
Spirituality,Religion,Existential Crisis,Supernatural,Mysticism,Morality,Consciousne

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Focus model 1 





Process /Function 




Focus model 2 












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On 8/26/2020 at 8:35 AM, Preety_India said:


This looks awesome. 








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Eagle Mountain Spiritual System 






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A few days back I was talking about spiritual manna or manure 


Spiritual food






Spiritual water 








Spiritual tea 









Spiritual potion 





Spiritual accessories 





Healer's pack













Spiritual Manna includes 

Spiritual food

Spiritual water 

Spiritual potion 

Spiritual tea

Spiritual accessories 

Healer's pack


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12 hours ago, Preety_India said:






Badua Moaneh is about abundance and manna. Beauty and abundance 

Asty Moaneh 

Love, kindness, mercy, compassion, joy, hope, faith, happiness 


Adim Moaneh 

Healing and blockage removal 

Healing from suffering 

Protection, deliverance. Liberation. 


Dambi Moaneh

Knowledge and wisdom. Truth. Path 


Deghebeh Moaneh 

Strength, warfare, resilience, courage, justice, karma, Morality, manhood, righteousness 



Dodondo Moaneh 

Order and sequence. Continuity. 


Bogambisah Moaneh 





Asty Moaneh 

Adim Moaneh 

Dambi Moaneh

Deghebeh Moaneh 

Dodondo Moaneh 

Bogambisah Moaneh 

Badua Moaneh 


12 hours ago, Preety_India said:

Asty Moaneh 






Adim Moaneh 





Dambi Moaneh




Deghebeh Moaneh 





Dodondo Moaneh 





Bogambisah Moaneh 




Badua Moaneh 








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I'm a deeply spiritual person. 

I always wanted to explore spirituality. 

And by saying that I'm deeply spiritual, I don't mean to say I'm deeply moral 



I don't think it's like that. I think spirituality and morality are two different things. Morality is a part of spirituality but in my opinion it's only a small part. 

What I mean by spiritual is authentic. Someone who is true to themselves. 

So when I say I'm deeply spiritual I mean that I'm true to my inner nature. I'm true to myself.. 

I'm more connected to who I really am from within. 

That's what I consider spiritual. 

I don't have a facade. I don't live in a facade. 

Good and evil are two sides of the same coin. Like light and darkness. 

Let's say that a person is evil.. I don't have a problem with them as long as they are authentic to their feelings. They are honest in what they are. They are not faking it. 

Sometimes this is the reason I have respect for criminals. Of course i hate what they do or what they did, but I honor the honesty of a person who admits that they did what they did. I consider that a spiritual quality. 

In contrast, if a person did good things but they did it for fame, recognition or to satisfy their ego, then that's not a good or authentic person to me. That's a facade. A fake person. No matter all the good things they did, they did it out of a fake purpose. 

So if a person committed a crime like murder but if they did because they truly felt justified in doing so, then that's not a hypocrite. It's just a person who lacks goodness and wisdom. 

But a person who does good acts for pride and prestige is lacking in spirituality. He is lacking the most fundamental aspect of being. 

Just as good intentions can exist, so also bad intentions. How can good exist without the bad and vice versa.. 

I'm deeply spiritual. Which means I believe in connecting with my inner spirit in all means possible. And living how it wants me to live. 



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I want to go deeper here



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What is spirituality according to me and why spirituality is important. 



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Dolmen, menhirs, cairns and megaliths 


Ceramic structures Aztec used as an example 


Imitation of the real



A sheen versus a glow 


Why nature is the best example of spirituality 



Spirituality is mystic, mysterious, formless,eerie, ethereal, sinister, simple and abstract and deep. 



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Images of tribal people. Vintage shots. Different tribes of different countries. 




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Now I'm writing my most important insight about spirituality. 


Spirituality is about having an authentic heart. 

Bad or good or whatever but no fakery with emotions. 

Let me explain with examples

A real Aztec (or similar) statue. 




This is made out of stone. It's hard work. It is eternal by its quality because it won't break. It's not fragile or vulnerable to weather or climate or time. 

Even after many years, it will still look the same. 

There is a certain loyalty to it in that its unbreakable. 

It's natural because it's made of a natural material used or seen in structures in nature. Nature has designed it for sustainability and endurance. 

This is authentic, this is real. You can't call it good or bad. It's neutral. 

It has a sinister hollowness to it because it doesn't evoke any purpose or message. It's no propaganda. 

It is serene like a silent observer. 

I think there is a spiritual quality to it. 


But a similar structure made out of plaster of Paris is only a fake imitation. It will never have the properties of the real one. Under pressure it will break.. 



Why nature is the best example of spirituality 


Look at this shell.. 






It has a sheen to it. A nice natural sheen. You can't destroy this sheen or take it away because it's not separate from the object. It's a part of its composition, constitution or structure. 

To destroy the sheen you have to destroy the object itself. 

This is another lesson about spirituality 


That a person who is spiritual is innate. They don't have layers to them. They speak from the heart. They don't have ego or inner ego. An inner ego is like a layer between the inner spirit and the outside identity. This layer is thick when it's influenced by social conditioning and inner fears, this ego prevents the person from being their authentic self. 

People give into pretentious behaviors. 

Being your authentic self means getting rid of this inner ego or pretentiousness, not getting rid of your identity or sense of self like they do in non dual practices where the  objective is to destroy the sense of self 

But destroy the inner shadow of pretentiousness. 

Doing things because you really want to do it, from deep within, not to impress anyone, not for egoic reasons, only because you deeply want to, because your spirit wants to 


I call this spiritual, being your natural self and never having egoic desires. 


Now look at this lamp. It shines as well. In fact it glows. 





It might look beautiful but it is not real. Like the sea shell. You can easily take out the inside bulb and there will no glow. Because it's a fake creation 

The qualities of such a creation are separately assembled and are therefore not connected within

 All these parts can be dismantled. 

But you can't dismantle a sea shell. It's one whole. It's not assembled. It's one. And it's whole. And it's natural. And it's one composition or constitution while everything being completely a part of its constitution inseparable from it. 

I call this spiritual. 

Something that is innate and one whole, cannot be separated or dismantled, whatever is on the outside is not separate from the Inside but directly connected with it, nothing can be removed from it without destroying it. 

Spiritual people are same on the outside and same on the inside. Whether they are good or evil is not the question, they are whole and real, inseparable from the inner selves by layers of ego, they don't have pretentiousness or a ego facade, if they do evil, they do evil, if they do good, they do good. 

This means that whenever a spiritual person speaks, it's directly from within. They are not guided by ego but by their spirit. They are not guided by a random thought but by a conviction, a belief or a sentiment. 

Their mind and heart and spirit are one whole piece and completely in sync. Their mind is not saying something against the heart. Thus they are not fake or faking anything.. Their thoughts and emotions swiftly flow with the spirit the way fallen  leaves move with the wind. 

Something that is spiritual has a eternal quality to it like these stones that will be eternal in their positions. 




Something that is aspiritual has no foundation and will wither or break when put to the test or will not last long. It will be fake and only for theatrics and show like this sand palace 




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Purity of intent bad or good 




Why is being spiritual so important and significant? 

This is the most important and central aspect of spirituality. 

Why is being spiritual important? 

Because being spiritual means being undeterred, incorruptible, unchangeable, infallible and invincible. 

The devil's constant motivation is to corrupt, to bring more people to hedonism and chaos and shallowness, to make his legion bigger and bigger, to engage in debauchery and meaninglessness.

The devil hates meaning and purpose 

Therefore the devil hates any person or system with principles and ground values. 

The devil wants a land of lawlessness, of fickle values and a black hole of chaos.. 

The devil wants people whose conscience can be easily tested and broken, manipulated and held hostage. So they can be programmed and changed to his will. 

What if a rock stands in front of the devil. The devil is stumped. The devil is discouraged and upset. 

Because he can't do shit to a rock. 

The devil cannot change this rock or dismantle it, it cannot be manipulated, corrupted, hijacked, it's beauty cannot be robbed without destroying it, it's innocence cannot be taken away. 

The devil is frustrated. Because his plans cannot succeed. He cannot bring chaos in a place of eternal serenity, in a place of stoic peace and resilience. 

Spirituality is like a rock. 

It is grounded, natural, whole, true, integrated, connected, and it cannot be corrupted or hijacked, changed. This is a huge challenge to the devil. 

Consider the Garden of Eden as the Garden of Hedonism and everything with no rule or moral foundation. Anyone can do anything without judgement. It's a battlefield, a testing ground for Purity of spirits. 

Don't confuse this with the Garden of Reeds. I created the concept of the Garden of Reeds as a heaven. Not to confuse with the garden of Eden. 

The person who is spiritual and good is originally and constitutionally and fundamentally good and so even when he thrown into the Garden of Eden, He is still himself. He doesn't give into immorality. He is still like a rock. No Garden of Eden can corrupt his virtues. 

The devil hates this. The devil wants none to be like this person and all to be as shallow as they can be, moldable like clay.. 

But people who are good to impress society, to score brownie points, to feed their narcissistic ego and these are the "pretentious good" people, the phonies. And like clay, plaster of Paris or ceramic, when put to the test in the garden of Eden, they will immediately lose their morality at the sight of freedom and opportunity to let their inner animal out that they had hidden under the shadows of their minds. In a place where they don't need to prove anything anymore or clinch titles, they will let out their evil instincts freely. Their veneer will be gone. 



So the devil introduces cheap things like materialism, fame, money, power into the world so people will always lose their real selves and turn to shallow ways of living. 

Now what about people who do wrong things out of egoic needs.. 

They won't feel remorse. They are not genuine in their evil. Their evil was inspired by debauchery rather than lack of cognizance. 

Such people are like rabid dogs. Nothing can cure their evil because they will continue their evil pursuits since they are without remorse or shame. 

Their egoic needs of sadism and pleasure has blinded them from remorse and genuine reflection. 

In a way they are a representation of the devil himself. 

Let's call this person, T

Think of pedophiles. The most insane kind of evil. No medicine or cure other than death. 

But now think of a person who does evil like murder or rape or Jealous harm but does so because he is driven, not by egoic needs but by the passion of hate. 

Love can be passionate, but so can hate. 

Let's call this person,  S. 

He does harm but with a tinge of guilt, he does feel remorse afterward, he is capable of it, deep down he is troubled by his own evil nature. 

He lies and he cheats out of survival needs or out of influence of bad company, or out of the need for power, yet he is also shaken by his own weaknesses because it's the weakness of his spirit that has driven him to evil ways and not his ego. He is genuinely evil 

There is a difference between genuine evil and degenerate evil. 

Now if person S is interrogated over his crime, he will admit to them and be honest about what he did. 

This a sign of genuine evil.. 

Now if person T is interrogated over his crime or deeds, he will do everything under the sun to escape and or normalize it and distort the story. 

The difference is that at some point, the conscience of person S will wake up and make him realize the extent of his evil and fill him with remorse so he becomes good and seeks redemption. 

While person T will see no such awakening of the conscience and will never have remorse but rather wait for the surroundings to be less moral so he can find ways to continue with his debauchery. He will introduce ways to desensitize the society to the idea of evil. 

An example of this is found in modern society. Certain groups of people are very interested in changing the notions of pedophilia. These people specifically come from Hollywood and their intention is to desensitize the public to pedophilia. They got shapeshifting skin. 

Like Charlie Chaplin said in the ending scene of Monsieur Verdoux, weapons of mass destruction were created for mass killings and such killings were justified than by such comparison a serial killer is nothing. 



The inherent spirit within an evil man also wakes him up to do good if he is spiritual from within  or genuine in his acts. 

Now is such a person corruptible even though he is considered evil? 

The answer is no. 

When he is thrown into the Garden of Eden, he is tempted for a while by the freedom to commit vile acts, yet he composes himself and returns to his awakened self. 

The only ones who can't return are the shallow ones. The ones that are disingenuous. The ones who carry a mask and are protected by their egoic delusions. 

Ego and sense of self are two different things. 

You can have a sense of self without having an ego.. 

Again egotistical is somewhat different than ego. 

An ego means a conditioned mind, conditioned into delusions and illusions, tricked and living in pretentiousness.. 

An ego means the person is disconnected from their spirit. They are embellished. They are decorated by their mind and hidden from their hearts. They are operated by the egoic needs of the mind. 


They are easily driven by superficial needs. They are not in synchrony. 

Whereas a person without an ego, is a person, not necessarily humble, but genuine, not shallow or driven or operated by egoic needs of the mind. Not bounded by societal illusions or wordly rules but by inner spirit. They are genuine in their pursuits and desires, genuine in their purpose. Genuine in their emotions and utterance. 

They are not trying to impress anyone or secure anything. Just being themselves. 

They are disembodied versions of their self in physical form or matter form. 

Spirituality is an abstract quality that is neutral and not defined by good or evil 

A person can be spiritual and still may have committed murder. 

But the soul in its real form generally inhibits that which is against natural conscience. 

So the more spiritual a person, he is less likely to give into evil. 

It's only spiritual weaknesses that might tempt a person to go against their conscience. 


Thus the devil hates spirituality because whether the person is good or bad, he cannot be corrupted by the devil by any means. His plans are foiled. 

The world loves materialism and hates any form of spirituality and dismisses it as hocus pocus. Another trick of the devil.. 


To be truly spiritual is to be truly pure, to be free of inner shadows, to be free of egoic illusions and delusions, to be free of egoic desires and intentions and to be grounded only with the presence of the spirit. 


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20 hours ago, Preety_India said:

Then Patumba will have the highest tier of Gods. 

The ongzheyt gods. 

The God being Orrondtzhey. 

The mightiest and the serene. The eerie one. 

This God represents the "mirror", an abstract deity. The God will represent a silent observer. Complete serenity and an eerie silence. 

This God is the God of experience, the God of the moment and the God of eternity. 

The God of experience, the experience of reality. 

The God of pure expression. 

The God of Purity and absolute experience. The God of absolute presence and silence. 

This God will be represented by an abstract and obscure menhir. 


The God of intent and the Purity of intent 





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On 9/5/2020 at 6:33 PM, Preety_India said:

Then Patumba will have the highest tier of Gods. 

The ongzheyt gods. 

The God being Orrondtzhey. 

The mightiest and the serene. The eerie one. 

This God represents the "mirror", an abstract deity. The God will represent a silent observer. Complete serenity and an eerie silence. 

This God is the God of experience, the God of the moment and the God of eternity. 

The God of experience, the experience of reality. 

The God of pure expression. 

The God of Purity and absolute experience. The God of absolute presence and silence. 

This God will be represented by an abstract and obscure menhir. 


The God of intent and the Purity of intent 





2 hours ago, Preety_India said:


Total 12 







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Eagle Mountain Spiritual Prayer


God, give us your love

I come to you in faith 

Bring me your light 

Help me walk on your path

Provide us with your food 

Provide us with your love and joy 

With your  wisdom and knowledge

May we live by your  laws 

By your truth  

May we live in your divinity  

This is my prayer  

I ask for your abundance 

For your protection 

May your  intelligence guide me 

May your blessings   be upon me 

May your compassion save me 

 May I Rejoice in prosperousness 

I have deep faith  in you 

May I live by your hope  

May I be filled with your wholesomeness 

May I be renewed by your forgiveness 

May your kindness and mercy   be upon me 

May your strength empower me 

May your food strengthen me 

May your potion nourish me 

May your justice honor me 

 May I Rejoice in fruitfulness 

May your  healing restore me 

May your  grace be upon me 

May I be welcome in your eternal embrace 


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3 hours ago, Preety_India said:


Divine rituals of the Patumba 

Making divine food 






The Patumba will make divine food in large round jars that will look like a fruit spread. It will be fermented fruit pulp with spices. 


The fruits chosen will be divine fruits, the unique magical fruits only found in Patumba Cove 

And the salt used will be divine salt found in certain parts of the cove near the shores. 


This dish will be called zinzinin







Evening divine Fest. This will be called Hevvembe

Dancing around the bonfire with spiritual music. Spirit entertainment. 





Sprinkling spiritual water 

The spiritual water will be called deghe. 






There is nothing like a separate family in Patumba. Everyone is one tribe. Children are raised by everyone. 

One family is not separate from another 


Once every few days the Patumba will gather in small groups where some family members will be present along with someone from other families. And they will discuss their issues and problems within the family. This can even take place within the family at dinner time or by specially appointing some members of the tribe and they will sit together for dinner or simply at a table and discuss their issues. All sorts of issues will be open for discussion and problem solving. They want to make sure that nobody feels left out or isolated or vulnerable. During this ceremony or occasion, all members will recite prayers for the persons who told their issues and problems and try to help and support the person or persons in whatever way possible. This kind of gathering will be called pagussa. 

Financial problems will never exist in Patumba because there will be no money, only barter system. 

The main focus of the Patumba will be on fulfillment and contentment and peace in life. Living a life in love and joy and in the service of God. 

Most people who will express their issues will probably have issues that are mental, emotional or psychological and or heath related or relationship struggles. 

The groups will continue to pray every few days for the "members with problems" and continue to check on their progress and welfare every few days.. So that they don't fall through the cracks and so that their problems are eventually resolved. 


Another most important spiritual practice of the Patumba will be about holding a distinct ceremony or ritual every morning and afternoon and many times or as many times as you wish throughout the day and at night before bedtime. It will be a way of opening and closing the day. 

This ritual will involve spells and casting spells, prayers, incantations and chanting, meditation and contemplation and visualization and humming and basically connecting with the inner spirit and connecting with the different Patumba Gods and connecting with the Universe.. This ritual will help in creating a proper, energized, productive flow throughout the day.. And it will be very peaceful at night. It will bring calmness and peace and joy and love to the person who engages in it. 

Mostly it will be a celebratory ritual, more about happiness but it can be improvised anyhow depending on the mental state of the person who is praying or engaging in this ritual. 

It can be sad or an expression of sadness during moments of sadness example during a mourning period. 

This spiritual prayer ritual will be called  viggibih. Pronounced as "weeejeeebeee" 

A small bottle containing honey will be placed in the hand as a symbol to start viggibih

These bottles will be called viggibu

Terms used 


















The Patumba man/woman  in meditation 






The Patumba Ocean Meditator 



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The Patumba Ocean Meditator Art 








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The Patumba Ocean Meditator Art 





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Eagle Mountain Spiritual Prayer


God, give us your love

I come to you in faith 

Bring me your light 

Help me walk on your path

Provide us with your food 

Provide us with your love and joy 

With your  wisdom and knowledge

May we live by your  laws 

By your truth  

May we live in your divinity  

This is my prayer  

I ask for your abundance 

For your protection 

May your  intelligence guide me 

May your blessings   be upon me 

May your compassion save me 

 May I Rejoice in prosperousness

I have deep faith  in you 

May I live by your hope  

May I be filled with your wholesomeness 

May I be renewed by your forgiveness 

May your kindness and mercy   be upon me 

May your strength empower me 

May your food strengthen me 

May your potion nourish me 

May your justice honor me 

 May I Rejoice in fruitfulness 

May your  healing restore me 

May your  grace be upon me

May I be welcome in your eternal embrace 

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