 



A foundational institution is where everyone is trained and given resources on how to live life. Where everyone reports their issues and problems and progress. 

This foundational institution will remove the need for government. 

For example you will have an international institution like the WHO. 

This institution will have its branches in every city of the world, every nation and the people in that nation will follow international law dictated by these branches. So one law for all nations. Only one social set up despite whatever religion you follow for all nations. Those who don't follow, those nations will be punished 



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The quality of the soul

Spirituality affects the soul. It changes the quality of the soul. 

This soul is permanent. 

This soul carries its journey through different incarnations yet its quality remains the same. 

This soul is eternal... 

It virtues will never perish. 

Even after a thousand years this soul in another body will continue to spread light and peace and save those who need to be defended. 

This is the nature of spirituality. 


Now here I'm trying to create two terms that will define two types of people. 

These terms are inint. And ste-inint. (I need to come up with unique to avoid false implications) 

Inint are the regular people who are not spiritual in their daily life and they are like the regular masses. They are good at creating stage orange success. But they are very deficient in spiritual knowledge, qualities and ability and spiritual prowess. Therefore they will not be able to create functional and happy societies. Their societies will be chaotic. 

Whereas the ste-inint  people will be spiritually most advanced people. They will have higher wisdom and they will be very gentle, humble, and great people with great spiritual qualities. 

One such example is the Patumba tribe. 



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Some meditation art - nice! 




Meditating Jesus 




I just want to sleep by the ocean and meditate like this. So peaceful. 







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Inint people have bodies where the devil can enter them. 


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3 prayers that I wrote in the last few days 



Eagle Mountain Spiritual Prayer


God, give us your love

I come to you in faith 

Bring me your light 

Help me walk on your path

Provide us with your food 

Provide us with your love and joy 

With your  wisdom and knowledge

May we live by your  laws 

By your truth  

May we live in your divinity  

This is my prayer  

I ask for your abundance 

For your protection 

May your  intelligence guide me 

May your blessings   be upon me 

May your compassion save me 

 May I Rejoice in prosperousness 

I have deep faith  in you 

May I live by your hope  

May I be filled with your wholesomeness 

May I be renewed by your forgiveness 

May your kindness and mercy   be upon me 

May your strength empower me 

May your food strengthen me 

May your potion nourish me 

May your justice honor me 

 May I Rejoice in fruitfulness 

May your  healing restore me 

May your  grace be upon me 

May I be welcome in your eternal embrace 




Patumba Daily Protection and Survival Prayer. 


God, I have faith in you

And in the endless possibilities of the universe 

I pray to you for protection from the unknown 

From the destructive forces of the world 

Please help me get through this day 

Hold me in your divine embrace

Fill me with your spirit and your joy 

I pray to get through this time 

So I may have the courage to move till the end 

You are my glory, you are my wisdom 

You are my angel, you are my savior 

I pray to you to help me survive 

In a bitter cold world where vultures abound 

Protect my spirit and my body from the onslaught of life 

May your glory last forever 



Eternal Embrace Prayer 


God, be with me 

I am here to seek a wonderful relationship with you 

You are my soul, my peace, my joy 

Never forsake me, never let me go 

I hunger for your love, for your grace 

In you I rest my faith 

You are my hope in a fallen world 

You are my friend, my guide, my comrade 

My soul finds peace in your hands 

Hold me in your Eternal Embrace



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The kind of people that I like and admire are 

Very authentic 

Honest about their good and bad sides 





Non - judgemental

Spiritual and not materialistic 




The kind of people that I don't like at all are the ones that are 

Trying to impress society 

Trying to earn a title. Trying to act good so that people will call them good. Pretentious 





Not humble. Not having humility 


Diplomatic /playing games/politics /manipulative 







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3 qualities that I use to understand people 






Non-judgmental attitude 




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I believe that this world was always was as it was. It was never created or destroyed. I see God as a force or presence in this world. And I think time and space are eternal and were never created. They are separate from God and always existed along with God


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I believe that this universe and God always coexisted like sand and ocean water. I think that both God and universe are both infinite and eternal. Because if God created this world then he cannot create such a cruel world. So it's not logically feasible for God to create the world. The world is designed by human rules and human free will.

There are only 2 aspects of Hinduism that I believe in. Not anything else. That is reincarnation and karma


I don't believe in heaven and hell. Although I believe in karma


I feel like when you connect to God, you bring God's power into you

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So my theory is this. 


A soul is always present in the afterlife. 

The afterlife is the underworld. This is where all souls go. 

That is, when someone dies, their soul departs the body and enters the underworld of the afterlife. If these souls are weak spirited they will stay there without turning into ghosts. The souls that are adamant and high spirited will sometimes appear as apparitions. Some of these souls will reincarnate, some won't, depending on their will and choice. 

I don't believe in heaven or hell

So when the gates open after death, the soul is waiting to be carried into the afterlife. In this place which can also be called heaven, all souls live. 

Here some souls can reconnect with the souls of their family members or romantic partners. 

This is the garden of reeds. 

This is the afterlife. 

Now what about hell and eternal damnation. 

I don't believe in hell. 

But I think that people who do wrong things like evil things will face karma. 

This is how it will work 

They won't go to hell because there is no hell. 

But they will still suffer. They will particularly suffer one condition. The condition of restlessness of the spirit. They will forever be feeling restless and greedy and dissatisfied with everything. 

These evil souls  will enter heaven but they will start bitching about everything. Heaven will be a peaceful place but they won't find peace. Rather they will complain. The food won't taste good, the music won't be melodious to them. They will be restless whereas other good souls will be having a happy time 

Since these evil souls are not spiritually advanced and can only enjoyed material pleasures, they will get bored to death in heaven where all joys and pleasures are spiritual and none material/physical. 

These souls will feel like they are burning in fire out of frustration and restlessness 

This will be their first karma. That they will not find peace where good souls find peace  because of their evil disposition. 

Their second karma will be that when they reincarnate they will face the same situations they deserved. For example, if they were always jealous, they will be born in a place where they can get more jealous and insecure. Their situations will further test their spirit. 

It's like they asked for it. 

Similarly a person who was greedy will be reborn in conditions that will test his greed once again. 

In short they won't find peace from the vices and evil they created. They will brought back to the same evil. 

They will not be born in peaceful places. They will be born once again in places where the same evil exists that they created.. 

The only way to freedom is to clean up this place and burn their bad karma. To start doing good things 

They will keep raking up more karma if they continue with their evil deeds. This will further reduce their chances of ever finding peace. 

The good souls or peaceful souls won't be tested. Although they can suffer persecution in a material world and suffer because of the other's evil actions or bad karma, pressure from demonic forces, or by simply due to the difficulties of the human condition, more or less like natural suffering, so if a good person suffers its not because of their past bad karma, it could be all the above reasons. 


Karma as poetic justice 

Some people might be brought to justice in poetic ways. They committed a crime and now they suffer the same pain or suffering they inflicted on the victim. 





Karma as a curse

When a person has caused intense agony to someone, the person in agony can put a curse on the evil doer and he gets cursed and he continues to suffer the effects of this curse. 




Third karma

This is the bad karma of a place like bad juju. Years of inhumanities and atrocities have caused the place to turn into a misery pit. The tormented souls have left their energy of agony in the place. 

Because of the collective sins and bad karma of the people, the place has turned into a hell hole. The people suffer and will continue to rake up bad karma until they burn down the collective past karma through good acts and reduction in suffering. 



The good people or good souls will continue to purify through their good actions and through their grace during persecution. 

The good people or good souls will continue to purify through their good actions and through their grace during persecution. Also these good souls will seek refuge in God. They will get closer to God. 

They will always be spiritually fulfilled and thus they will never be upset in heaven. Even if they had a horrible time on earth, they will have a wonderful time in heaven because their spirits are not deformed. Their souls are perfectly ready for spiritual happiness. Their souls are peaceful and not restless. They are only imprisoned by the world. Once liberated from the world they will enjoy peacefully in the soft pillows of heaven. 

Whereas bad people will enjoy a ton of material pleasures and the shallowness of the material world, and the false ego and pride, yet they will be spiritually hollow and so they will suffer greatly in heaven. Since they are hollow from inside they will feel burned and distressed in heaven  when they return to earth, they can enjoy material pleasures again but they will continue sinning and creating chaos and problems and never having peace. 

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What is karma according to me? 

I think I compare karma with the saying that goes "as you sow, so shall you reap".. This is an example of karma. 

So if a person is greedy, they have sown greed and greed is what they will reap in the afterlife. 

Similarly if a person is seeking peace, peace is what they will get in the afterlife. 

Which means what they and how they are will determine what their souls will seek in the afterlife. 

This seeking will continue 

So if someone is evil, they will seek evil ways and thus attract situations to do more evil in the afterlife and in their reincarnations. 

What does this mean? 

This means the person will deserve what's coming to them

Greedy people will be reborn in materialistic stage orange societies. They will be reborn in conditions and places of great suffering and bad karma buildup because that's what they asked for.

Even if greedy people aren't born in such places they will eventually move to such places in their lifetime thus having kids who will be born in these places. 



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Fate and destiny are not in human control. They are guided by universal forces. 


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1 hour ago, Preety_India said:

This means the person will deserve what's coming to them

Greedy people will be reborn in materialistic stage orange societies. They will be reborn in conditions and places of great suffering and bad karma buildup because that's what they asked for.

Even if greedy people aren't born in such places they will eventually move to such places in their lifetime thus having kids who will be born in these places. 


This means that the soul is will find what it seeks..

The soul will seek both in life and the afterlife and in the reincarnated life as well. The soul is a seeker. It will carve out its path depending on what it seeks. It will seek a path of greed if the soul seeks greed, thus in life and the afterlife and in all the lives, the soul will continue to seek greed in different ways. It will seek a place in life that will help the soul to amass what the soul is greedy about and it will seek this in the afterlife where it will be utterly restless since such materialistic pursuits and the aids to such pursuits is not found in heaven or the spirit place or the afterlife. Thus this sin of greed has caused the soul to suffer even in heaven where the soul or spirit should have found and enjoyed peace. But peace is not the karma of such a soul. This soul will then find a place in the reincarnated life where such greed will be fulfilled. So it will be born in a place which is steeped in stage orange greed and thus fulfill its greedy desires in their life in that place. But this won't bring any joy or peace to this soul. The soul will once again suffer restlessness in heaven or afterlife once their life is over or death has occurred. 

This form of karma, is eternal damnation and this is the real hell of the soul. Because this is the lake of fire. The soul will always keep burning in eternal sin because that's what it is always seeking. This is eternal damnation of the soul. The soul is damned to an eternity of temptation to sin and seeking the sin forever and suffering the after effects of this sin. Since sin does not bring any good and only creates chaos and suffering, the soul will continue to exist in chaos and suffering created from its sins and this is how the soul has been committed to lifetimes of chaos and suffering. This is like burning. This is like fire. Thus the hell can be represented by a fire. Hell is not a place. It's a state of things. A state in which the soul remains as long as it continues its sinful path. A state created by the soul seeking sins. A state of restlessness and lack of peace. A state of chaos and suffering resulting from bad karma. This is like burning in fire. This is the real hell that the soul brought to  itself through its karma and sins. Now it will always seek this sinful path both in heaven or the afterlife and material or physical lives. And it will continue to weave its own hell. It will be delivered and saved from this hell only when it realizes that sin is a sin and stops seeking it and returns to a spiritual life or spiritual path and then it will weave a spiritual place or state where the soul can rest in peace. Thus if it starts burning the karma and begjns to do good acts, it will rectify the buildup of Karma and start creating a new path of spiritual gifts like joy, love, peace, happiness, brotherhood, wisdom and these are opposite of sins. This new path will create a state of fulfillment and peace and the soul will start going away from toxicity and begin to cope healthily and seek more peace or begin to feel peaceful, it's almost like recovering from a disease and returning to good health in which the body stops showing signs of pain or distress and begins to cope and become peaceful and Orderly. Now the soul instantly experiences a state of bliss and peace away from all the materialistic bullshit  as if it has been instantly cured of all the bad things and set free. This feeling or state of peace is very powerful and it stays and it begins to gradually heal the soul of all the remaining distress as the soul continues to seek the spiritual path. Now this soul is a peace loving and peace seeking soul. This soul has gotten freedom from sins and lifetimes of sinning (future lifetimes as well as past buildup of bad karma) and future temptations to sin. In a way this soul has been freed and saved from future burden of chaos and suffering. It has been saved and spared further pain. 

This peaceful soul will now continue to seek peace even in the afterlife or heaven where it will rest peacefully in the pillows of heaven. In the Garden of Pillows or the  Garden of Reeds. 

Thus the soul's old journey is complete and a new journey of eternal bliss has begun. 

This soul is the enchanted one. It is the happy one. The joyous one. The elegant one. The pleasant one. 

This pleasant elegant soul will always seek peace and joy and love and continue to weave its heaven throughout eternity of lives and afterlives (eternal cycles of reincarnations and afterlives) 


Meanwhile the agitated, unpleasant, restless, and discordant sinful sin loving materialistic soul continues to weave its private hell of chaos and restlessness and dissatisfaction. 






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Prince of the power of the air 


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